42:Touring around~

Wade pushed himself upright, dusting off imaginary sea dirt. His gaze landed on Mera. She was stunning—long, flowing red hair like a waterfall of rubies framed a face of strength and grace. Her striking green eyes sparkled with mischief, pulling him in like a siren's song. The elegant aquamarine outfit hugged her athletic figure, accentuating her curves perfectly.

"Great, just what I needed," he thought. "A gorgeous mermaid queen with the power to drown me in seconds. This is going to be awkward."

"Welcome to Atlantis," Mera began, her voice smooth and composed. "The children who found you said they saw you flying above the ocean before... well, you ended up crashing into it. They were quite shaken when they saw you survive a shark's attempted meal, choking it in its own teeth."

'What is she even saying'

(Who cares?!... She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!. Tell her she's as gorgeous as a thousand sunsets. Tell her you need her help. Tell her to rescue you, and care for you, and, whatever you do, do not scream the word "poop" at the top of your lungs.)

Wade blinked...it was his first official hitting on...

"I'm the conductor of the poop train!" he blurted out.

There was an awkward silence as the words hung in the air. Mera blinked slowly, clearly taken aback but maintaining her regal composure. One of the guards coughed, barely stifling a laugh.

The queen raised an eyebrow, her expression a mixture of amusement and confusion. "It seems we have quite the... unique guest."

Wade said quickly, screaming and insulting aqualad "wh..what, I swear aqualad told me that was how you say hi in atlantis!"

Mera smiled faintly, shaking her head. "So you are a friend to kaldur'ahm ,I see..... Well, since you've come this far, I assume you'll want to use the Zeta Beam to return to the surface?"

Wade quickly waved his hands, interrupting. "N-n-no! No Zeta Beam for me, thanks. I'd much rather take a tour. You know, get the full Atlantis experience~"

Mera gave him an amused look. "Very well. I'll arrange for a guide." She motioned to one of her guards. "Summon Garth. He will show our guest around."

Moments later, Garth, a close friend of Aqualad, arrived. He immediately kneeled before Mera, his voice full of respect. "My queen."

Mera nodded in acknowledgment before gesturing to Wade. "This is our guest from the surface world. Please show him around Atlantis."

Garth stood, turning to Wade with a calm but polite demeanor, a stark contrast to Wade's energy. "I'm Garth. I'll be your guide through Atlantis."

Wade clapped his hands together, still grinning like a madman. "Ah, perfect! Let's go !"


Garth glanced at him. "Atlantis is one of the most advanced civilizations on Earth, both in technology and magic. It has stood for millennia, longer than most surface civilizations."

Wade squinted at him, raising an eyebrow. "Right, right... So, explain something, fish-boy. How am I even breathing down here? I don't exactly have gills, last time I checked."

Garth gave a small, knowing smile. "That's one of the benefits of Atlantean technology. A special magic gill on your nick, allowing you to breathe underwater as if you were still on the surface."

Wade blinked, processing the information. "So… I've been walking around like some kind of discount fish dude this whole time?" He let out a laugh, the absurdity of it dawning on him. "Man, I feel like I should've drowned myself long time ago! This is amazing."

"It's an efficient way to help surface dwellers adapt." Garth said

Wade grinned, "Well, I'm officially the most handsome fish out here. No one told me I'd be rocking gills." He flexed dramatically, then turned to Garth. "Does this come with a super-secret Atlantean handshake? Do we flick our gills or something?"

Garth ignored the comment and gestured toward a grand building made of coral. "This is the Hall of Kings, where the history of Atlantis is preserved. It's said that the echoes of the past can still be heard here."

"Echoes? You mean like the voice in my head? Because it keeps yelling at me to not touch anything," Wade said, glancing around suspiciously. "And I don't even know what it's talking about. I mean, how can you resist touching a lonely shio? It's like telling a kid not to poke suck lolis!"

Garth sighed, leading Wade further into the hall. As they entered, Wade marveled at the intricate carvings and colorful murals depicting the history of Atlantis. "Wow, these murals are impressive! So, tell me—are they all just glorified fish stories?"

"They are historical records," Garth replied, maintaining his composed demeanor. "They tell the tales of our great leaders, the battles we've fought, and the peace we've preserved."

"Right, right," Wade said, smirking. "So, when do we get to the part where you take me to your mermaids night club? a shark or something? That's the good stuff! Come on, you know there's some secret superhero shark wrestling league down here!"

"I mean, how do you guys party down here?"

Garth turned, momentarily surprised. "We do have festivals and gatherings, but it's not quite as you imagine."

Wade leaned in closer, whispering conspiratorially, "Oh come on~, there must be some underwater disc~"

Garth chuckled lightly, trying to keep a straight face. "Well, we have celebrations, but they're more focused on tradition and culture rather than… dance-offs with sea creatures."

Garth suddenly halted mid-swim, his expression shifting from excitement to something resembling a lightbulb moment. "Ah! I just remembered… our professor at the academy wanted to see you!"

Wade stopped too, blinking in surprise. "Wait, what? Why does a scientist want to see me? I Swear i won't stand another minute as lab pig, 15 years in cadmus was enough !" He waved his arms dramatically, causing a few passing fish to dart away in alarm.

"It's not like that," Garth reassured him, rolling his eyes with a smirk. "You've apparently inspired him to explore some new ideas for a spell tattoo. He thinks your… unique body could provide some valuable insights."

(That's what they said~)

"Spell tattoo? Now that's something I can get behind! I always wanted to be jason Brody ~" Wade said, grinning. "Do you think he'll let me pick the design? I'm thinking something with flames… or maybe a unicorn? I mean, who wouldn't want a unicorn tattoo?"

"Just follow me," Garth said, shaking his head with a chuckle. He turned and led Wade through a series of winding corridors until they reached a spacious chamber filled with various magical artifacts and bubbling potions.

Inside the room, Tula was busy organizing some scrolls and practicing a few incantations. As Garth entered, his demeanor changed. He swam toward her, a broad smile spreading across his face. "Tula!"

"Garth!" Tula exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she saw him. She swam into his arms, and without hesitation, he kissed her deeply.

Wade's eyes widened comically as he pretended to be a sports commentator. "And here we have the epic display of romance! Garth pulls off the classic move—swimming in for the kiss! A bold choice, my friends!"

As they broke apart, Tula looked over at Wade, her smile still bright. "You must be Wade! I've heard so much about you from kaldur"

Suddenly, a voice echoed in Wade's mind, whispering sarcastically, (Poor Kaldur…)

"Yeah, I'm kind of a big deal," Wade said, puffing out his chest. "At least in my own mind, which is the best place to be a big deal. So, what's the scoop? Is your professor really interested in my… body?"wade said embarrassed

Tula chuckled, shaking her head. "It seems our professor was quite inspired while painting your gills. He's been trying to develop a new spell tattoo, and he thinks you are the hidden piece for his work."

Wade raised an eyebrow. "So, let me get this straight. You're saying I might be the mouse for a mage Scientist who makes tattos? This is the best day ever! I've always wanted to be a walking work of art! Maybe I'll even get to feature on a poster—'Wade Wilson: The Inked Demon~'

"Maybe~ let's hear what the professor has to say first," Tula suggested with a laugh. "Then we can discuss your new revolutionary plans."

Garth shook his head, amusement clear on his face as he gestured for Wade and Tula to follow him. "Come on, let's meet with the professor. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you."

As they swam through the grand hallways of Atlantis, Wade's mind raced with visions of magical tattoos and dancing fish. This place was turning out to be even more interesting than he had anticipated, and he couldn't wait to see what other surprises lay ahead.


i decided a little power up tattoos so he can fight more dangerous people without just ...ya...know,dying around~

ah ..and please join my patreon.com/SirAhmed ~