The Night Awaits

Haruto stood by the bed, a thoughtful expression on his face as he gazed at the two suits laid out before him, one striking cyan blue and other was dark maroon.

"Hmmm" Haruto muttered, his eyes shifting between two suits, "Which one should i wear?" he asked himself, gazing cyan one he said "This will look amazing with white shirt" he then glance at maroon one, saying, "This one's darker, will look good with black" he still appeared unsure, then stepped forward and stood before the maroon one brushing his fingers on its fabric, a confident smile forming on his lips.

Later, Haruto sat on the floor whistling, polishing his shoes, his movements full of energy and excitement.

Suddenly his phone started ringing in an incoming call, Haruto sat his shoe aside, rising on his feet and with cheerful spring in his steps he started walking towards the phone.

Haruto grabbed his phone, answered the call, helding his phone to his ear, "Hello?" he asked with a cheerful tone.

"Hello, Mr. Haruto Oshima, I'm from Hibana Restaurant" a female's voice came from the other end, "I'm pleased to inform you that your tonight's dinner reservation for two person has been successfully confirmed"

Hamlyn's joy and excitement grew more, "Thank you so much" he said in a cheerful tone.

"Would you like to place your order in advance?" she asked.

"No, thank you, we'll order once we are there," he said with a smile.

"Okay sir, goodbye have an amazing day, we will be waiting for you" the female said ending the call.

Haruto lowered his phone with a broad smile on his face as he playfully yet gently tossed his phone back to his bed, with cheerful springs in his steps he started walking towards his unfinished task.

In the afternoon Haruto was pressing his black shirt, a smile on his face, "Tonight is the night" he thought to himself, his heart swelling with joy "After eight long years I'm seeing Kanna again… I'm definitely gonna propose to her tonight" his smile remained warm and enthusiastic, when suddenly a realization struck him, causing him to pause.

His eyes widened, seeming stunned. Slowly he sat the iron aside, he held his head with both of his hands, "I'm gonna propose to her with what?" he exclaimed aloud, asking himself

Then, his smile started widening with newfound confidence, "A ring," he whispered to himself, "Yes I'm going to buy her a ring." his face brightened with happiness as he started chuckling out of excitement…

Later, Haruto was now walking down the familiar road of his childhood neighborhood, his both hands tucked inside the pocket of his long coat, a warm smile remained on his face, as he stopped walking, looking up he saw a big jewelry shop In Front, with a warm smile he made his way towards it.

Opening the door Haruto came inside and paused at the door, taking a moment to scan the store. A few customers were there with a few shopkeepers attending them.

Haruto's eyes then caught a sight of a shopkeeper attending a couple customers, Haruto's smile widened as he made his way towards him.

The shopkeeper was engrossed in assisting the couple when Haruto came and stood next to the couple. Fixing his gaze on the shopkeeper he waved, saying, "Hey, Max"

As the shopkeeper named Max caught sight of Haruto, his eyes widened with surprise, a big smile started forming on his lip, "Duuude!" he exclaimed excitedly, both Haruto and Max smiling at each other before exchanging a loud dape, before pulling each other in a hug, with counters still between them.

Everyone in the shop was surprised, gazing at Haruto and Max hugging each other.

Haruto and Max then pulled back from the hug, both smiling with genuine happiness, As Max shot a fleeting glance at those couple who were standing gazing at Max with confused expressions.

"Ooh I'm so sorry" Max said, fixing his eye on those couples, then placed a hand on Haruto's shoulder saying, "He's my friend, a childhood buddy" his tone filled with excitement.

"Hey Ben, Ben!" Max calls out, a shopkeeper named Ben comes quickly, "Please assist these customers." Max instructed Ben, who swiftly began attending those couples.

Max then guided Haruto away from the customers, taking him to a side of the shop where the counter still stood between them.

"Yoo, Haruto how are you dude?" Max asked, seeming happy and excited.

Haruto smiled in response, "I'm fine, what about you?"

"I'm absolutely fine" Max replied enthusiastically, "Man it's amazing to see you again, it's been seven years since we met" Haruto smiled and nodded in response.

"So, what brings you here?" Max asked with an excited tone.

Haruto's smile grew wide, glancing at Max he said, "I'm here to buy a ring"

Max's eyes widened in shock, frozen with disbelief. Haruto, smiling warmly gazing at him.

"A ring!" Max asked, still astonished, Haruto nodded with a warm smile.

A broad bright smile spread across Max's face as he quickly pulled Haruto in a tight hug over the counter, with the counter still between them, Haruto kept on smiling.

Max pulled himself back from the hug, gazing at him with a smile, "Who is she?" he asked,curious.

"Kanna Shinohara," Haruto admitted with a warm sincere smile.

"Yeah, my buddy got his girl." Max exclaimed aloud, dapping with Haruto who kept smiling.

"So tell me, what type of ring do you want?" Max asked eagerly.

Haruto thought for a moment before replying, "A one with, small bright emerald, and with a touch of blue in it."

"Got it," Max exclaimed with enthusiasm "We've just received a brand new edition of rings that we haven't even put on display yet, let me get them" Max turned and walked away, Haruto watching him go with a smile.

Later, Max began presenting different varieties of rings to Haruto who was carefully checking on every ring, determined to pick the best one for Kanna,

After seeing dozens of rings Haruto finally chose one ring. One with a beautiful white emerald on it with its round ring giving a little shade of blue.

With a big smile, Max was preparing the receipt of the ring, while Haruto was holding the ring watching it with a smile, he then carefully looked at the small tag on the ring and saw its price which was 150k. Upon seeing the price Haruto's warm smile widened.

Max then retrieved a sleek black case and asked for the ring, Haruto handed it over to Max who carefully placed the ring inside the case and then presented it to Haruto.

"Here you go, best of luck," Max said, smiling warmly. Haruto with a smile took the case.

"When are you planning to propose to her?" Max asked, smiling.

With a smile Haruto replied, "Tonight, at dinner."

Max smiled warmly and let out a deep sigh, shifting his eyes on making receipt, "If I were the owner of this shop I wouldn't have asked for the payment, but unfortunately I'm not" he said looking up to Haruto who was smiling warmly.

"I know, and don't worry one day you will definitely own one" with a smile Haruto handed over his card to Max, who began processing the payment with a smile.

After processing the payment Max returned the card to Haruto and gave him the receipt.

Haruto glanced at the receipt and saw the total was 100k. Confused, he looked up to Max, who was smiling.

Haruto with confusion in his voice began, "Max its-"

"It's okay" Max interrupted in mid sentence, "I've applied every discount possible."

Haruto's smile grew wide as he pulled Max in a warm hug, both smiling seemed happy after being reunited...

Haruto and Max now stood outside the shop, both smiling.

"Alright Haruto, take care man" Max said dapping with Haruto.

"Do you have any plans on returning to your childhood house?" Max asked with a smile.

"Yes, I'll be returning very soon," Haruto replied with a smile.

"Yeah," Max said clearly excited, "Once you return we'll revive our gathering."

Haruto chuckled softly, "Definitely, and we will play all those games again that we used to play back in the days" he said enthusiastically.

Max responded with a cheerful nod, both then shared warm hugs, before Haruto waved at him and started walking away, Max waved back watching him go, smiling broadly

Haruto was walking down the road. A constant smile on his face, when he suddenly stopped, his smile widened and he turned his head to the left and saw his childhood house home in the distance.

Haruto was gazing at his childhood house with a soft smile on his face.

"Sorry mom dad," He thought to himself "I can't visit you right now, because I'm sure if I did, you won't let me go before dinner"

"But I promise, I'll return soon… We will live together again, Just like before" his smile broadened, and he continued to walk, leaving his childhood home behind.