Chapter 245: Rules of the Outer City, Targeted by Predators

"Teacher, let's go get some food," Tang San said, rousing Yu Xiaogang from a restless sleep in the dingy alley of the City of Slaughter's outer district. The realization that he could no longer cultivate his Purple Demon Eye had only added to the oppressive atmosphere, but for now, they needed to eat.

Even though Tang San and Yu Xiaogang had learned a lot about the City of Slaughter from both the livestream and the stories Tang San's father had shared, they hadn't had the chance to gather food supplies before their desperate flight from Spirit Hall. With Bibi Dong and her forces hot on their heels, there had been no time to gather provisions from the cities they passed through. They'd had to rely on hunting small animals and preserving whatever meat they could. The meager rations they'd managed to store in their spirit tool would last maybe a month if they rationed carefully.

But here in the City of Slaughter, they had to be cautious. Their emergency rations were a last resort. According to what their guide had told them, there was food to be had at distribution points in the city, though the quality was questionable at best. Even so, free food was free food, and they decided to make their way to the nearest food distribution point.

They arrived at a small, grim building made of rough black stone, already lined with a long queue of people. The City of Slaughter might be a place of chaos, where strength dictated survival, but certain rules had taken root here, enforced by those strong enough to maintain order.

The food distribution points were operated by powerful enforcers, individuals who would not hesitate to snap the neck of anyone who tried to cut in line or cause trouble. Thus, a line of gaunt, rough-looking souls stretched out in front of the building, each waiting their turn for a daily ration.

Although Tang San and Yu Xiaogang knew little of these unwritten rules, they instinctively joined the back of the line, avoiding any unnecessary conflict.

Time passed slowly as they waited. After a while, it was their turn. The gruff, bald man in charge of distribution barely spared them a glance as he scooped out two heaping portions of a thick, black, unidentifiable paste from a grimy wooden barrel, slapping the portions into their hands.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang stared down at the glistening, lumpy substance in their hands. It had a slimy texture, like some sort of disgusting porridge, and exuded a smell that was both sour and vaguely metallic. Their faces twitched in unison as they stepped away from the line, the revolting stench making their stomachs churn.

Moving to a secluded corner, they exchanged glances, their expressions twisted in dismay.

The food they had been given looked utterly vile. Even with their meager expectations, the reality of this 'meal' was almost too much to bear. Yu Xiaogang, who had known luxury in his past life, was visibly struggling not to gag. Even Tang San, who had grown up enduring hardship, found the thought of consuming the substance deeply unsettling.

Nearby, they watched other residents of the City of Slaughter—hollow-eyed, starved figures—devour their portions with desperate eagerness, licking their hands clean of the black paste. The scene made Tang San's skin crawl, and Yu Xiaogang's face went pale.

Tang San sighed inwardly. For now, they still had the food they'd managed to preserve in their spirit tool. But what would happen when their supplies ran out? Would they, too, be forced to eat this repulsive slop like the others?

As Tang San and Yu Xiaogang hesitated, clutching their portions with grim distaste, a group of five soul masters approached from the shadows. Unlike most of the gaunt figures in the line, these five looked healthier, their clothes in relatively good condition, and their eyes sharp with predatory intent.

Seeing that Tang San and Yu Xiaogang weren't immediately devouring their portions, the five soul masters exchanged knowing glances. Newcomers, they thought. Only someone new to the City of Slaughter would have the luxury of hesitation.

The possibility that these two might have brought supplies from the outside sparked a greedy hunger in the group. If these newcomers were carrying better food, they would be prime targets. And even if they weren't, fresh blood from healthy bodies could easily be traded for several days' worth of the city's favored drink, Bloody Mary.

The group of five exchanged silent signals, grinning wickedly as they made their decision. They wouldn't cause trouble right at the distribution point—doing so could result in a swift execution. Instead, they lingered nearby, waiting for Tang San and Yu Xiaogang to leave.

They didn't have to wait long. After only a few minutes, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang decided that eating the paste was a lost cause for now. They quietly stashed the portions into their spirit tools and made their way back toward the alley where they had spent the night, unaware of the eyes watching their every move.

But as they walked, Tang San soon sensed the presence trailing behind them. He tensed, his mind racing as he realized that they were being followed. Worse, they were already too far from the distribution point to hope for protection.

"Hey, you two! Stop right there!"

The leader of the group, a wiry man with a wolfish grin, called out as they closed in, his voice thick with malice.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang quickened their pace, but the five pursuers moved faster, quickly surrounding them in the narrow alleyway. Tang San positioned himself protectively in front of his teacher, his expression hardening as he faced the threat.

"What do you want?" Tang San demanded, his voice cold, eyes darting between the men encircling them.

The leader sneered, his eyes glinting with greed. "Simple. Hand over those storage tools of yours, and maybe a few pints of your blood, and we might just let you walk away alive."

Tang San's heart sank as he realized the full extent of their danger. If their spirit tools were taken, all their supplies and possessions would be lost. How could they hope to survive in this brutal city without them?

His mind raced as he braced for the inevitable clash. They were in for a fight, and in the City of Slaughter, losing meant more than just defeat—it meant the end of the road.