Evelyna vs Haidée

Of course, when Evelyna Alekseeva listens to the coach's proposal - she thinks it's a joke.

"No serious competition will accept this. And two girls?!"

The coaching staff looks from one to the other as if they were watching a live tennis match.

"That's precisely why the federation wants its two best skaters involved. The attention of the public and media will be upon you. They won't ignore it. The world will talk about you."

Evelyna racks her brain to find arguments against these facts, but her attention is diverted when Haidée Derkkacha enters the room.

The second best skater.

And apparently already knowing everything, as she walks straight towards where everyone is, with her skates hanging from her training bag.

"Sorry I'm late. I was in group practice."

She looks at Evelyna and smiles. Evelyna is not sure if the other recognized her but shakes her head and looks back at the coach, trying not to think about the girl's smile for long.

"So it's already decided?"

The coach knows that athletes don't have many choices.

"It is."

Evelyna looks back at Haidée and notices that the girl's smile has decreased significantly.

"Is she aware now?"

She asks the coach, but her eyes don't leave Evelyna. Evelyna almost opens her mouth to complain that she is still there when the coach interrupts them both.

"It's past time to start training."


"Can you… not lift me too high in our first practice."

Haidée places her hand over Evelyna's who is holding her waist while Evelyna puts her on the floor.

"It is common culture in skating that the male partner has to lift her female partner."

Haidée skates away as Evelyna drops her arms in frustration.

"But we are not an ordinary couple, so these stereotypes do not fit here."

Evelyna skates back to the bench where their things are and grabs her bottle.

"I thought you were used to being thrown up in group competitions."

Haidée looks at Evelyna as if she had offended even her tenth generation.

"Skating is passion and grace and also confidence. Have you ever watched any competition or group training?!"

Evelyna takes another sip of water avoiding the answer. She could admit that the only times she saw Haidée through the training center were in the corridors and not training since they usually use different rinks.

"That's what I thought."

Haidée takes her towel and wipes it all over her face, neck and arms. Evelyna looks away and puts the bottle back in place.

She skates back to the middle of the rink and waits for Haidée to reach her to start over. Haidée stays in the starting position, with her back to Evelyna and when the music starts again they get lost in the moment.

Haidée spins gracefully to face Evelyna and begins to skate backwards stretching one arm towards the other — as if calling her to the dance.


Evelyna pushes forward and holds her hand, accepting the invitation. She puts her hand on Haidée's waist while the other supports her hand on her shoulder, beginning some typical skating movements. Evelyna skates faster and as she passes Haidée, weaves her waist and lifts her off the ground for a few seconds, lowering her back on the ice.

In the dynamics of pairs between different genders, it is usually the male partner who leads. But here it is different. Haidée takes advantage of the position to take over the choreography.

She leads Evelyna in a cadenced waltz and spins her three times, returning to support the hand on her waist until they take a full turn around the rink.

They stop with the music in the center of the rink.

The coach applauds, bursting the bubble of the two and Evelyna looks down, realizing that they are still interlaced hands. She walks away immediately and Haidée faces her without understanding. Evelyna tries not to react to what she just did and turns her attention to the coach.

"We have a week until the first performance, so it's great that both of you are already on the same page."

Evelyna blinks with the new information and hears Haidée surprise by her side.

"A week?!"

"It was the only competition that accepted immediately. The others said they would think about it or "not". I know it's a short time compared to what we're used to, but we believe both of you can do it. It will be the beginning of this paradigm shift."

"Change or not is a very short time."

Haidée skates to the benches and sits, starting to take off her skates. But for the first time, Evelyna has a different feeling.

"We are the best here and we can make this presentation a spectacle. If we adapt some movements, like the lifts, I think we have a real chance."

Evelyna looks straight at Haidée who finishes putting her skates away. Haidée looks back.

"I'm not talking about giving up so no motivating speech. I'm just tired for today."

Haidée puts her backpack on her back and smiles. It's been a while since Evelyna has seen her smile.

"Tomorrow we will continue."

Evelyna nods and turns her face away, hiding her own.


Throughout the week, the two can feel an improvement in relation to their training. Evelyna puts Haidée down for what feels like the hundredth time that day, and Haidée smiles when they finish the routine without any major mistakes.

"I think this was the first time I had confidence in moving in the air."

Evelyna walks past her, going to her bottle.

"You're welcome."

"I know you must be used to solo skating, but this is a partnership, so it would be great if you made a little more effort to make this partnership work."

Evelyna takes all the time in the world to swallow her water.

"If you don't trust me as a professional, I don't see how this can work."

Haidée massages her temples.

"I'm not doubting your professionalism. I just wish all of this wasn't done coldly and distantly."

Evelyna puts her bottle back in its place.

"Can we continue training now?!"


The first day of the competition arrives and with it the nervousness of a debut.

The two had already finished the warm-up and as soon as the duo who was performing receive their notes, they breathe deeply and intertwine their hands.

They skate to the center of the rink, hearing some murmurs from the audience. But they were already prepared for the various reactions. They were born for it.

The music for the first performance is a feat by two Canadian singers. They position themselves and everything goes silent and then the first beats of the song begin.

As rehearsed several times, Haidée is the first to skate, making a perfect circle around Evelyna, who goes right behind. She puts her right hand lightly on Haidée's waist and with the other holds her left hand, copying the position of the extended arm of the other. They perform a full lap around the rink with some demonstrations of synchrony and balance and then comes the time for some acrobatics.

The chorus enters and Haidée enters in front of Evelyna, who circles her waist with both arms. Evelyna feels Haidée's breath fail the instant she lifts her in the air and spins twice on her own axis. She puts the other girl back on the ground and accelerates to get in front of her and let Haidée take the lead in the last seconds of the song.

She places her hand on Evelyna's waist, with a little more force than necessary, and guides her in a mini waltz with speed until they complete a perfect circle and stop, along with the music, at the starting point.

The butterflies in their stomach infect them both with the silence that echoes for a few seconds. As soon as they look at the judges waiting for their notes, the audience bursts into applause and whistles.

Evelyna looks at Haidée who looks back at her and is surprised by the other's arms around her, squeezing her in an enthusiastic hug.

Evelyna almost can't reciprocate because she still feels the moment she lifted Haidée into her arms.


The next day, Evelyna and Haidée are sitting, listening to the coach's considerations.

"The technical part was impeccable, girls."



"I just missed more heat, more eye to eye."

Evelyna feels Haidée rummage by her side but avoids looking at her.

"Maybe you spend a lot of time here and less time outside."

The coach speaks as if she considers her own words. Evelyna feels like reminding her that she is the one who organizes the weekly training sessions but keeps her mouth in a straight line.

"So your additional task will be this: spend more time together outside of here. I'm going to reduce the daily training time from five hours to three. The other two, I want you to spend time together."

Haidée looks at Evelyna who is still staring ahead.

"Consider it an emotional training.'

Evelyna opens her mouth.

"Are you sure this is necessary?! Isn't it counterproductive to reduce technical training time?"

The coach holds up her hands as if the matter was closed.

"Do as I said and in the next presentation we will notice the difference. Now let's move on to the new choreography.'

Evelyna puts her hands on the bench to push herself up when she feels Haidée place hers on top of hers, with the same goal. Their eyes cross and it's like time is suspended for a moment. Haidée is faster than Evelyna and takes her hand away, muttering something to herself. She gets up and starts to warm up without looking back.


Learning a new choreography from scratch requires a lot of concentration and patience.

And the problem is not with Evelyna this time.

"This step is disconnected and I am not managing to balance myself." Haidée claims for what seems the tenth time.

"You can start by trusting me." Evelyna struggles not to roll her eyes.

Haidée doesn't mind hiding the gesture.

"If we reversed the positions, you'd have the same impression."

"Then let's reverse it."

Haidée raises her eyebrows as if she didn't expect that answer and Evelyna tries not to be offended.

For Haidée, holding Evelyna in her arms is one of the things she never imagined experiencing. They were practicing since yesterday, Haidée as the main conductor of the second performance. And as the music will be acoustic, the idea was fully supported by the coach.

Evelyna performs another jump backwards and Haidée's fastest step is automatic to reach her waist and lead her in a half circle until she begins to rotate on her own axis and stretches one leg forward and lowers herself onto the other, a real show of athleticism and skill.

Evelyna is, without a doubt, the most technical and artistic skater the federation has. No wonder they chose her for something so daring.

But Haidée is also in the same boat and is not left behind.

As soon as Evelyna gets back up, Haidée holds her waist, forcing her to stop and stare at her eyes. Haidée ignores the other girl's widening eyes and pulls her against her again, guiding her in a complete circle around the rink.

Neither of them looks away and for the first time, Haidée feels like they have a chance to make history.

And Evelyna knows it.

Haidée should pass in front of Evelyna for the next series of moves, but they both freeze with the sudden understanding. Haidée continues with her hand flat against Evelyna's waist, feeling her breath against her face.

Evelyna notices the approach and in fright, skates backwards, almost falling ass.


Haidée tries to reach her arms to avoid falling, but the other is faster and can balance before stopping on the ground.

"I think we can take a five-minute break now."

Before Haidée can say anything, she storms off the ice.


Evelyna would say that it is unusual for her to invite colleagues or even friends to her house. But with the mandatory two hours of "emotional training", she invites Haidée and so as not to waste energy on the street, considering that the presentation is tomorrow, her home is the best option.

She opens the bedroom door and leaves her training stuff inside an organizer designed for them. She pulls another void and offers it to Haidée.

"You can leave yours here."

Haidée mutters a quiet thank you and puts her things there. As a force of habit, Evelyna takes off her workout shirt, getting only top and leggings, and only realizes what happens when she turns and notices Haidée, staring at her with a red face. Trying to act naturally, Evelyna grabs a pair of shorts and a wide shirt, clearing her throat.

"I'll change in the bathroom. If you want, you can change here and go down to the pool. I'm going make something to eat."

Haidée nods and it's Evelyna's turn to blush when she notices that the other girl's eyes drop to her torso. She passes the other without saying anything else and goes out into the hallway, closing the door and resting her forehead on the wood, taking a deep breath.



Evelyna places the dishes on one of the tables in the garden and walks until she stands next to Haidée, who is admiring the only apple tree that managed to survive the harsh winter it had until a few days ago.

"I've never seen one so close."

The apple tree is starting to bear flowers, but it's not there for the fruit.

"My grandmother planted it when she bought this house. She wanted a real garden like Eden but snow falls every year. Only she survived."

Haidée looks at Evelyna and a few strands of her light brown hair fly over her blue eyes, thanks to a passing breeze. Evelyna ignores the urge to fix them in place.

"Where is your grandmother now?"

"She and my father are in Paris, accompanying my sister in a tennis tournament."

Haidée approaches the tree until her hand touches the apple tree trunk. As if it were magnetism, Evelyna approaches together.

"And your mother?"

"At this time, she should be in the hospital, poking some brain. She is a neurosurgeon.'

Haidée doesn't seem that surprised to confirm that Evelyna's family actually has more possessions than she lets on. The two-story mansion they were in didn't leave much room for doubt.

She holds Evelyna's hand, making her place her palm against the trunk, imitating her position.

"Do you feel it? She's alive like us."

"I don't know what that means.'

It's obvious that Evelyna knows what it means. And from Haidée's smile, she knows that the other one knows.

"You're too determined and too smart for your own good, Evelyna."

Evelyna turns to face her, ready to retort, but Haidée puts her hands on her shoulders, forcing her to walk backwards, until Evelyna's back touches the tree.

"I don't know how it happened, but you explained it to me now. When it's supposed to happen, not even the force of nature can stop it."

Evelyna instinctively puts her hands on Haidée's waist, already used to the feeling of holding her there. Haidée invades her personal space to the point that Evelyna can smell strawberries mixed with some tropical fruits.

"Do you really want this?'

Instead of answering her, Evelyna pulls her face against hers and when her lips meet, Haidée gasps against her mouth. She presses even more against Evelyna who captures her lower lip between hers and leaves one hand on her waist and the other on her neck, guiding her movements.

Haidée's hands that were on Evelyna's shoulders slip to her biceps and she smiles when she feels the squeeze. She parts their lips and touches their foreheads, both breathing heavily.

"I should have known that your kiss was as good as it seemed.'

Evelyna leans her head against the tree behind her and smiles.

"You should stop praising me like that. Tomorrow we have a presentation and I need to keep my feet on the ground.'

Haidée smiles and pulls her by the hand.

"Come on. Let's eat."


Haidée connects her phone to the speaker and music with Latin characteristics plays loudly through the gym.

"Come, ice queen, I'll teach you a hotter rhythm today."

Evelyna crosses her arms feeling exposed by the girl's ambitions.

"I think we should focus on the final details of our presentation."

Haidée dismisses the comment while circling Evelyna.

"Our choreography is perfect. Let's just warm up the bones.'

She stops in front of Evelyna.

"I'll guide you like we're waltzing."

Evelyna obeys the command and places one hand on Haidée's shoulder while the other finds the other girl's hand.

"Let's go."

The two begin to slide through the ice, hearing the sound of the blades scratch the ground.

"Okay. What now?"

Haidée smiles at the serious way Evelyna treats even a moment of distraction in her life.

"Now you just get carried away by the beats."

Haidée unscrews Evelyna and jumps into the air, moving with more frenzy than a normal skating would require.

"Your turn, Ev.'

Evelyna likes the way Haidée shortens her name, so she tries to reproduce the exact movements the girl has made.

Haidée gives no room for Ev to land on her last jump. The two collide and Haidée's hands automatically go to her waist, preventing her from falling.


Ev holds it on her shoulder. Her noses almost touching.

"That's the most cliché scene that could have happened between the two of us."

"I think your heart is really made of ice."

Haidée practically whispers against Evelyna's lips.

"I don't know if it's a cliché, but I doubt you can reach me.'

She separates from Evelyna who, when she finally manages to react, the other girl is already taking off her skates and running out of the gym.

Evelyna hurries to do the same and when she arrives at the gym door, she finds no trace of Haidée outside.

Before she can get her whole body out, one hand pulls her back and closes the door, cornering her.

"I thought you left."

"I wouldn't leave you behind.'

Haidée shakes her head but all Ev can focus on is Haidée's lip gloss kissable lips.

The two gradually get closer and Evelyna is the first to close her eyes and touch her mouth to Haidée's who follows her example and opens her own mouth to welcome her.

Evelyna leans against the door and pulls Haidée against her, who smiles during the kiss. The two move away for air and Ev takes the opportunity to sprinkle kisses on Haidée's face, who just laughs in her embrace.


Evelyna takes a deep breath and gets into position, moving as she hears the first chords of acoustic music. From the previous performance, many expect her to continue leading for most of the performance, but everything is new.

Haidée takes the helm, and Evelyna makes her job easier, offering her arm for Haidée to hold, slowing her down, letting the other go back behind.

Evelyna feels the girl on her back, and spins on her own blades with her arms extended upwards. Haidée places her hands on Evelyna's waist and practically bends, turning in the same direction as the other. The two rotate on the same frequency and for a moment they seem to forget that they are at the center of a competition with all eyes on them.

For a moment, it's just them, working in perfect sync.

The tone changes and they skate into a new movement. In a rare moment, it is Evelyna who sticks to Haidée's back and flattens her hands on her elbow, leading her halfway through the rink to the most challenging part.

Evelyna takes one step until she is facing Haidée's side and everything happens very quickly. Haidée circles her waist with her dominant arm and Evelyna, with one hand, leans on the other girl's shoulder and pushes herself forward, bending both legs in the air and kneeling on top of Haidée's leg. She crouches a little to make Evelyna's position easier and for the first time it is Haidée who carries Evelyna for many seconds in the air.

The excitement of the audience is in the background when the looks of the two meet. Evelyna feels that she can do everything in Haidée's arms and through the other girl's smile, the two know that she feels the same.

She comes down from the arms of the other and ends the presentation with a semicircle spin.

The audience applauds and they are in the third and final presentation of the competition.


Evelyna and Haidée are sitting at one of the tables in the garden of Evelyna's family's mansion, enjoying one of the rare sunny days and the tea that the girl's grandmother prepared for them both.

"I've never had one of these before" Haidée gracefully places her cup on top of the saucer. "And my grandmother on my mother's side always loved making me try all the types of teas she prepared when I was little."

While Haidée rambles about her childhood, Evelyna rests her chin in her hand and just listens to the cadence of the girl's voice changing depending on the emotion.

Her own cup lies forgotten.

"I hope I'm not talking to nobody."

Evelyna blinks and stands alert in her chair.

"I hear everything.'

Haidée gives one of her classic smiles and one of her hands reaches Evelyna's other, starting to play with her fingers.

"It seems that the culture of teas and grandmothers are not exclusive to this country."

Evelyna opens her palm up and Haidée rests her palm against hers.

"How was it for you to have to come to another country, as much as it is next door?!"

Haidée sighs.

"It wasn't a difficult decision in monetary terms. It was having to leave my entire family behind. Only my mother came with me and after I settled down she left."

The two choose to ignore the threat that has been in the air for the past few days.

"Do you miss them?"

Haidée shakes her shoulders and Ev understands. She feels but doesn't have much to do in this situation.

"And you, how did you get here?"

Evelyna adjusts in the chair and her thumb begins to trace imaginary circles on Haidée's hand.

"My sister started ballet when she was three years old and a year later I followed in her footsteps. At the age of seven, she decided that tennis was her passion and dedicated herself solely to it. It took me a little longer to realize that ballet wasn't what I wanted, so my teachers recommended skating and I'm here."

Haidée raises an eyebrow.

"That explains why you get me up so easily even though you don't look physically muscular."

With her other free hand, Evelyna brings her cup to her lips, trying to hide the tingling in her cheeks. But by the amusement in Haidée's blue eyes, they both know she noticed.

Evelyna puts the cup on top of the saucer and faces the calm sea wanting to know the depths as nobody dared.

"I can do a lot more things that I don't seem capable of."

For the second time, Haidée feels like causing the loss of composure behind those green eyes.

They seem like a perfect complement.

"Show me.'

Before Evelyna can respond to the provocation, her grandmother bursts through the door, bringing another teapot with smoke escaping through the spout.

"Girls, you might want to try this one I just did."

Haidée moves her hand away from Evelyna's, not with the aim of hiding, but to extend her cup, accepting more.

"Brings back good memories."

The two smile at each other and the lady serves her with satisfaction.

"I'm glad to hear that, darling."

Although her grandmother is standing next to her, Evelyna's eyes never deviate from Haidée.


Days later, Haidée knocks on the door of Evelyna's house and is met by Eva.

"What a pleasure to see you again, dear."

Eva opens her arms and Haidée dives into the embrace of her future girlfriend's grandmother, if everything goes well.

"It's a pleasure to see you too."

Eva takes Haidée's face and leaves a kiss on each cheek.

"Evelyna never brought you here again. It's like she's hiding you for herself."

Haidée feels her face heat up.

"We were just really busy with the tournament. Today is a free day so I took the opportunity to pass here."

Eva approves with her head and gives her room to pass.

"Evelyna is in the piano room, upstairs. The last door in the hall."

Haidée thanks her with the head and climbs the stairs. The house, as always, is practically empty and Haidée can hear the sound of a piano being played. She stops in front of the door and hears the melody of a song she doesn't know overcome the barrier of the closed space and resonate through the hallway.

She enjoys the music for a moment and knocks on the door, hearing the music suddenly stop. Seconds later the door opens and Haidée smiles at Evelyna in front of her.


She can't tell what mood Ev is in since she has her usual serious face.

"If you're busy, I can leave…"

Evelyna grabs her hand and pushes her inside and closes the door, placing her against the wood. She brushes the strands of hair away from Haidée's face and the two face each other in an eternal struggle for control.

"I was gonna text you, but I lost track of time."

Haidée looks at the glossy black piano over Ev's shoulder.

"You're full of surprises."

Evelyna continues looking at Haidée's face until the other looks back at her.

"I learned it when I was four."

Haidée smiles and Evelyna feels her heart accelerate at the sight.

"You will never be able to deny the claims of child prodigy."

Evelyna walks away and pulls her by the hand to the piano bench.

"Anything is possible with money and anyone can learn with a little effort."

She sits on a corner of the bench and taps the empty part. Haidée rolls her eyes at the uncomfortable position the other is in.

"Sit up straight."

"I'll teach you."

"Straight up."

Evelyna obeys and to her surprise, Haidée sits on her lap, sideways.

"Now it's you who will be uncomfortable."

Haidée hugs Evelyna's neck with one arm and uses her other hand to turn Evelyna's face towards hers.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

The other is surprised by the sudden request.

"Like this?! Out of nowhere?!"

"Wasn't it "just like that, out of nowhere" that all this happened?!"

She gestures between the two.

"I think we're meant to be "like that, out of nowhere"."

Evelyna doesn't need to think much and nods positively.

The two lean against each other and to compensate for the height advantage she gained, Haidée tilts her head down, finding Evelyna's lips with own.

Evelyna leans her face up, eager to taste her new girlfriend. Her hands grab the other's waist and she pulls her own face away.

"Now I want to see you play."

Evelyna leaves a kiss on Haidée's cheek and focuses back on the piano in front of her. She positions her fingers on specific keys and starts playing them. The same melody from moments before invades the environment and Haidée accompanies, fascinated, as Evelyna's fingers slide across the keys without appearing to make the slightest effort.

Haidée turns her eyes to observe the concentrated expression that Evelyna displays until the end of the song.

"It's very difficult to concentrate like this."

"It seems like you do it every day."

Evelyna lowers her gaze, ashamed by the sudden compliment.

"When I was younger I played pretty much every day. Now it's a turn or two."

Haidée suspends Evelyna's face, making the blue and green meet again. Evelyna circles her waist with her arm, bringing her closer to her.

In the blink of an eye, the two are kissing again. Evelyna gets up, forcing Haidée to do the same and without breaking the kiss, guides her to a corner of the room where she has a two-seater armchair. This time, they reverse positions with Evelyna gently pushing Haidée to sit down and her sitting on the other's lap.

Evelyna separates their mouths and starts distributing kisses on Haidée's neck, who responds by exposing her neck even more. Evelyna finds Haidée's pulse point and sucks it, making the girl below her press against her body.

The door handle turns and Haidée practically throws Evelyna into the empty seat next to her.

Ev settles in her seat and the two watch Eva enter with a tray in her hands. If she notices what was happening moments ago, she doesn't let on.

"Sorry to interrupt girls, but Evelyna has been locked in here since she woke up so I brought you a snack."

Evelyna stares at her grandmother, avoiding as much as possible looking at the girl next to her.

"Thank you, Nonna. We were going to go down anyway."

Haidée glances at Ev who continues to stare at her grandmother. The lady smiles and quickly looks at Haidée who can feel her cheeks burn.

"Of course darling. Well, I'm gonna go, I have an appointment."

The two watch Eva leave the tray on the piano and walk back to the door. Before leaving she looks at the two one last time.

"Watch out, girls."

The smile reveals that there is no point in trying to hide anything from her. She closes the door and Evelyna takes a deep breath.


Haidée's hand reaches Ev's and intertwines them.

"Better that way."

Ev smiles and leaves a kiss on Haidée's hand, who does the same.

"Let's eat."


Evelyna is the first to move to the sound of the American singer's voice. She does a half twirl forward with both skates resting on the ice. Haidée walks right past her, as if she weren't there, and for a moment they are back to back.

Evelyna repeats the movement and returns to stand in front of Haidée but with her back turned and the other takes the opportunity to hold her waist and her hand, leading her around the rink.

This time they chose a more intimate choreography knowing the risk they were taking. It's one thing for couples of different genders to do this. Another thing is them.

Haidée turns Evelyna around and now they face each other. Evelyna could swear she sees a flash of Haidée's signature smile pass across her face but when she blinks, Haidée is focused again, displaying a sympathetic expression to the audience.

Evelyna decides that that is enough and takes control of the choreography for herself.

She moves away from Haidée's touch and skates in a zigzag pattern, followed closely by her. They perform three synchronized spins, skating backwards until Haidée positions herself in front of Evelyna, who lifts her, spins her, sets her aside, lifts her, spins her and sets her aside.

Ev leans her torso forward and lifts one of her legs, feeling Haidée's hand grab her ankle and use her leg like a climber would use a rope to reach the top of a mountain. She trusts that Haidée won't let her fall and jumps with her other leg, turning on top of the blade, offering her hand for Haidée to hold.

Haidée catches up to her and they lift their clasped hands up — almost touching their foreheads. Now she can see Haidée smile so much that her eyes almost disappear behind the wrinkles that appear at the corners.

They end with Evelyna spinning Haidée to the ground and holding her arms up.


They finish the competition in second place and a photo holding their little silver trophies. Evelyna places it on her newly opened shelf of awards and tries to imagine what Haidée would be doing now.

On the other side of the city, Haidée watches, without moving a muscle, as the country she lives bombs his home country, everything being televised live and in real time.

Evelyna, unaware of the seriousness of the situation, goes downstairs and finds her family with their eyes glued to the TV. She approaches and catches her breath when she realizes what is happening. Her hands grope her pocket looking for her phone that is inside her backpack forgotten upstairs.

Haidée's phone screen lights up with a notification. It's her mother telling her that her entire family is in a shelter and that they will take refuge in one of the border countries. That it would be protected and that as soon as possible, they would update it.

Before she can respond, another message appears.

Ev.: Get ready. I'll come get you.

She replies to her mother's message and leaves Evelyna's as read.

Half an hour later, the other girl is walking into the girl's dorm, knocking on her door. Haidée answers amidst sobs and by reflex, Evelyna hugs her body and they both fall to the floor, with Haidée collapsing in her arms.


Evelyna watches Haidée sleep all wrapped up in the covers, almost disappearing in the center of her bed. She passed the way all quiet and after taking a hot shower, she passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow. And since then, Evelyna has been there, thinking about how to invade her dreams to make sure nothing is disturbing her.

Haidée moves and her eyes slowly open, the last traces of sleep disappearing with the impact of reality.

Evelyna approaches the bed with a glass of water and a dipyrone pack. Haidée sits on the bed and accepts everything that is offered.

At this point, she can't deny anything.

"What time is it?"

"Almost six in the afternoon."

Haidée starts looking for her phone until she spots it on the desk next to the bed. She unlocks it, but nothing.

No message.

She closes her eyes for a moment, trying not to let despair take over her. Evelyna reaches to touch her knee but thinks better of it and gives up.

"I'm sorry. Really sorry. If you need anything, I'm here."

Haidée takes a deep breath and exhales through her mouth, opening her eyes. Her gaze passes from the tip of Evelyna's foot to stop at her green eyes.

"Is there anyone downstairs?"

Evelyna shakes her head.

"My sister is at training, my mother is in the hospital and my father is out with my grandmother."

Evelyna finally overcomes the barrier and puts her hand on Haidée's shoulder.

"Are you feeling anything?!"

Haidée takes her hand off his shoulder but continues to hold her against the bed.

"I need you. My family is missing and I have to go find them, but first I need what I've been deprived of since I felt your arms around me."

Evelyna barely has time to react before Haidée pulls her neck for their final kiss.

Haidée hugs Ev's neck, sitting on her lap. Evelyna helps her remove her blouse and gradually they get rid of the other pieces of clothing as well.

Haidée leaves a kiss in the corner of Evelyna's mouth when she feels her gasp under her touch.

Evelyna turns their bodies, getting between Haidée's legs and looking into her crystalline eyes that seem to shine more than ever. She lowers her head and returns the pleasure with the same technical methodology that she applies in her best presentations.

In the end, the two curl up to sleep. Haidée adjusts herself with her head resting on the junction between Evelyna's arm and shoulder, who uses one of her arms to hug her waist.

Evelyna watches Haidée's breathing enter a gentle rhythm.

And only then she allows herself to cry.


In the morning, when Evelyna wakes up, the other side of her bed is empty. She's in no hurry to be present downstairs in her house, so it takes all the time in the world to get ready and get down.

She goes downstairs and finds her father and sister already having breakfast.

"Shouldn't you be in Germany?"

Her sister puts the cup down.

"Good morning, little sister. Did you sleep well? I did, thanks for asking."

Evelyna ignores and leaves a kiss on her father's cheek.

"Good morning, dad."

"Good morning, sweetie."

Evelyna sits at the table and starts to serve herself.

"Where is grandma?"

"She went to take your girlfriend away."

Ev resists the urge to roll her eyes and just continues to drink her coffee.

"She really slept here. Things must be serious."

Evelyna ignores the look her father gives her.

"She will return to her family."

Silence falls on the table. The unspoken why Haidée is leaving.

"And you're going to stay here and do nothing?"

Evelyna squeezes her cup in her hand.

"And what exactly do you want me to do, Melanie?! Stop a fucking war?!"

Melanie opens her mouth but her father's voice interrupts both of them.

"That's enough, Mel. Your sister knows what's best for her."

Evelyna leaves her cup on the table and gets up.

"I have to call the coach."

Melanie and Antony Alekseeva watch Evelyna walk away, worried on their faces.


Eva Alekseeva walks to the apple tree where Evelyna is sitting with her back against the trunk and an open book on her lap.

"She accepted?"

The older woman places her hand on the trunk of the apple tree, inspecting its leaves.

"I made her accept it, Lyna. I'm sorry for both of you."

Evelyna closes the book and stands up.

"At least that pile of trophies was useful for something."

"I didn't know they paid so well in these competitions."

"Thank you, grandma. Now I have to go back to training to replenish my savings."


Evelyna falls awkwardly in another poorly executed maneuver. She resists the urge to tap her skate-clad feet on the floor and closes her eyes, replaying the entire movement in her mind.

She takes a deep breath and gets into position, repeating the movement.

This time, she manages to perform the maneuver with a little more stability, but still not enough for competition standards.

She decides to take a break and goes to her water bottle.

"We found another partner for you."

Ev feels the water coming down, tearing his throat. She swallows everything in one go and faces her coach who decides to show up just now.

"I thought this whole idea had been forgotten.'

The coach smiles and Evelyna feels something turn in her stomach.

"Your second place gave new momentum to the project and we think you can achieve an even better result."

Evelyna can't believe what she's hearing.

"Haidée and I got second place. It was exhausting work days."

The coach places a hand on Evelyna's shoulder and uses her most condescending tone.

"You're the best we have here, Lyna. I've known you since you were a child and I'm sure you won't let this opportunity to advance your career go by…"

The two look at each other knowing the word that hangs in the air.

"... external distractions."

Ev feels her eyes start to sting but she holds on tight.

"And if I don't want to?"

"The federation can demote you to the substitute team."

In other words, compete only when the last member of the starting team is injured or compete in lower championships. She is the federation's number 1 choice for any major competition, including the next Winter Olympics.

How can everything fall apart so fast?! She rubs her forehead.

"Can we continue tomorrow?! I'm tired for today."

The coach pats her shoulder.

"Of course, dear. Tomorrow at the same time as before, we will begin the choreography for the next competition."

Evelyna is quick to gather her things and leave the complex but not quick enough to wipe away her tears that fall along the way.


She sits in front of her father who types on his notebook at the dining table.

"I want to change federation."

He looks up but doesn't seem surprised.

"And go where exactly?"

"Same as Melanie."

She waits until he finishes typing and closes the notebook.

"Their skating program doesn't even come close to what you have now."

Evelyna doesn't even blink when she speaks again.

"I don't care. I want to go to university and their program is enough for me to get a scholarship."

Her father crosses his hands without moving his feet.

"There are two weeks left before you start Political Economy here and I don't understand the change at such short notice."

Ev runs her hands over her face, giving up on rational debate.

"I don't want to stay here, dad. I can't stand staying here."

The two remain silent as they absorb those words. Her father accepts his daughter's decision.

"I will arrange everything."

Without realizing what she is doing, Evelyna gets up and throws herself into her father's arms who hugs her back.


"Everything will be fine."


Evelyna adjusts the armchair in her place and looks around at her apartment. She goes to the window and sees the top of the ferris wheel, a postcard of the city. For the first time in a while, she feels the weight on her shoulders go away and without thinking twice, she picks up her roller skates wanting to see the city up close.

Evelyna sits on one of the park benches and puts on her skates, running her hand over the wheels watching them spin freely. She stands up and pushes herself forward, feeling a breeze hit her face and ruffle her loose hair.

It's late afternoon and there's hardly anyone in the park at that time so she allows herself to close her eyes for a moment. A lock of her hair flies over her eyes and when she reaches to tuck it behind her ear, a body bumps into hers, almost making her fall back.

Two hands hold her waist to keep her in place and Ev opens her eyes, looking at Haidée in front of her.

The two study each other for a moment and Haidée smiles, making Evelyna melt inside and throw herself into the arms of the other girl who holds her tightly.

"I thought I would never see you again."

Evelyna whispers against Haidée's ear, who in response presses her against her.

"I know you hate clichés but we are destined, Ev. Whether here or anywhere else."

Evelyna walks away.

"How did you end up here?"

"My family managed to return to my mother's country of origin and I stayed to study."

Evelyna widens her eyes at the coincidence and smiles.

"Do you want to go for tea one of these days?"

Haidée smiles even more.

"It will be a pleasure."

Ev leans in and kisses Haidée. Her citrus taste remains the same.


Evelyna opens the door with one hand while the other holds Haidée's waist against her, without detaching their lips. Haidée holds her face with both hands as they both stumble into the apartment.

Haidée parts her lips and asks for permission with her eyes shining. Ev nods and Haidée takes off her blouse followed by her coat and her own blouse.

Ev takes control of the heater and increases the temperature, guiding Haidée to her room.

This time they will build their own versions of paradise.