
Time flies, 2 years have passed and I am now 15 years old, my sister Ellora is 18 years old and finally my sister Lily is 6 years old, today is the time when all students risk their lives on the battlefield called class and final exams.

The school exam system in this era is very different, in my era, exactly 2000 years ago, every mid-semester, every semester, every grade increase, every week there must be an exam, but now the exam is only held at graduation, but even though it is only one exam, the impact on the school's decision is so great because the pure value of the exam will determine whether the student graduates or not.

Normally the existing grades would be combined and added to the final exam score and then be the total graduation score, but that's if we talk about the education system 2000 years ago, now everything is different, the values that I have obtained so far are not useful at all for graduation later, only the pure value of the exam itself will be the reference for graduation.

A little cruel but with a system like this it can display the results of the student's hard work during his schooling, if he really takes the class seriously then the student can definitely do the exam easily, but if not then be prepared to repeat a year of schooling here with his junior classmates.

If I fail, then I have to repeat 1 year of school here and endure the shame of not passing, but if I pass the exam, I can directly enroll in the same junior high school as El.

By the way, El is now in grade 3 and she is also facing the final exam at her school to be able to continue to a higher level of education, which is high school.

It's a pity that I can't go to school with Sis El anymore, but that's okay it's not a big deal to me, if we go to the same school, I will definitely only be teased by her again.

About Lily, she's also going to school but not now, more precisely in about 2 years, although now she can speak fluently and do normal activities but she's still under Echo's super strict supervision.

Mom taught Echo everything she needed to know about how to take care of young children and she understood it very quickly, making my mother's workload reduced by half and she always accompanied Lily wherever she went, and always watched Lily whatever Lily did, such as playing outside or sometimes just playing inside the house.

After turning 6 years old, Lily is now more active and often plays outside when I, El and Dad are not at home, maybe because Lily is lonely at home there are no older siblings for her to play with so she decided to wander outside the house, by the way Echo always wears the servant's clothes that mom gave her, so she also wears the servant's clothes wherever she goes including when watching Lily while playing outside, Of course many of our neighbors noticed that and gave Echo strange looks, but Echo didn't seem to think much of it, I thought for sure they thought there was someone with strange hobbies in my family but in fact it was just my mother's order to make Echo look more presentable and coincidentally the maid outfit suited her.

Back to the matter of school exams, about my grades there seems to be nothing to worry about, because I study hard every day and pay attention to the teacher when explaining the lesson in front of the class well even though I'm actually busy with my magic book but that's not a problem, what needs to be worried about is actually, Fenris.

Currently the three of us are getting ready in front of the class waiting for the teacher to start the exam.

"Are you going to be okay Fen?" I asked.

"Just relax, I've been studying," he replied.

"We're monitored during exams so you have very little chance of cheating, do you understand that?" said Enigma.

"Don't think I'm going to keep cheating, I'm actually smart too hahaha."

"It doesn't look like it's going to go smoothly," I retorted.

"I doubt it, Arche is there nothing you can do for him?"

"There are 4 supervising teachers per class and a large-scale anti-magic field will definitely be activated to prevent students from using cheating tricks during exams."

"Don't underestimate me, I can do it myself, believe me."

"Nee, Enigma are you sure you'll be alright?" suddenly Filda came from behind Enigma.

"Take it easy, I'm fine," he replied while patting Filda's head.

"Aaaah, it's so hot in here, do I need to burn it to make it hotter?" I said raising my voice slightly.

"Sorry sorry hehe, Filda go back to your friends, we'll talk later."

"Okay," Filda replied.

"Oi Enigma, didn't we agree that flirting is strictly forbidden when we're together?" I said.

"Well I'm sorry, I got a little carried away hehe."

"Hehe the hell!" I retorted.

"It's good to have a girlfriend, I want one too," Fenris said suddenly.

"Don't think about other things first, focus on our current exam, Fen," I retorted.

"Arche's right, aren't we going to the same junior high school?" replied Enigma.

"That's right too."

After that, the exam supervisor teacher in charge of our class finally arrived and the battle called the final exam began.

So far the exam was manageable, various subjects were mixed in one exam with a total of 500 questions and a rather long duration of 6 hours, for 6 hours we had to complete this exam perfectly.

By the way my sister used to take only about 2 hours to finish everything and the results were also perfect, without a single mistake.

As for me, now that 3 hours have passed and I've only done half of it, it's really tiring.

I saw Enigma was already scratching his head and Fenris was rubbing his palms together like he was praying.

There seems to be no hope for them, I have to help with my magic.

But how can I use magic in an anti-magic area like this? Hmmm.

If I remove the anti-magic area then the supervising teacher will surely notice right away and the exam will be canceled, if that's the case we all certainly won't pass.

Is there any other way? Hmmm, I have an idea.

If this room has an anti-magic spell installed, then just cast the magic outside this room.

"Fen, psst."

I glanced at Fenris and gave him the code to look out the classroom window, outside I had already cast magic on the transparent wall with all the answers I had now.

I saw Fenris finally understood the code then his face began to light up, after that he quickly copied all the answers written on the magic wall spell outside the classroom.

With that, this exam was finally over.

I was pretty sure of all my answers, at least about 80% were correct, and Fenris had copied them all.

As for Enigma, well at first I doubted him but as the exam hour drew to a close he looked confident and started to finish his exam.

"Archeeee, thanks for helping your useless friend," Fenris whined as the exam ended.

"Yeah stay away you soiled my shirt Fen," I retorted.

"What about you Enigma?" I continued.

"I'm not so sure, sorry."

"I think you can do it, we'll all pass, trust me!" said Fenris.

"After all, we promised to go to the same school again, didn't we?" replied Enigma.

"Right, have faith in yourself Enigma," I replied.

"Hey you three, how was the exam? Did it go well?" greeted Celia suddenly.

"At least we all finished it," I replied.

"How about you, Celia?" said Fenris.

"Everything is as Sister Ellora predicted, it's easy for me to answer everything."

"Celia cheated," Enigma replied.

"Eh? I didn't cheat, you know."

"But why didn't my sister tell me anything?"

"Maybe she wants her little brother to be more independent," Celia replied as she brought her face closer to mine.

"What's wrong Arche?" she continued.

"Eh? Nothing," I replied.

Damn, her smile is so cute, I got lost looking at her face, my chest is so tight now, what is this? I don't understand.

"Soon the exam results will be displayed, let's go look at the main building," Fenris said suddenly.

"Alright," Enigma replied.

When I wanted to walk after them, my steps suddenly stopped because my hand was being held by someone, yes it was Celia.

I saw that my friends were moving away to the main building to see the exam results, and I was being held by Celia here, leaving only the two of us.

"What's wrong Celia?" I said nervously.

"Arche, I have something to talk to you about."

"I have talked about this with Sister Ellora a long time ago, and she said she agrees and will even support me, isn't she a good sister?" she continued.

What was she talking about? Why does this have anything to do with my sister?

"Eh?" I retorted.

"Arche, do you know lately I've been thinking about you even though I don't want to, I can't even focus on studying because I want to be around you."

"Sometimes when I'm around you, my chest feels a little tight and my heart beats very fast, I think there is something wrong with me at that time, I was confused and talked about it with your sister, then do you know what the answer is?"

"N-no idea."


"So Arche, if we both pass the exam, will you date me?" she continued.


My chest became tight and my heart was also beating fast, was I also in love with Celia? I didn't have this kind of experience in my previous life, so I didn't know what to answer her.

"Archee, how long are you going to stay there daydreaming, let's go see the exam results," Celia shouted, who I didn't realize was already walking away towards the main building.

"Y-yeah, I'm coming!" I replied.

After that we walked towards the main building to see the exam results, I saw Fenris, Enigma and Filda waiting for us there, then Filda started teasing Celia and whispering to both of them.

"What took you guys so long? And why is your face so red, Arche?" said Fenris.

Without realizing it, my face had turned red, which was very embarrassing.

"Are you sick Arche? We should go to the infirmary now," said Enigma.

"N-no, I'm fine, let's just look at the exam results," I retorted.

After the test results were displayed on the screen of the main building, the students all crowded to see the test results, I saw that my name passed, then I looked for the names of Fenris and Enigma who also passed, finally Celia's name she also passed.

Then in the crowd of students, I saw Celia who was also looking at me, our eyes met and after that she smiled at me while winking her eyes then said.

"We are officially dating from now on, right?"

"Yes, it's now official!"

It was in this crowd of students that my love story with Celia began.

Then I saw the happy faces of Fenris and Enigma who were overjoyed because they had passed their exams.

"We finally passed," Fenris said with relief.

"Well, it's all thanks to our hard work," replied Enigma.

"So are we now junior high school students?" replied Fenris.

"Not yet, we have to register first," replied Filda.

"That's right, we're going to the same school aren't we?" she continued.

"You too, right, Celia?"

"Yes, me too," Celia replied.

"Then, see you tomorrow, we'll go and apply to the same school!" I replied.

"Okay!" they replied in unison

Then after that I got a message from my father to go home alone because he had some business, while El must have been celebrating her graduation with her friends.

Well, maybe for today I'll just go home by myself.

At this rate I'll have to walk home, but the distance isn't that far either, so it's okay to get some exercise.


I touched my shoes and chanted a speed-up spell, this spell was a combination of wind magic and modification of the force field that made my every step lighter and faster, but still running was tiring.

I actually wanted to celebrate this graduation with the others but it seemed like they wanted to celebrate with their families so I decided to disperse earlier so that we could go back to our respective homes and tell our parents about this graduation.

I was lost in my daydreams thinking about what I should tell mom and dad when I got home, I'm sure they'd be happy to hear this, even though at Sis El's graduation they cried because they didn't expect Sis El to be the number one student at school.

I can remember that time, mom and Echo waited for us to come home and surprised El, after which El cried so much that Lily stroked her head.

What a beautiful memory, will I get it too? Yes, maybe so because it's the day of my graduation.

I've been running for a long time and finally started to see my house, it's quite tiring to run while casting magic to increase the speed of movement for many kilometers.

Mom and Echo must be waiting for my return with a cake on the table and a surprise when I open the door later, I can't wait.

"I'm home," I said as I opened the door.

There was no answer, usually Echo would always welcome anyone who came through the front door.


Where was everyone?

Is this part of the surprise?

"Mom, Echo where are you guys?"

Still no one answered.

Did I leave too early? It looks like they haven't prepared any surprises for me.

Alright, I'll just go in then.

I saw the living room was tidy as usual, the lights were on and there weren't any stains, Echo was as usual cleaning the house every day seriously.

Could they be in the kitchen? Or maybe in the back garden? I'm also a little hungry now since I haven't had lunch yet.

Then I continued walking to the dining room, and there I saw someone who seemed to be asleep at the dining table and a cake with my name on it.

Somehow here I started to feel uneasy.

Was it mom? Did she wait for me to fall asleep at this dining table?

"Mom, don't sleep here, mom."

When I held her body, it felt very cold.

I was starting to feel more and more uncomfortable now.

I didn't realize there was a puddle of water under the chair I was standing on, but it was too thick.

It's blood!

"Mom!" I snapped as I pushed her shoulders back.

Then to my surprise I saw blood flowing out of my mother's eyes, her mouth was stitched up and from her chest to her stomach was full of stab wounds, so this was all my mother's blood.

She was already dead.

My legs suddenly went limp and I fell beside her, my mind went blank I couldn't think of anything else, my pants were already dirty with blood if mom knew this she would have scolded me.

Ah right, she's already dead now.

Even though now my mind is messed up but still somehow my eyes are pointing under the table and showing me hell is sitting there, like it's waiting for me to see it.

It was the pieces of a person's body, the body was still wearing the police uniform that was full of blood, and I knew that head very well.

It was my father.


I unconsciously screamed hysterically, knowing that no one would be able to hear me now, and that it was a futile act.

What was going on or who had done all this, I had no idea.

Besides, I didn't want to think about anything else now, they were dead.

But, the thing that's been nagging at the back of my mind is, Echo.

Where is she?

Then I didn't realize there was someone standing by the door that leads to the back garden, had he been there all along?

"Good afternoon," greeted the man.

The man was wearing a black suit and had sunglasses over his eyes, it looked like he was an adult secret agent of some sort.

I just stared at him blankly without any reaction, my legs were already weak and I couldn't move.

It was like I had given up on whatever was going to happen to me.

"I've been waiting for your arrival, Archemidas Evernoir, I'm sorry about all this mess, they were very noisy and wouldn't obey so I killed them, are they your parents?" he continued casually.


"Hmmm, it's broken, I didn't expect you to be this mentally weak Archemidas Evernoir, never mind you made my job easier."


What is this guy saying? Work? Making things easier? What does that have to do with me?

Either way, I don't care anymore either.

"Then, let's go now."

After that, all I knew was that my vision was getting dark and I was unconscious.
