The world of mysteries

In this world, there are countless mysteries and realms. Among these realms are millions of worlds, and in some of them, supernatural powers exist and dominate. The beings who wield these powers are called cultivators.

These cultivators dominate entire realms, having surpassed human limits to ascend to a completely different realm. Some of them even reach immortality and become Realm Lords. These beings are called Realm Lords because they have surpassed mortality and become truly immortal. However, even among these immortals, there are those who ascend to an even higher realm. These beings are called Sovereigns, who hold complete authority over any realm.

There are also unknown existences called Gods, known as Outer Gods. These Gods maintain the balance between realms, but among them, there are a few who desire only destruction. These gods are known as Demon Gods.

Somewhere far away, a being seated on a throne with a bored expression is approached by another being in a black suit, who bows before him.

Supreme One, what has happened to you?" the being seated on the throne gazes towards the being in front of him and replies, "Sebastian, you don't need to bow before me."

How could I dare not to, Supreme One? You are an absolute being, one of the rulers of this realm. How could someone as lowly as I dare to look into your eyes?" Sebastian replied. The being seated on the throne ignores Sebastian and looks into the sky, saying, "I'm bored. There's nothing to do. Everything seems so dull."

When Sebastian hears these words, he begins to think of how he could entertain the Supreme One. An idea suddenly pops into his mind, and Sebastian says, "Supreme One, how about fighting with the other Gods?"

Upon hearing these words, the being seated on the throne says, "That sounds like a good idea, but those Gods aren't interested in dueling with me." A small smile appears on Sebastian's face as he says, "Indeed, Supreme One, they don't want to fight you because they already know the result of such a duel."

Hearing this, a small smirk appears on the face of the being seated on the throne, and he says, "Indeed, I am the GOD OF CHAOS, 'EATEN.' Nobody should dare to provoke me. Haha!"

Just as Sebastian is about to say something, a faint vibration begins underfoot, so slight at first that he thinks he might have imagined it. But then the ground begins to pulse, as if something massive is shifting deep within the earth. When he looks at the sky, he is terrified by what he sees. The sky is heavy with a gray that seems to press down on the area. A faint breeze stirs the leaves, barely hinting at the chaos to come.

When Sebastian looks back at the God of Chaos, a shocked expression appears on his face. In his whole life, he has never seen the Supreme One like this. He realizes that something is above the clouds, standing in the air. As he makes eye contact with this presence, a shiver runs down his spine, but at the same time, he feels warm. When he looks up again, he sees that the God of Chaos is protecting him with a spiritual barrier.

"My lord! Thank you for saving this lowly one," Sebastian says, but at that moment, the whole realm begins to tremble. The God of Chaos looks up at the sky and sees dark clouds starting to appear. Suddenly, something emerges from the sky—a dragon-like figure moving at lightning speed. Just as the figure is about to touch the ground, it vanishes, or rather, it is destroyed.

Sebastian is terrified, but then a human-like figure appears in the sky. It is none other than the God of Chaos. He says, "You dare to come into the Celestial Realm, you wretched demon?" The silhouette above the sky responds, "The time has come, God of Chaos! Hahahaha!"

At that moment, the God of Chaos punches the dark silhouette at lightning speed. The dark figure collapses to the ground, and the entire realm starts trembling. The dark silhouette emerges from the land, and now, the battle between the two gods is about to start. The entire Celestial Realm trembles. Other gods observe, some with worried expressions, some terrified, and a few excited about the battle.

The God of Chaos unleashes his sword, and obsidian armor begins to materialize on his body. With that, the God of Chaos flies toward the dark silhouette. When they clash, the surrounding area becomes desolate.

When the God of Chaos sees that the dark silhouette can block his move, he is surprised, but then he notices elements swirling around the dark silhouette and a dark ethereal light emanating from its body. At that moment, the God of Chaos realizes that the figure before him can command all elements. A smirk appears on the God of Chaos's face as he becomes excited—finally, something thrilling after a long time.

Sebastian can only think one thing: Chaos is about to descend!

In the heart of a desolate celestial realm, two gods clashed in a titanic struggle. The sky roared with their fury, lightning crackling and thunder crashing as if the heavens themselves were torn apart by their battle. One god, draped in obsidian armor, wielded a massive sword that could cleave mountains.

The other, cloaked in ethereal dark light, commanded all elements—winds howling and flames dancing at their will. Their strikes were cataclysmic, each blow sending shockwaves that shattered the ground below. The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos, where reality itself seemed to warp under the force of their divine powers. Mountains crumbled, oceans surged, and the air was thick with the tension of their ancient powers.

As the gods unleashed their most devastating abilities, the sky itself seemed to bleed with their divine energy. The fight was not just a clash of strength but also a war of experience, their conflict echoing across the cosmos and threatening to reshape the very fabric of existence. Near the end of the battle, the God of Chaos used one of his most powerful moves, "Chaotic Rift." At that moment, the dark silhouette barely withstood the attack. The dark figure then shouted, "Dark Eclipse!" The whole realm was plunged into darkness.

The dark silhouette began to change its form, transforming into a completely otherworldly demon. A long scythe appeared in its hand, and with one swing, it cut through the Celestial Realm.

The God of Chaos was shocked. Not only him, but the entire God Realm was stunned. The otherworldly demon mumbled something, and at that moment, the undead emerged from the ground. The God of Chaos shouted, "Cosmic Slash!" and all the undead vanished from the land. The otherworldly demon was shocked after seeing this, but the God of Chaos then asked, "Who are you, demon?"

In response, the otherworldly demon said, "I am *****."

Hearing those words, the God of Chaos was shocked, but he continued the battle. In the end, the one who emerged victorious was the God of Chaos, "EATEN."

However, he looked dissatisfied for some reason. The figure lying on the ground was mumbling something—"The time has come"—but at that moment, the God of Chaos said, "You really are something, able to push me to my limits. You are indeed stronger than me."

He realized that the being lying on the ground was just a spiritual body, not the real one. Realizing this, the God of Chaos showed a worried expression. He knew he was strong compared to other gods, but he also knew he wasn't the strongest.At that moment, something approached him at lightning speed, and when he saw it was none other than Sebastian, he showed a worried expression. "Supreme One, are you alright? You look gravely injured."

Indeed, the Supreme One was severely injured. He stumbled back, his sword slipping from his fingers as he pressed a hand to his side. When he pulled it away, it was slick with blood, the deep crimson staining his fingers. The enemy's attack had found its mark, slicing through his armor as if it were paper. He was gravely injured, but being who he was—a being who had ascended to the God Realm—he healed himself in an instant, appearing as if nothing had happened

At that moment, other gods began to appear—God of Origin, God of Darkness, God of Light, God of Life, God of Death, God of War, and World Consciousness.

All the gods surrounded the otherworldly demon, but they realized it was just a corpse. Then, something ominous emerged from the sky. It was an energy in the shape of a ball, but it vanished in an instant. The God of Chaos then realized something and said, "It can't be…."

At the same time, in one of the countless realms, somewhere in the mortal realm, a child was born…

(NOTE -( Sebastian was the personal butler of the God of Chaos, and this is story is just fantasy)