The Silent Journey

Draven stood at the edge of the forest, staring into the distance where mountains scraped the sky, the setting sun casting an orange glow over everything. Blood still stained his cloak, the village behind him reduced to nothing but memories and ashes

His power had awoken, something dark, something terrifying. There was no turning back now. But he couldn't stay here any longer. The entire continent would soon know what he had done.

He had to disappear.

The far continent, with its whispers of ancient sects, hidden cultivators, and realms untouched by the current wars, would be the perfect place to lay low. There, he could learn to control the power surging inside him.

Draven pulled his hood up, covering his blood-red eyes. "Guess it's time for a fresh start," he muttered, though the cold weight of his actions hung heavy in his chest. His journey was just beginning.



The forest grew denser as he traveled, each step taking him farther from the chaos he had left behind. His senses were sharp, every rustle in the leaves and snap of twigs putting him on edge. He had to remain alert.

He was hunted now, a target. And he had no idea who might be following him.

"They're never going to stop, you know." The dark voice in his head had returned the same one that had whispered to him in the battle.

"I don't care," Draven replied aloud, his voice firm.

"You should. You're not strong enough to fend off everyone, especially with all the near sects that'll come after you now."

Draven clenched his fists. "I'll get stronger. I'll crush anyone who tries."

The voice chuckled, a dark, ominous sound that sent shivers down his spine. "Such confidence. You're becoming more like me every day. Soon, you won't be able to resist the hunger for power."

Draven's jaw tightened. "I'm nothing like you."

"Keep telling yourself that."

_ _ _ _ _

It was night by the time Draven reached Ashport, the bustling coastal city that would be his escape. Lanterns lit up the streets, casting flickering shadows across the worn cobblestones.

He pulled his cloak tighter around him and made his way through the crowded streets, heading straight for the docks.

Ashport was known for its shady dealings. Ships came and went at all hours, most with passengers and cargo they didn't want authorities knowing about. That suited Draven just fine.

He found a small, dusty tavern tucked away near the waterfront. The smell of stale ale and saltwater filled the air, and the low murmur of voices echoed throughout the room.

Draven approached the bar, where a burly man with a scar running down his face was polishing a mug.

"I need a ride out of here," Draven said, keeping his voice low.

The barkeep looked him over, narrowing his eyes. "You look like trouble, boy."

Draven tossed a small pouch of coins on the counter. "Trouble's what I'm running from."

The barkeep glanced at the gold, then nodded. "You're looking for Captain Zhou. His ship sails at dawn, and he doesn't ask too many questions. You've got till then to disappear."

Draven gave a curt nod. "Thanks."



As dawn broke, Draven found himself standing on the dock, staring out at the sea. Captain Zhou's ship, an old vessel with torn sails and a battered hull, was preparing to set sail.

The captain, a tall, grizzled man with a pipe in his mouth, gave Draven a once-over when he approached.

"You must be the one looking for passage," Zhou said, puffing on his pipe.

Draven nodded, keeping his hood low over his face. "Just get me as far away from this place as you can."

Zhou chuckled, a raspy sound. "That's what I do best. Get on board and keep to yourself. I don't need any drama on my ship."

The days passed slowly as the ship sailed across the vast, open ocean. Draven kept to himself, sitting in a dark corner of the ship's hold.

He spent most of his time meditating, trying to get a grip on the power that had awoken inside him. Every time he closed his eyes, though, the voice came back.

"You can't keep running forever, you know. Eventually, you're going to have to face it."

Draven frowned. "Face what?"

"Your nature. The darkness inside you. The part of you that enjoyed killing them, that wanted more."

Draven opened his eyes, his heart pounding. "I didn't enjoy it. I had no choice."

The voice was quiet for a moment, before letting out a soft, mocking laugh. "Keep telling yourself that, Draven. But we both know the truth. You're more like me than you realize."

Draven gritted his teeth, refusing to let the voice get to him. "I'll master this power. I won't let it control me.

The voice chuckled again. "We'll see."

As the ship neared the shores of the new continent, Draven stood at the bow, the wind whipping his cloak around him. The distant mountains loomed ahead, shrouded in mist, promising a new beginning.

But as the ship got closer, he couldn't shake the feeling that the darkness inside him was growing stronger.

When they finally docked, the captain approached him one last time. "This is where you get off, boy. Watch yourself out there. The world ain't kind to people like you."

Draven nodded, stepping off the ship onto the new land. He had no idea what awaited him here, but one thing was clear his journey had only just begun.

As he walked down the path leading into the unfamiliar wilderness, Draven murmured under his breath, "I'm not running anymore. I'll face whatever comes, and I'll destroy anyone who stands in my way."

The voice in his head purred in approval. "Now you're starting to understand."...