The Frozen Path to Heavenly Sect

Somewhere far way from the Dragonia...




Zarek trudged through the dark forest of Frostia, his footsteps silent against the crunch of snow beneath his feet. At just nine years old, his eyes held a sharpness that belied his age—a cool, calculating gaze that scanned his surroundings with purpose.

His dark white, messy hair fluttered in the cold wind, but he didn't flinch. The cold never really bothered him.

"Is this it?" he muttered to himself, spotting the massive stone gates in the distance.

After hours of walking through the icy wilderness, he'd finally arrived at the gates of the Heavenly Sect—one of the nine strongest sects in the Mortal Realm. Its towering entrance loomed above the frozen trees, adorned with intricate carvings of celestial beings and mythical beasts.

The walls, made from frost-covered stone, radiated an aura of ancient power.

"Whoa... pretty big for a 'heavenly' place," Zarek mused, rubbing the back of his neck. He whistled softly, the sound bouncing off the stone walls as he approached.

The Heavenly Sect was renowned across all realms, said to produce the most fearsome warriors, but their trials had just ended. Most disciples would have left already.

Still, Zarek wasn't one to turn back—no matter how slim his chances of being accepted were. He wasn't here for that. He had something else in mind.


At the Gates

As Zarek reached the gates, a couple of outer disciples stood guard, their arms crossed, and their expressions stiff. One of them, a tall boy, glanced down at Zarek and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey kid, what are you doing here? Trials are over," the guard said with a smirk, clearly amused by the sight of a child standing alone in front of such a powerful sect.

Zarek looked up, his gaze indifferent. "I want to join."

The guards exchanged glances before laughing.

"The trials ended two days ago, runt. Come back next year."

"Look, kid," the other guard spoke up, leaning down slightly. "Even if you could join, what makes you think they'd take someone like you? This is the Heavenly Sect. The best of the best."

Zarek didn't blink. "I'll prove myself."

"Yeah? How's that?" the first guard snorted.

Without another word, Zarek stepped forward. His aura flared ever so slightly—not enough to show his full potential, but just enough to make the guards tense.

He didn't say anything else, just kept walking past them as if their words didn't matter.

The guards instinctively backed off, eyes wide.



Inside the gates, the Heavenly Sect was even more magnificent. Towering spires of ice and stone reached toward the sky, connected by winding bridges that shimmered with a faint blue glow. Frost-covered trees lined the pathways, their branches heavy with icicles that sparkled in the pale sunlight.

Zarek's eyes took in everything, but he showed no outward sign of awe. His face remained calm, cool-headed, as he walked through the bustling grounds.

Disciples, ranging from the outer to inner sect, trained in the courtyards, practicing with their weapons or meditating by the frozen lakes. Some noticed him—a lone boy wandering into the sect without a trial—but no one stopped him. Something about his aura made them wary.

"Man, this place really is serious, huh?" Zarek muttered to himself, hands stuffed in his pockets. "But I guess it's not bad. Could be worse."

He wandered around for a while, searching for someone in charge. Eventually, his eyes fell upon the River of Talent, a wide, shimmering river that cut through the center of the sect grounds.

It was said that the river could judge a person's potential based on how far they walked through it. The deeper one went, the higher their talent.

Zarek's lips curled into a small smile. "This'll do."(⌒_⌒)

Zarek approached the river, stepping down toward the shimmering edge. A few disciples who were nearby glanced at him curiously, whispering among themselves.

It wasn't every day that someone tried to walk the River of Talent without permission.

He ignored them.

As he stood at the edge, the water rippled slightly, as if sensing his presence. Zarek glanced around, shrugged, and stepped in.

The cold water wrapped around his ankles like ice, sending a chill through his body, but Zarek didn't falter. He took one step, then another, his gaze focused ahead.

At first, everything was normal. The river shimmered softly, reacting to his steps just like it did for everyone else.

But then, as Zarek moved deeper into the water, the ground beneath him started to tremble—just slightly at first, then more violently.

The disciples watching gasped, their eyes widening in disbelief. The river had never reacted like this before.

"What the hell?" one of them whispered. "Who is that kid?"

Zarek kept walking, unfazed by the commotion. The water around him began to glow brighter, swirling with energy as the river itself seemed to respond to his presence.

The further he went, the more unstable it became. By the time he reached the center, the entire river was shaking, its surface boiling with energy.

Just as the tension reached its peak, a powerful aura descended from the sky. An elder of the Heavenly Sect, a tall, imposing figure dressed in flowing white robes, appeared at the edge of the river, his eyes locked on Zarek.

"Who are you?" the elder demanded, his voice echoing across the sect grounds.

Zarek stopped walking and looked up, his expression as cool as ever. "Zarek."(-_-)

The elder's gaze narrowed. "What are you doing here? The trials are over."

"I want to join your sect," Zarek replied simply. "And it looks like your river agrees."

The elder glanced at the River of Talent, still trembling from Zarek's presence. For a moment, there was silence. Then, with a sigh, the elder gestured for Zarek to step out of the river.

"You've caused quite the stir," the elder said, folding his arms. "Very well. We'll see what the Sect Leader has to say about you."

Zarek smirked. "Took you long enough."(¬‿¬)

As he stepped out of the river, the water slowly returned to normal, its surface calming as if nothing had happened. The disciples around them continued to stare, some in awe, others in fear.

Zarek glanced at the elder, his calm demeanor never wavering. "So, what's next?"

The elder raised an eyebrow( ʘ̆ ‿ ʘ̆), clearly intrigued. "Follow me, Zarek. Your trial has just begun..."

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