Into The Abyss

Draven stood at the towering gates of the Draconic Sect, the cold morning air cutting into his skin like shards of glass. His simple black robe fluttered, contrasting against the ornate, intricate designs of the gate, but his gaze remained fixed on the horizon, his crimson eyes filled with a silent purpose.

Today marked the beginning of his true journey a mission as an Outer Disciple that would send him into the depths of the Black Mist Forest to gather beast cores. Most saw this as a daunting challenge. For Draven, it was merely the next rung in his climb toward power.

A squad of three had been assembled for this mission, though from the outset, it was clear to Draven that unity was the last thing this group possessed.

But Lira, with her short brown hair and sharp tongue, and Varn, the broad-shouldered brute with a constant sneer, radiated open hostility.

Lira was the first to speak, her voice dripping with condescension. "So, you're the cold and mysterious Draven. Think you're better than us because you don't speak?"

Varn scoffed, arms crossed, his voice a low growl. "Don't expect us to save your ass if you screw up. You'll be on your own."

Draven remained unmoved. His crimson eyes flicked toward them for only a second before returning to the path ahead.

He wasn't here to make friends, nor did he care for their opinions. If they doubted him, so be it. He would show them his worth in the way that mattered through action, not empty words.

The squad moved toward the Black Mist Forest, where a dense fog hung thick in the air. Entering the forest felt like stepping into another world a world where light struggled to break through the dense, twisted branches that clawed at the sky.

The silence was unnerving, broken only by the echo of their footsteps. No birds, no insects just an oppressive quiet, as though the forest itself waited for something to break it.

Varn shifted uneasily, his confidence cracking. "This place gives me creepy feeling… like something's watching us

Draven, on the other hand, moved with calculated precision, unaffected by the ominous atmosphere. To him, the shadows of the forest were neither threat nor comfort they were simply part of the path ahead, one he would walk constantly.

It wasn't long before their first encounter occurred a pack of low-level Shadow Wolves, their glowing red eyes cutting through the mist like embers in the darkness. Lira and Varn hesitated, their nerves apparent. Draven, however, stepped forward with silent determination.

Without a sound, Draven drew Ravenblade his mother's final gift. The sword shimmered briefly before **whshk!** it cut through the air, each swing cold and calculated. Wolves leaped at him from all sides, but his blade danced with lethal precision.

**Slash!** **Crack!**

Moments later, the ground was littered with their bodies, dark blood pooling beneath them. Draven stood motionless, his breathing steady. Every movement he made was sharp, practiced, and perfect, like a martial form executed flawlessly. Not a single drop of energy wasted. **Drip.** The blood slowly soaked into the earth beneath him.

Varn's face contorted in frustration.

"**Tch.** Show off..." he muttered under his breath.

His pride stung, and he clenched his fists.

"He's totally holding back just to look cool."

Draven ignored the comment, bending down to gather the beast cores from the fallen wolves. He wasn't here for recognition only for results.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the mist thickened, clinging to them like a living thing. The air grew heavy, and the ground beneath them trembled slightly. A low growl echoed through the fog, and Draven immediately knew that something far more dangerous was coming.

Lira's face went pale, her confidence vanishing in an instant.

"W-We need to leave… **now!**"

Her voice trembled as panic crept in.

Before anyone could act, a massive shadow emerged from the fog the Beast Queen. Its towering frame loomed above them, dark fur bristling, eyes glowing like molten lava. The very presence of the creature sent waves of pressure crashing down on the group. The Beast Queen was far beyond their abilities.

We can't fight that!" Varn's voice cracked, his confidence disappearing in an instant.

He glanced around, eyes wide.

"Unless, y'know, you wanna be wolf chow..."

Yet, while the both froze in terror, Draven remained calm. He stepped forward, sword drawn, his gaze never leaving the monstrous creature

What the hell are you doing?!" Varn's panic quickly turned into anger, his voice rising.

Draven, still calm, didn't even glance his way.

"We can't beat the Beast Queen!" Varn yelled.

Draven finally sighed( -_-), flicking some dirt off his blade. "I know that," he muttered.

"Then what's the plan?!

Draven paused, giving Varn a sideways glance. "I'm thinking of something really clever… like running really, really fast."

Varn blinked. "That's your genius plan?!"

Draven shrugged. "works every time."

(╬ಠ益ಠ)This son of a—" Varn started, completely dumbfounded.

But before he could finish, Draven was already sprinting ahead. "Move!" he yelled, grinning like he had the best idea ever.

Varn blinked. "He's serious?! He's actually serious?!"

Draven surged forward, slashing through the mist, each step carrying him closer to the Beast Queen. His movements were cold and methodical, a far cry from the chaotic fear around him. He wasn't fighting to win, only to buy time.

"Go," he ordered in a low voice, cutting through the noise of the beast's roars

Lira and varn hesitated for a moment before turning to flee. Draven continued to engage the Beast Queen, drawing its attention away from his squad. But as the others fled, they found themselves trapped at the edge of a cliff, the mist swirling ominously below.

Varn's breaths came in ragged gasps as he stared at the precipice, desperation clawing at his mind. "We're fucked!"

The Beast Queen's roars echoed through the forest, growing closer. Draven remained between them and the beast, his crimson eyes focused, his body coiled like a spring. But just as he prepared to act, something unexpected happened.

Varn turned to Draven, eyes filled with a mix of anger and something darker.

"You've been looking down on us this whole time, haven't you?" Varn growled, his voice low.

Draven blinked, genuinely confused for a second. "Huh? What are you even talking about?"

"You're too confident," Varn snapped, his tone shifting to something more sinister. "We're never getting away with that thing on our tail."

Before Draven could even process it, Varn lunged at him, shoving him toward the cliff's edge. Thud!

"It's you or us," Varn sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "And I choose us."

Draven flailed for a moment, then glanced down at the drop below, looking more annoyed than scared. "Wow, really? This is your big betrayal? Classy."

Varn grinned(≖‿≖), triumphant. "Good luck with that, genius."

Draven, still hanging on the edge, sighed. "You know, you could've just asked nicely…"

Reality crashed in Varn wasn't acting out of hatred or malice alone. This was a calculated move. By pushing Draven over the cliff, Varn hoped the Beast Queen would follow him, distracted by the falling prey. It was cold, it was brutal, and it was effective.

Draven's body tumbled toward the abyss, his hands grasping desperately for the cliff's edge. He managed to catch hold of it, but just barely. Above, the Beast Queen's massive form drew nearer, its roars shaking the very air.

For the first time, Draven's cold exterior cracked. His crimson eyes blazed with a mix of betrayal and fear as he clung to the cliff's edge, fingers trembling. "You've got to be kidding me(⊙_☉)…"

Above him, the Beast Queen lunged, its massive form shaking the cliff, sending chunks of rock raining down. Draven glanced up just in time to see its enormous weight hurtling toward him.

"Oh, come on!" he groaned, knowing this was going from bad to worse.

With a final, guttural roar, the Beast Queen charged, and Draven's grip finally gave out.

Both he and the beast plummeted into the abyss below.

As Draven fell, wind rushing past him, his thoughts raced.

"Seriously? This is how I'm going to die in this life ? Shoved off a cliff by that bug varn?!"

The cliff above disappeared, swallowed by the darkness, but even as the world blurred into shadow, a cold, the fear flared inside him.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! I'm not dying like this!" Draven yelled, gritting his teeth against the rushing wind.

He could practically hear the universe laughing at him. "Just wait when I get back… oh boy, they're so screwed!"

His hands clawed at the empty air, desperately searching for something anything to stop the fall, but there was nothing. The darkness below felt infinite, swallowing him whole

And with that, Draven was swallowed by the darkness, his fate unknown, the eerie silence settling in as if the world itself was holding its breath.

As the saying goes, "when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stare back at you."

NOTE- next time, don't trust anyone who shoves you off a cliff!