Bullies 1

"What's your room number?" Maxwell asked as they both made their way into the dorm.


"Oh, me too. Guess we're sharing a room then. It's down here on the ground floor." Maxwell said, leading the way, directed by the holographic map above his wrist.

"We're here."

The regular wooden door had a '12' written on it and it opened when Maxwell swiped his wristband across it.

"-Remember to store your items in your spatial storage as you'll move dorms with every rank raise or fall-"

"Isn't that too much of a hassle. Just let us remain in one spot." Maxwell murmured when he heard that announcement from his wristband.

The room was even smaller than the room they left a few hours ago, with only two bunks that had extremely flat mattresses, a thin cover and a single wooden table against the wall, between both bunks.

"-This rank battle will continue until after a year when you become official cadets. Your individual ranks will affect the kind of missions you're allowed to go on-"

"H-hello." A young blonde boy who was tucked under his covers on the bottom bunk bed waved his hand shyly, "Are you my new roommates?"

Jesse glanced at the boy who managed to blend in the room like an abandoned wall flower. His blue eyes hid behind his round, thick glasses.

"Yes. Hello." Jesse greeted back and walked into the small room. He sat on the other bottom bunk bed.

"Hey." Maxwell walked to the shy kid, "My name is Maxwell, I'm from the Seventh Wall City. Nice to meet you." He stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"I am Aland, from the T-Third Wall City." The blonde kid stuttered and looked away, "I can't shake your hand now, b-because of..." His voice faded off as he bit his lower lip and looked away.

"Oh no, I get it." Maxwell backed away, walking to the other bunk bed where Jesse sat.

"No! I-it's not that-"

"There are four beds, do we have another roommate?" Maxwell interjected, climbing up the top of the bunk.

"No." Aland shook his head negatively, withdrawing further away into his covers.

Silence ensued for a while before Aland spoke again, "S-since the students from the S-Seventh Wall City are here now. The training would start tomorrow, it'll help you if you sleep early."



He bit his lower lip even harder when his words were met with silence.

Maxwell had fallen asleep in this time, and Jesse was deep in thought. All three laid limp on their beds.

Jesse got up when the sun was completely down. He opened his eyes to the deep breathing from above his bed, and the empty bed beside him.

The place where Aland once laid was filled with duct tape: which was probably the reason why he couldn't move.

Jesse left the dorm and turned on his map.

The blood samples would surely be kept in the lab, and what other place to find a test lab if not in the clinical building.

Though, the hospital was quite far from his dorm, Jesse had all the time in the world...or so he thought.

"-The curfew begins at exactly 9:00pm. Please return to your dorms before 9:00pm-"

A wry smile made its way to Jesse lips as soon as the announcement ended. He had only one hour to curfew.

"I guess I'll have to take the shortest route." He mumbled to himself and picked up his pace, running to the forest. Instead of walking around it, running through it would be tens of times faster.

Jesse's silhouette passed by the tall trees at breakneck speed. He ran as fast as he could, the wind and leaves hitting his face. However, he came to a stop midway when he heard an odd sound.

He glanced at his wristband, and the numbers "8:13" displayed on it. With less than an hour left to complete his mission, Jesse had no intention to waste time. But then again, how would he take the blood sample if they are people at the hospital? He had no reason to visit the hospital: not an injury or ailing health.


The sound came again and Jesse turned to it's direction. He slowly made his way towards it and the closer he went, the louder the sound became. He climbed up a tree and glanced down at where the sound came from: A group of young boys surrounding a smaller kid. The familiar large glasses and blonde hair caused Jesse to raise a brow.

Maybe bullying was allowed in prestigious academies too.

Jesse rubbed his eyes in contemplation; he had no time to spare. However, what he needed most at this point where injuries or better still...injured people.

Without hesitation, Jesse jumped down from the tree and landed with a loud thump.

"Who's that?!" One of the boys turned to the direction.

Jesse whose figure was enshrouded in the dark slowly made his way towards them. His small figure was illuminated by the moonlight when he stepped closer.

"Oh, it's a kid. Tsk." The boy said, waving his hand, "Be on your merry way now."

Jesse stared past him, at the blonde haired kid whose lower lip was burst, probably from his intense biting or a hit from one of his bullies.

"I'm here for him." Jesse pointed at Aland.

"Is that so?" Another boy replied, walking towards Jesse, "I know the twerp has a beef with more than one person, but go away now, you can come get him when we're done."


"It seems you're new here." The boy frowned when Jesse remained unmoving. He glanced at Jesse's wrist and frowned when he saw the three hundred and thirty six that Jesse didn't bother to hide and his frown deepened.

"Did you attest to this?" Ignoring the rowdy kid, Jesse turned to Aland who responded by shaking his head negatively.

"Duels can only be held when both parties attest to it, and isn't this a little bit unfair? Four against one?" Jesse tilted his head.

"You!" The boy in front of Jesse clenched his fist, "Let him go, it's just a scrawny little new kid." One with orange hair who was sitting at the back said, "Leave now. Do not make me regret my decision." He added with his eyes on Jesse. From the way he acted, Jesse could tell that he was the leader of the small bully group.

"Oh, but you will." Jesse blinked calmly, "The decision of fighting without the consent of both parties."

"Ha! What guts you've got." The supposed leader stood up with anger flaming in his eyes.

Even without his inspect skill, Jesse could see the number "289" on the boy's wrist. For normal people, of course, this rank difference would mean a big difference in strength, coupled with their advantage in numbers, a normal person would be incapable of winning in a fight.

The orange head clenched his fist and gave an order, "Deal with him."