Kidnapped 1

The scythe disappeared again. And all bloodied, Jesse made his way out of the container, only to be attacked by a whip of which he caught, but the thorns dug deep into his palm, and the wielder, a brown-haired woman with a smile on her face said, "Is that you, Patrick? You've made quite a mess inside the casino, and...out here." Yvanka peeked into the container that now had blood sprayed all over the white walls.

She yanked the whip and it loosened, returning to her side.

"Taking over a gang like this by yourself is...crazy, but brave in a not so amusing way." She chuckled, "But I'll like to support your course."


Ignoring Jesse's silence, she said, "Are you wondering why? My conglomerate have been falling behind in power since the Red beasts gang came into power. I shall support your course if you promise to open the trade routes for me."