Chapter 105: The Successful Youth in Front of the Beautiful Woman

Lin Guofa truly felt like he had stepped one foot into the Door of Hell.

Normally, he was suave and debonair, not exactly a handsome man, yet undeniably chic and rich in a youthful way.

Now, standing in front of Zhu Li and others, he trembled, his legs dancing, his teeth clashing non-stop, making a clicking sound. The commanding aura he usually had was nowhere to be seen, replaced only by cowering fear.

Sitting was not an option, so when Zhu Li suddenly snapped, "Kneel!"

Lin Guofa, both shocked and furious, said, "I will compensate for the damages to your bar! Don't push people too far!"

Zhu Li swiftly rose to her feet and with a swift kick, she knocked Lin Guofa to his knees.

"Ordered people to smash my bar?"

Before her words even ended, she slapped Lin Guofa across the face. With a smack, four finger marks appeared on his left cheek.

This was undoubtedly the most humiliating day for Lin Guofa; he was extremely angry, but didn't dare to retaliate, only begging for mercy.

Zhu Li hit him for over ten minutes before she stopped, then demanded Lin Guofa pay 100,000 yuan as compensation. In order to escape, Lin Guofa had no choice but to transfer 100,000 yuan into Zhu Li's account.

When he left Laixi Bar, Lin Guofa's face was swollen like that of a Pig Head.

Having vented her anger, Zhu Li said cheerfully, "Niu Zai, cheers to you. Without you, who knows when I could have settled this score."

The three raised their glasses in celebration.

Sipping red wine, Luo Yang thought about starting a cosmetics company and asked, "Sister Kick, I want to start a business. What should I do?"

Zhu Li and Chen Jie were both curious, with Zhu Li asking, "What kind of company do you want to start?"

Thus, Luo Yang shared his idea and finally said, "With a cosmetics company, marketing my products will be more convenient. I just don't know how to start a company."

Zhu Li said, "It's very simple. It seems you don't have an ID card yet, right?"

He was too young to have an ID card yet, Luo Yang nodded and said, "Yes. I'm thinking of adding 2 years to my age to make it 18. That way, I could get an ID card. Sister Kick, can you help me add two years?"

Zhu Li pondered and said, "Yes. Are you sure you want to add two years? Tomorrow afternoon, I will go with you to the police station in town. Once you get your ID card, you can get a driving license."

Xiaoshulin Market has a police station, but it's quite unique, dedicated to issuing documents for state-owned enterprise employees. The villagers around are registered in Hongyun Town, and to get an ID card, they must go to the town's police station.

Talking about starting a cosmetics company, both Zhu Li and Chen Jie wanted to invest. Since the two women were Luo Yang's 'sworn sisters', he had no choice but to agree. How much of the shares each would hold had yet to be discussed.

Chen Jie booked the position to be the first distributor. Beauty stream was selling hot in her beauty salon, with demand exceeding supply.

Had it not been for the containers for beauty stream not being made yet, Luo Yang would have already been supplying large quantities to Chen Jie's beauty salon. The brand LOGO and containers were still in design, and during this period, he could only supply in small quantities.

While they were talking, suddenly the sound of numerous cars rumbling loudly came from downstairs, indicating a large number of vehicles had abruptly stopped outside Laixi Bar.

Then, Chen Zhiyun hurried into room 210, reporting, "Cousin! A lot of people have come!"

Zhu Li calmly said, "I know, tell the brothers to be careful."

As she spoke, she picked up her phone to make a call. Xiaoshulin Market was her territory; one call and in less than 5 minutes, a large group of people would arrive.

After hanging up, Zhu Li looked at Luo Yang and said, "They seem to be charging up. Are you scared?"

Luo Yang drained the red wine from his goblet in one gulp and smiled nonchalantly, "Drinking wine and getting into fights, these days aren't bad. I'll go train a bit."

At that moment, the sound of killing could be heard closing in from the first floor to the second, mixed with the clang of metal striking metal. The two sides had already clashed. Zhu Li's reinforcements hadn't arrived yet, and they were outnumbered and could only retreat to the second floor.

Room 210 was at the end of the corridor. As soon as the door opened, one could see the situation in the stairwell. Although Chen Zhiyun was brave, in the end, two fists couldn't fight against four hands, and he had no choice but to fight while retreating back into the room.

Luo Yang stood in the corridor, with Zhu Li and Chen Jie behind him, watching the group of menacing newcomers with a calm demeanor.

The stairwell was already packed with fierce young men, armed with sticks or knives, unstoppable as they killed their way toward them. Upon seeing Luo Yang and Zhu Li, they rushed in this direction.

'Ladies, no need to lift a finger, let me play with them,' Luo Yang said composedly.

"Then, be careful," Zhu Li advised.

Immediately, Luo Yang casually stepped forward to meet them. The corridor was narrow, preventing the thugs from charging at him all at once. Luo Yang stood in the middle, unyielding like a one-man stronghold.

A series of Shadow Fist moves unfolded like a shadow playing among humans. Coupled with the True Qi within his body, he was almost one punch per person, knocking down several young men in a blink of an eye.

Those thugs who had just charged up now found it very difficult to approach Luo Yang, having to step over the fallen young men.

Seeing Luo Yang's heroic prowess, Zhu Li and Chen Jie smiled in relief.

The thugs could only help their injured comrades first before lunging at Luo Yang again, but it was still like lambs to the slaughter, the more the merrier.

A thug recklessly swung his cleaver at him. Luo Yang dodged, swiftly reached out with his left hand to grab the man's wrist, and with his right palm, he repeatedly struck under his rib, knocking the cleaver out of his hand. Then with a shoulder barge, he sent the thug flying back.

The rest of the thugs saw Luo Yang standing there like a deity, unable to get past him to reach Zhu Li.

In a blink, several more young men were knocked down. They lost courage and had to assist the wounded urgently retreating downstairs.

Clap, clap, clap...

Zhu Li and Chen Jie sincerely clapped in admiration, both giving a thumbs-up.

Only after the enemy withdrew did Chen Zhiyun and others emerge from the various rooms. They had heard the sounds of fighting in the corridor accompanied by screams but did not know what was happening. Upon coming out and seeing the enemy had retreated and only Luo Yang was standing in the corridor, they became even more curious.

"He drove them away by himself," Zhu Li said.

Hearing their leader say this, Chen Zhiyun and the others were astonished, their mouths agape with disbelief for a long time.

After a while, the rumbling sound of speeding vehicles came, obviously Zhu Li's reinforcements had arrived. There was another round of clangs from metal striking, followed immediately by the sound of cars roaring away, presumably the enemy fleeing.

Zhu Li's side barely had any injuries, but several of the opponent's thugs had their ribs broken by Luo Yang. The floor was spotlessly clean, without a single bloodstain. The thugs had come quickly and left even quicker.

Without Luo Yang, Zhu Li's side would have definitely had injuries.

Zhu Li greatly admired Luo Yang's Fist Technique and had long wanted to learn it. At that moment, she couldn't help asking, "Cowboy, can you teach me the Fist Technique today?"

Luo Yang generously responded, "Yes."

Thus, the three of them turned back into the room. At that time in the stone cave, Luo Yang had practiced for less than an hour yet had already mastered the essence of Shadow Fist. He thought Zhu Li would also quickly learn it, but to his surprise, Zhu Li completely failed to understand.