Chapter 114: Master and Female Disciple Fight Side by Side

Hong Jiaxin was a tomboy and a top student, how could she easily admit defeat?

Even if Luo Yang's martial skills and strength were better than hers, she wouldn't concede that she couldn't defeat him.

Now that she was restrained by Luo Yang, Hong Jiaxin wanted to break free, but lacked the strength to escape his grip.

Seeing that he refused to let go, Hong Jiaxin felt both annoyed and embarrassed, left with no choice but to struggle fiercely.

Luo Yang couldn't afford to release her, or else she would chase him and beat him down nine streets.

"Class leader, if you promise not to hit me again, I'll let you go, okay? Let's both take a step back, it makes the world a better place," Luo Yang pleaded.

"I'm going to kill you! Let go! Every second you wait, I'm going to thrash you harder! Do you hear me? Let go!" she snapped.

"Class leader, if you're going to kill me, how can I dare to let you go?" Luo Yang said with a laugh.

Don't assume that Hong Jiaxin was joking, she was someone who meant what she said.

While she was currently furious, if Luo Yang were to loosen his grip, Hong Jiaxin would likely continue to lunge at him, determined to face off against him.

It wasn't that she didn't know she was no match for Luo Yang, she simply refused to give in.

Pride is something some people would defend at the risk of their lives.

Seeing no other options, Hong Jiaxin pinched Luo Yang's rib with her fingers. This move seemed somewhat effective.

"Don't be so rough, it hurts," he said.

"If you don't let go of me, I will twist even harder. I'll twist your skin off! Are you going to let go or not?!" she threatened.

"Let's establish three rules, first, I let go and you can't hit me; second, you can't twist me anymore; third…"

Before Luo Yang could finish, Hong Jiaxin chuckled, finding his conditions laughable and not a problem at all.

Just then, the sound of motorcycles approached, drawing nearer until they stopped outside the door. From the sound of the engines, it was clear that there were two motorcycles.

Hong Jiaxin twisted Luo Yang's rib again, then whispered in his ear, "Someone's coming!"

In the midst of these extraordinary times, the sudden visitors meant Luo Yang had to be on alert. He whispered back, "Let's go into the room first and see how things go before taking the next step."

Immediately, he loosened his grip, and Hong Jiaxin didn't seek revenge right then and there. It was her house after all, and even in the dark, she could find her way into the room. Luo Yang followed her.

At that moment, Luo Yang and Hong Jiaxin were on the second floor.

Once inside her bedroom, which had an en suite bathroom, the two of them slipped into the bathroom.

"I need to use the toilet," Hong Jiaxin murmured, nibbling on Luo Yang's ear.

"Keep your voice down," Luo Yang cautioned.

Most people, when suddenly faced with an emergency situation, would indeed feel the urge to pee or something similar.

But for someone like Luo Yang, who had been in more fights than he'd had hot dinners, such issues didn't apply; he wouldn't suddenly become nervous, maintaining his composure.

The front door on the first floor had been locked initially.

There was a sound of unlocking, and soon the door was opened, someone walked in, and the lights were switched on.

The first floor had a garage, a kitchen, and a storeroom.

"Search every corner," commanded a man's voice.

This indicated that the uninvited guests were here to look for something, as evidenced by the sounds of them rifling through things.

Luo Yang tugged at Hong Jiaxin's hand, then leaned in close to her ear and asked in a hushed tone, "Do you recognize the people who came in?"

Hong Jiaxin brought her lips to Luo Yang's ear and whispered back, "No."

Then Luo Yang, still whispering in her ear, instructed, "When I go out later, you stay here. Wait for me to handle it."

She disagreed, retorting, "This is my house. I'm going out to beat them up!"

Luo Yang was only concerned for her safety. There weren't many opponents outside, and he thought he could protect her, so he agreed to her request.

So, the two of them quietly left the bathroom and tiptoed downstairs.

One of the three men had just come over when he saw Luo Yang and Hong Jiaxin, jumped in fright, and hurriedly shouted.

Immediately, the other two men rushed over upon hearing the shout. The man in the floral shirt was the leader, and his eyes grew licentious upon seeing how pretty Hong Jiaxin was.

Hong Jiaxin said coldly, "What are you doing in my house?"

As she spoke, she walked towards the man in the floral shirt, while Luo Yang stood by, ready to provide backup at any moment, surveying the surroundings vigilantly.

The gang in floral shirts didn't recognize Luo Yang, and they thought they could take advantage of their greater numbers.

"Behave yourselves, and I won't beat you up!" leered the man in the floral shirt, his sleazy gaze fixed on Hong Jiaxin, roaming unsteadily.

"Is that so? Should we listen to you?" asked Hong Jiaxin with a slight smile.

"You're smart. I like chicks with personality like you. If you just..." The man in the floral shirt was in the midst of his fantasy when he suddenly let out a scream of pain, having been kicked in the groin. His face instantly turned purple, and large beads of sweat started to seep from his forehead.

It was Hong Jiaxin who had kicked him.

The other two young men were furious and immediately attacked Hong Jiaxin from both sides. If they had known that she had been trained in martial arts since she was young, they wouldn't have underestimated her.

Hong Jiaxin deflected one of the young men's punches and swung her right elbow, landing a punch squarely on his face.

Just then, as another young man swung his fist to hit Hong Jiaxin's head from the side, he suddenly found his punch seized in mid-air. Shocked, he looked up to see Luo Yang holding his fist with his left hand.

"Dare to attack my disciple?"

Luo Yang's right hand spread wide as he pressed it against the young man's face, and with a drag of the left, he pulled the ruffian closer to the wall. With a forceful push, there was a loud thud as the young man's head slammed against the wall, leaving a stain of blood after several presses.

A faint smell of blood filled the air.

Luo Yang released his grip, and the young man slid down along the wall, fainting and sitting on the ground.

"I don't need your help, brother."

"How could a master not care when his disciple is being bullied?"

Although Hong Jiaxin still wasn't used to being Luo Yang's disciple, she felt warmth in her heart upon hearing his words and gave him a radiant smile in return.

Out of the three young men, one was now completely unconscious, another had blood streaming from his nose, and the last one was hunched over, sweating profusely while suffering the intense pain radiating from his groin.

"What are you looking for here?" Luo Yang asked the man in the floral shirt.

Having been kicked hard in the groin by Hong Jiaxin, the man in the floral shirt was in extreme pain, though not to the point where he couldn't speak.

"My patience has its limits, if you continue to play dumb, I'll indulge you and double your pleasure with another kick!" Luo Yang's tone was quiet yet deadly.

"I'll talk! I'll talk!"

With one hand clutching his groin and the other gesturing pleadingly to not be kicked again, the man in the floral shirt managed to straighten up a little and wiped the sweat from his forehead before continuing, "We came here looking for a piece of wood charcoal."

Luo Yang and Hong Jiaxin exchanged a puzzled look, not understanding the man's words.

"What wood charcoal?" Luo Yang asked coldly.

"It is said to be a piece of wood charcoal one foot square," replied the man in the floral shirt.

If the Hong family had such a piece of wood charcoal, Hong Jiaxin would know. Luo Yang asked her, but she shook her head, saying she had never heard of such a large piece of wood charcoal. They usually used gas for cooking at home and never used wood charcoal.

Luo Yang fixed his gaze on the man in the floral shirt and asked indifferently, "What do you want the wood charcoal for?"

"A man named Mr. Shen is collecting wood charcoal," the man answered.

Luo Yang had heard of this Mr. Shen before. He was very curious about who Mr. Shen was.

"If you found the wood charcoal, how would you contact Mr. Shen?" Luo Yang asked.

"Call him," answered the man in the floral shirt.

"Call him now and say you've found the wood charcoal," Luo Yang demanded.

As a result, the man in the floral shirt went pale. His face, which had been red and swollen, suddenly turned white, his eyes filled with panic, clearly very unsettled inside.