Chapter 0180: The Beauty Wants to Buy a Bathtub to Cultivate Her Sentiments

The two held hands and exchanged silent messages for a while. Soon the gloom on An Yuying's pretty face dissipated, and her lips curved into a blissful smile.

Though they did not speak, their silent communication was more effective than words.

In their sign language exchange, they conveyed their feelings to each other without the need for verbal expression.

Of the four beauties in the car, except for Hong Jiaxin, the other three were all eager to go to the county. If it was for shopping, Luo Yang would take them. But dealing with bad folks with them around would be inconvenient.

Hong Jiaxin, lost in thoughts of her parents, stared blankly out of the car window. Luo Yang wanted to pat her thigh and offer a few comforting words, but knowing she was a tough girl, a pat on the thigh could lead to a big fuss, so he dropped the idea.

At that moment, An Yuying said softly, "Niu Zai, did Jiaxin buy that bathtub from Xiaoshulin Market?"