Chapter 0392: She Wet Herself Because of What He Did

In the end, in the eyes of the man with the square face and big forehead, only the elderly had rich experience; the youth knew nothing.

Luo Yang was just a youth, who, under normal circumstances, should still be in school.

A truly experienced doctor was never under the age of thirty or forty.

Upon seeing that Luo Yang and Hong Jiaxin were both young, the man with the square face and big forehead prejudged Luo Yang as being incapable.

Fortunately, Guan Changxing was present, otherwise, the man would have thought Luo Yang and Hong Jiaxin were there to scam them.

Without any unnecessary pleasantries, Luo Yang asked about the man's symptoms, and finally said, "Uncle, you are suffering from nervous headaches."

The man with the square face and big forehead nodded and said, "You really understand!"

When asked about the treatment, and upon hearing it involved acupuncture on the head, the man hesitated again.