The thunder outside was so loud that the window glass rattled.
The torrential rain lashed the building, whipped by the wind, crackling and splattering.
Suddenly, a clap of thunder boomed, and the lights in the room went out.
Clearly, the circuit breaker had tripped.
The room was pitch black, so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.
Only when lightning streaked across the sky did the bright light from the windows illuminate the people in the room.
Girls are generally more timid by nature, though there are exceptions like Hong Jiaxin.
One could hear Tang Guihua's delicate voice, "Niu Zai, go down and see if the breaker has tripped."
Without lights, in the darkness, those of faint heart always suspect the supernatural.
Any shadow might be construed as connected to something spooky and mysterious.
Luo Yang laughed, "Sister Guihua, sitting and listening to the rain isn't bad either."