"Arrival of the Queen"

Armin looked Eren in the eyes and dropped a bombshell on him: "Eren, Annie and I decided to... get married." But at the last moment, he broke eye contact, his cheeks burning bright red.

"What? When did this happen? Why didn't you tell me this earlier, Armin?" Eren asked in shock and disbelief.


"I...I didn't think you'd approve. After everything she did-the scouts she killed, the previous Levi Squad... I thought you'd hate her and i didn't really know how to reach you." Armin says hesitantly and a little ashamed to keep his best-friend, Eren out of it.

Eren lowers his gaze, taking a deep breath before looking back at Armin "I've seen what i could have done Armin, things that made me realize that we're all just trying to survive, making impossible choices. What Annie did... I would've done the same, maybe worse, in her place."

"So... you don't hate her?" Armin asks hesitantly.

"No, i've forgiven her just like i've forgiven Reiner and bertolt. we all carry our burdens, but it's what we choose to do now that matters but just because i have forgiven her doesn't mean that captain Levi has..." Eren Says solemly.

"Well... the captain definately hasn't forgiven her as he tries his best to ignore her." Armin says sounding disappointed.

Eren looking straight into Armin's says reassuringly "You dont't have to worry, Armin. Levi's been through a lot and i know he's still angry. But he's also someone who understands more than he lets on."

"But after everything she did..." says Armin in a solemn voice.

"Levi knows how to separate his feelings from what needs to be done. it'll take time, but he'll understand. Just like he's had to do with me, well lets not talk about that now, tell me more about your marriage Armin."

"Well, me and Annie had a girl..." Armin says trying to avoid eye contact with Eren.

"What!!?, What's her name? How old is she now?" Eren asks excitedly.

"Well... her name is Ariel... annd she's one year younger than Aiden..." Armin answers, his eyes filled with adoration.

"Ah... a beautiful name Armin... Does it have a special meaning?" Eren asks curiously.

"Hmm... the name is usually associated with strength and grace but we didn't really think much about the meaning."

"Ok... not bad... its just like Annie graceful and strong... So, what have you three been up to? it feels like ages since we all sat down together."

"Well, unlike you two lovebirds, we're still single." Jean says with a mock sigh, feigning disappointment.

"Yeah, still waiting for someone to sweep us off our feet. Not looking too good, though." Connie adds with a smirk, clearly amused by the situation.

Sasha chiming in with a grin "At this rate, we'll probably all die single. Maybe I'll just marry my food." She says playfully, enjoying the joke.

"You know, Sasha, you might be onto something. A lifetime supply of food sounds like a better deal than what we've got going." Jean chuckles, finding the idea surprisingly appealing.

"Right? And Jean here can marry his mirror—since he spends more time with it than with anyone else!" Connie jokes with a wide grin, eyes sparkling with mischief.

Jean pretending to be offended, raising an eyebrow "Hey, it's called self-care, Connie. Not all of us can pull off that 'just rolled out of bed' look and still function." He says with a playful smirk, enjoying the back-and-forth.

The group laughs, the room filled with warmth and camaraderie, when suddenly, there's a knock on the door.

Eren, glancing towards the door, his tone shifting to curiosity "Hold that thought."

The door opens, and Historia walks in, her presence immediately shifting the atmosphere to one of surprise and respect.

When Historia walks into the room, she is dressed in simple yet elegant attire that reflects her role as queen but also her return to a more humble life. She wears a modest, practical dress made of sturdy fabric, suitable for farm work. The dress is a soft, earthy light green, allowing her to blend in with the rural setting. Her clothing is functional, featuring a high neckline and a fitted bodice with a flowing skirt that reaches just below the knees. 

Her hair is pulled back into a loose, practical style, a low ponytail, making it clear that she's not in formal court attire but rather dressed for comfort and practicality. The look is complemented by a pair of sturdy, practical shoes or boots that are suitable for walking around the farm.

This outfit contrasts sharply with the more regal garments she would wear as queen, showcasing her ability to transition seamlessly between her royal duties and her life on the farm.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." she says with a gentle smile, her tone light but commanding attention.

Jean quickly adjusting his posture, smiling politely "Not at all, Historia. Just debating whether we'll ever stop being bachelors." He says with a friendly tone, masking the slight embarrassment from the earlier banter.

Connie with a playful grin, glancing at Eren and Armin "But it seems like Eren and Armin here have already left us behind." He says joyously, clearly enjoying the teasing.

Eren smiling at Historia as she takes a seat, his tone easygoing "Yeah, well, who knows? Maybe your luck will turn around sooner than you think."

Historia smiling warmly as she joins the conversation, her tone light-hearted "Or maybe you'll just have to keep each other company."