
The early morning sun was barely a glow on the horizon as Aiden Yeager stood with Elena Reiss and Kael. Today was the day—their final mission before officially joining the Intelligence Reconnaissance Unit, led by Captain Levi Ackerman. The tension in the air was palpable as the recruits prepared to prove themselves worthy of the covert division.

The night before, Captain Levi had briefed them in the cold, dimly lit room that served as the unit's headquarters. His face was as unreadable as ever, the silence in the room heavy with expectation.

"This is your final test," Levi began, his voice low but carrying an authority that demanded attention. "You're not frontline soldiers anymore. You're intelligence operatives. Your job isn't to fight, but to gather information. That means staying out of sight, staying alive, and coming back with something useful. Don't get cocky. This mission could be the difference between thousands of people living or dying."

Levi's eyes swept across the recruits, lingering for a moment on Aiden. Aiden had felt the weight of that gaze—he knew Levi expected more from him. After all, Aiden was Eren Yeager's son, and that legacy alone came with a heavy burden.

Now, standing at the edge of the dense forest outside Wall Rose, Aiden adjusted his gear and looked to Elena and Kael. The task was clear: infiltrate a long-abandoned village beyond the walls where suspicious activity had been reported. Several scouting teams had gone missing, and lights had been seen in the dead of night.

The village was supposed to be deserted—destroyed by a Titan attack years ago. Their objective was to investigate, gather any intelligence, and report back to Levi by nightfall. Under no circumstances were they to engage unless it was unavoidable.

Aiden felt a familiar tension settling over him as they prepared to move. This mission wasn't just about survival—it was about becoming part of the Intelligence Unit that protected the very future of humanity.

Levi appeared, approaching the trio with his usual quiet but intense presence. "Remember," he said, his tone sharp and direct, "this isn't about fighting. You're not heroes. Keep your heads down, and if you run into anything hostile, disengage immediately. Got it?"

Aiden nodded, his expression focused, while Elena and Kael did the same. Levi's eyes flickered with approval, though his face remained stoic. "Good. Don't screw this up. I'll expect a full report when you get back."


Moving through the forest, the trio stayed low and silent, every step measured. The early morning dew dampened the forest floor, muffling their footsteps. Aiden led the way, his senses alert to every rustle in the underbrush, every distant sound of movement. Elena and Kael flanked him, their expressions serious and focused.

As they approached the outskirts of the village, Aiden signaled for them to stop. He crouched down behind a thicket, motioning toward the ruins up ahead. The village was just as abandoned as the reports had said—crumbling buildings and overgrown pathways. But something felt off. The air was thick with tension, like a warning waiting to be heard.

"See anything?" Elena whispered, crouching beside him.

Aiden narrowed his eyes. "Not yet, but keep your guard up."

They advanced cautiously, slipping through the shadows. When they reached the edge of the village, Aiden spotted something—faint, barely noticeable in the daylight. A glimmer of light flickered from one of the buildings near the center of the village.

"There," Aiden said, pointing it out to the others.

Elena frowned, her gaze sharpening as she spotted the light. "Someone's in there."

Kael didn't say a word, but his expression hardened. They moved closer, keeping to the shadows as they approached the building. Aiden's heart raced as they neared, the faint sound of voices drifting through the still air. He crouched near a broken window, gesturing for Elena and Kael to take different positions.

Aiden peeked through the cracked glass, his breath catching in his throat.

Inside the building was a group of men, all gathered around a table covered with maps and documents. They were armed and dressed in uniforms that didn't belong to any regiment inside the walls. Whoever they were, they were planning something big.

Aiden strained to listen, catching snippets of their conversation.

"...the attack is set for next week..."

"...we'll need more supplies to make it happen..."

His blood ran cold. This wasn't just some group of stragglers hiding out in an abandoned village. These men were operatives—likely from Marley or another enemy faction. And they were planning an attack on Wall Rose.

Aiden carefully backed away from the window and regrouped with Elena and Kael.

"They're planning an attack on Wall Rose," Aiden whispered urgently. "We need to get back to Levi. Now."

Elena's eyes widened, her face serious. "Are you sure?"

"I heard them talking. They're organized, and they've got maps and supplies ready. This is real," Aiden replied, his voice steady but tense.

Kael nodded silently, already prepared to move. The trio quickly turned, but as they did, Aiden stepped on a branch hidden beneath the brush. A loud snap echoed through the stillness of the village.

Inside the building, the men froze.

"What was that?" one of them said sharply. "Someone's outside!"

"Hurry, let's catch them!"

Aiden's heart pounded in his chest as he spun around to face Elena and Kael. "Go! Both of you, run!"

"What? No! You should come with us!" Elena protested, her voice low but urgent.

Aiden's eyes were hard. "You need to go now. I'll catch up."

Kael hesitated but could see the resolve in Aiden's expression. "Come on, Elena. We need to go."

They took off into the trees, their footfalls quiet but fast. Aiden turned back to the village, his breath quickening as he prepared to flee. But before he could move, the men burst from the building and were on him in seconds.

Aiden fought hard, landing blows where he could, but there were too many of them. They overwhelmed him, striking him down and dragging him back toward the village. His head spun from the force of the blows, pain blossoming across his body as they beat him relentlessly.

They hauled him into the building, tying him to a chair and mocking him. One of the men leaned in close, his voice dripping with malice.

"Thought you could spy on us, huh? You're gonna regret that."

They continued to beat him, each punch and kick sending waves of agony through his body. Blood dripped from his mouth, and the room began to blur. But deep inside, something stirred. A force Aiden had never known before, something ancient and powerful.

As the pain became too much, something snapped within him. His body burned with heat, his mind going blank as a primal roar echoed in his ears. Lightning cracked through the air, and the men froze, momentarily startled by the sudden surge of energy.

"What's going on?" one of the men muttered, confused. "What is that?"

Before Aiden knew what was happening, his body exploded into a massive form, shattering the building around him. He didn't understand it, couldn't control it—but in that moment, he was a Titan.

The men scattered, terrified but unsure of what had just transpired.


Back at the base, Levi stood on the edge of the forest, scanning the horizon. Suddenly, a familiar bolt of lightning illuminated the distant sky. His eyes narrowed in recognition.

Without a moment's hesitation, Levi began moving, his pace quick and purposeful. Halfway to the village, he spotted Elena and Kael running toward him. He stopped, his cold gaze falling on them.

"What happened?" Levi demanded, his tone icy.

Elena was panting, her face pale. "They caught Aiden... we tried to get him to leave, but he stayed behind..."

Kael, still catching his breath, added, "Something happened back there. There was lightning... and... something happened. We don't know what."

Levi's eyes narrowed, a deep understanding crossing his face. He didn't need them to explain further.

A Titan had emerged.

Without another word, Levi surged ahead, his steps faster than before. Elena and Kael followed, struggling to keep pace with him. As they neared the village, the smell of burning wood filled the air, and the outline of the ruined building came into view.

And standing in the rubble was a massive Titan, its body towering over the ruins.

Levi's face darkened as he took in the sight. He didn't need to get closer to know what had happened. Aiden had transformed, and now there was no turning back.