009 · The Three-Type Hiding in Plain Sight

Mary-Tegan came to help me out getting ready about an hour ago, she was looking worried for me, and thanks to Ary, I learned that she was my personal maid and loyal, despite me acting like a jerk most of the time about other people, and badmouthing the three leads of the story, except for Maximilianos, since Diana was keeping the facade of being into him.

We'll leave for the funeral in one hour.

My funeral.

Fuck, I did my best to live as Eleanor and for what? To be tricked end up married to a bastard who fucks amazingly well, but is sick with split personality, partially a psychopath who rejoices in pain, and used to beat me up nearly to death, and then heal me. He might have been the one to kill me... and Yeji's soul, which makes me want to kill him, together with Nikolai and Sofiya.

They deserve death, I didn't, og Eleanor never did, but they do, and I am struggling to hold the urge to be the one to kill them. Fighting against the craving for revenge that's been burning inside of me since I woke up as Diana. Maybe if I control my newfound powers, I'll be able to fight them, I'll be able to survive, to make them pay.

If my body died because of what Maximilianos did to me, since he definitely did not heal me out of sick jealousy, I doubt Maxim allowed Max to take over just because of that, then he isn't the only to blame for my death. Sofiya caused the ruckus that made Maximilianos blindly mad, and all because of how Nikolai assaulted me. The three of them are to blame for that.

My body will be spotless, I know, but I also know that I wasn't, I wasn't spotless, I was bruised and broken and bleeding internally to death. I'll go to my own funeral, and I'll have to put up with Maximilianos stupid sad act, acting like a sad widow who lost his beloved wife to heart failure. Bullshit, they are all full of bullshit.

"I swear I will,"

A knock came on my door and I halted, standing up from the couch where I had been sitting on, staring at nothing, fighting my anger, my sadness, my grief, everything that's been causing a chaos inside of me. Focusing a bit, I felt four people outside and I instantly knew who it was, Diana's... I mean, my family.

"Come in," I said softly.

The double doors were parted open and a elder but still youthful looking couple came in, he has bright cherry red wavy hair and emerald eyes, while she has long straight black hair and golden eyes, which clearly shows Diana inherited her looks from the Volkov bloodline. Next came the two young men, the tallest with red hair and golden eyes, while the second tallest has red hair and emerald eyes, by what Ary told me, I know that the tallest is my middle brother Pierre Kirill and the second tallest who looks identical to our father is Patrick Andrey, the oldest.

"Liya," Marchioness Anushka, whose nickname is Anna, hugged me, sounding exasperated and worried, "Arwel told us that you were attacked and hit your head."

I felt like crying, as Eleanor my parents weren't caring at all, they were distant and didn't really like me, there was no warmth, the last time I felt warmth was from my mom as Alina, more than 20 years ago. "Mom," I hugged her back softly.

"Are you still in pain, darling?" Marquis Raoul asked, coming closer and petting my hair.

"Slightly, dad," as mother released me but kept her hand on my waist, I turned to him, "Lord Arwel helped relieving the pain. I... I don't remember many things, but I didn't lose all of my memories, just most of that I've been doing in the past five years in a personal level, about myself, and about... our family. I remember you, all of you, but... I don't have memories of us."

"Don't worry, Liya," Andrey, my oldest brother, exclaimed, fists and jaw clenched, "we will find who did this to you. Sure, you have many enemies, but attacking your mind like that is going overboard. They have to pay for this."

"With their life if possible," Kirill snapped. "After we make them give your memories back."

"I," I turned to them, "don't think giving them back to me will be beneficial, Kill."

His cheeks flushed at how I called him by his family nickname, "Why not?"

"I don't feel the... ties that had been holding me back before, I can feel in my gut that I used to be scared of danger, of death, for whatever reason that I don't remember. Now, I don't. That will be advantageous to me."

They all frowned softly, "I am not following, Liya."

Turning to mother, I lifted my right hand and conjured a small whirlpool, controlling it perfectly well, "I forgot what was blocking me from being able to control my basic magic. If I regain the memories back, the block might come back again, and I want to advance in magic."

Their eyes widened, "You... can control it?" Father gasped, a proud smile taking over his lips. "You can control it, Liya!" He got so overjoyed that he took me by my waist and lifted me up. "You can control your magic!"

"Nobody will be able to look down on you now!" Kirill giggled.

"But you don't look so happy," Andrey noticed.

"You're not happy?" Mother asked, confused.

Father put me down and looked down at me, "Why are you not happy about that? I thought you would feel overjoyed."

Sighing, I sat down on the seat next to the couch, "There's something that I... I have been keeping from you. Something that those memories that blocked me from controlling my wind magic, were also biding."

My parents and Andrey sat down on the couch, while Kirill remained standing, all staring at me, waiting, "What is it?" Kirill asked.

"I'm a three type," I dropped straightforwardly.

They stared at me as if they were waiting for me to say it was a joke, but when I remained silent pressing my lips together, their eyes widened and they had a slowed reaction, like Joey from Friends, my favorite tv show as Alina.

"You are WHAT?" It came from all at once.