Chapter 36 Adjusting

Freya’s P.O.V

When I opened my eyes to a room filled with sunlight and pretty things that I could never afford in my life…I knew that what had happened last night hadn’t been a dream at all.

My mind tried to cope up to reality, but somehow, the nagging feeling at the back of my mind that kept telling me that this was all a dream, it was still there. Maybe it was some kind of a coping mechanism that I was holding on to? Wouldn’t anyone in my situation do the same?

Sitting up in bed, I looked around at my surroundings once again, taking in the beauty of the luxuries. Surprisingly, it hurt a lot less than what I had expected it would be like. My arm was still in a plaster, but it wasn’t hurting thanks to the painkillers I was given. Even the stitches on my back were nothing more than an ache that itched a bit, but otherwise felt fine.