Cameron’s P.O.V
“How could this have happened?” My father slammed his fists against the wooden table, causing a dent in it.
I’d never seen him have outbursts like this before, but even I was just as furious as him today, maybe even more. We had taken all precautions possible! We had set up guards! We had the Amethyst coven bloody set up magic shields to not let any other witch enter into the pack-house! Then how? How could they so easily take away Freya? How could all of our guards, the witches, and even all of us wolves become sitting ducks while Freya was abducted?
“We had everything in place!” My father said now, reflect my earlier thoughts. “The security was air-tight!”
“Magic cannot be stopped physically.” Sanaya spoke from her seat. “The fog couldn’t enter the pack-house, so they lured us out.”
“But I was right next to Freya!” Sarah managed to stutter out. “But I couldn’t sense her at all! I couldn’t even see her!”