Chapter 168 Never too Late to Celebrate

Mirage’s P.O.V

I gasped as the sight unfolded in front of me.

The entire rooftop had been decorated with fairy lights as well as candles and bouquets of red roses everywhere. And right at the centre of it all was a large table set for a bunch of people, with drinks and tons of food. But what really caught my attention was the gigantic cake right at the centre…not just any cake…a geode cake, with amethyst as the prime colour. And at the top of the cake were two purple candles with the numbers two and three side by side.

“It’s never too late to celebrate.” Alex whispered in my ears, leading me towards the cake.

My heart…dear god! Someone save me before my poor, poor heart exploded with joy!

“H-how?” I whispered back, my voice hoarse; thick with emotions.

“We planned it last minute, and the chef was more than happy to make an extra cake.” Alex told me. “Although, he did warn us that the frosting might not have fully set yet.”