Chapter 159 What’s the problem?

Author’s POV

“So?” Sam asked the next day while they were having their breakfast “What should we do with this alien alpha?” and Luke choked with water hearing him.

“Sam! leave my brother-in-law alone or I will ask him to move your nose again and he started to laugh.

“Keep dreaming,” Sam said, throwing him an ugly look.

“He will start to train seriously “Max said, coming into the room with Theo on one arm and the other one around Meredith’s waist. He sits in his place and pulls Meredith on one leg and baby Theo on the other one, making her lay on his abdomen and watch the whole gang.

“Let me hold hre!” Lisa said and took her and Max took advantage of the situation and now Meredith is totally in his lap, feeling him how he reacts at her touch.

“I will not train with this brute!” Sam said.

“Ohhh”Luke started to laugh “Our beta is scared?”

“I am not!” he almost screamed but he annoyed me yesterday when he objected in front of Max.”