'That gives me an idea! They should bring me out of the room every now and then to spend time with family of have some food, that would give me time to find a fire place or the kitchen to cultivate at and gain the fire affinity!'
~Host is truly smart~ 'Yeah yeah sure'
And so while Sanshain waited in his cot for his parents to come in he used the circle cultivation technique so he wouldn't waste anytime especially he knew future events.
'Mother should be coming in soon to take me to eat' and just as Sanshain thought after a few minutes his mother came in, and even though she picked him up more gently then normal he did not notice.
'While I cultivate in her arms I can sense that there is fire essence nearby' this was true as there was a fireplace in the next room but unfortunately for are Sanshain they weren't going there.
"Sanshain how are you?" his mothers words had stopped him from cultivating after all she had not talked to Sanshain in this tone before... it was serious yet sad and she would usually have a smile on but this time she hadn't.
'I should act happy right?- If I take too long she'll be suspicious...' so he acted quickly giving her a small smile like a normal baby. "Sanshain..." she quickly gave him a smile back. 'That seemed to work'
After she had gotten a that dopamean boost she quickly brought Sanshain to the dinning room that was connected to the kitchen. "Honey~ Sanshain is awake so it's time for us to eat!"
"Alright put him on the baby mat and I'll come get you guys when i'm done cooking" and so his dad left to go cook. "Come on Sanshain ill put you on your play mat now~"
Although playing with his mother was fun he knew he needed to get that affinity so right after his mother left to go to the toilet he off the mat and forced himself to crawl away towards where he felt the fire essence.
'/Arg/ It hurts to move this much, if it wasn't for my breakthrough that I had then I wouldn't even been able to get off that mat' Sanshain was right if he did not have that breakthrough he would not be able to get off that baby mat.
But after crawling around for a while he found the fireplace and gain some understanding of the layout of the house 'Finally! /tsk/ This needs to be quick if she finds i'm not there she'll lose it'
So Sanshain got as close to the fire as he could before he could get burnt and started to cultivate 'If I happen to be lucky then I might get another element as well or it mixes with my Ki like my affinity with wind, but the mixing with the wind affinity most likely only happed due to it being my natural element'
But after cultivating there for around five minutes 'System why have I not gained the fire affinity yet?' ~Host talent for the fire affinity is high so you have to absorb more than others!~
After hearing those words he knew why it toke him so long to gain the affinity, he gain some more determination but it also hurt to know that it would take a while for him to gain the affinity.
Yet he did not give up instead he continued to cultivate. And after around ten minutes-
~Congratulating the host on successfully gaining the fire affinity at the white level~ 'Finally! But I should get back before I check it out after all mother should be coming back to that baby mat soon'
------------------------Chapter End-----------------------