Im Back! [Sorry for not being here]

Sorry i've been gone for so long its just ive had alot of stuff to do over the last five months. I also have a two funerals to go to soon.

And with that I have not had the motivation to continue to write this book especially since im still doing some schooling, so updates will be slow for a while until i'm done with all the work but at some point at some point I will have a lot of chapter for you all.

I also have another chapter that will be ready soon that I started before I took my break so its almost completely done at some point within the next seven days I will post is for you all! 

I will also be making a page just for his cultivation and affinities as I can tell that it will get confusing for those that have not read the book in a while! so they will be able to catch up to the books information.

Anyway I will be starting to post again soon and when I do I will try to do it as often as I can eg.. every week or two will have around one or two chapter once I get back into it.

After the next chapter I will also be making them longer and I will also be making it more in depth, as well as a few more POV changes and making it more first person rather then third person. 

I will try to do better and i'm learning more about english so I can spell and wright words in this book better so it can be more readable for you all so I hope you enjoy it!

either way I hope I will have your continued support as I continue this book, you all are great human beings no matter what keep that in mind. even if something is happening in your life keep positive and happy.

keeping positive will allow you to reach high and far in your life!

please tell me how you think about these changes!

kind regards, WDA-Sider

ps. hope you all have a good day/night/morning/evening everyone!