Milah stood in the dim glow of candlelight, his gloved fingers running over the frayed edges of the ancient book. The scent of old parchment lingered, heavy with the weight of knowledge few had ever dared to comprehend. His voice, steady yet laced with something unspoken, filled the silence.
He began reading aloud:
"He was the foundation, the breath of this realm. The unseen hand that wove the fabric of existence, bending reality to His will with nothing more than a thought. Time moved because He allowed it. Space stretched and folded at His command. Nothing was beyond His grasp—nothing except the one thing He could not hold on to."
Milah's grip tightened on the pages, his voice lowering.
"But where is He now? If He was the axis upon which this world spun, the root from which all things grew, how does one lose sight of the infinite? How does a being so absolute… simply vanish?"