Claude Flameheart In Peril

"How many gathered?" 

Adam stood up and looked at the crowd through the gate. 

"4000. More are still coming." 


Asher turned to look back as Adam looked behind him several times. He saw more civilians heading for the barracks with small luggages. They must have gotten the nudge from the system.

Asher and Adam walked into the barrack. As they strolled around, civilians kept paying respects to him, and he responded with soft smiles. 

While looking at the civilians, Asher discovered that most of them were in their mid-thirties and mid-forties. Some were the ones deemed useless by the barbarians because they did not have strong physiques, which barbarians respected.

Some of them had not even married, as the able-bodied ones had married two or sometimes three wives. Besides, the rule of the strong having it all reigned supreme in the Bashan clans.