With The Priestess

Crimson Nimrim Temple

Two individuals stood apart from each other. It was Sapphira and Asher standing on the lofty peak of the mountain with the town way below them. No Temple Knight could be found around them as Sapphira sent them away. 

Only maids were there with towels. 

"Are you sure about this?" Sapphira asked Asher, who held Euodias. 

"I am. I want to test my skills against highly skilled swordsman like you. You must have trained for decades." 

"I have."

Sapphira unsheathed her sword and pointed it at him. "Ready when you are."

Asher smiled. "Come then."


The gap vanished instantly as both of them clashed in the middle of the yellow rocky ground, causing dust to blast outward. This made the maids cover their nostrils while some coughed.

Clang! Clang! 

Sparks could be seen in the dust, along with flickers of white and black. Asher wore black tunic with black pants, while Sapphira was garbed in white.