Into The Spirit World [5]

"I see there is no turning back from what you've become. Regardless, I am still your BloodBlade and forever will be at your service."

Alex bowed his head, turned, and departed without saying another word. Asher leaned back in his chair and soon fell into a slumber. Despite Alex's loyalty, Asher had nothing to say in response to Alex's words. He had no words to give—not while grappling with the reality that he saw no future sitting idly on that throne and pretending like nothing happened like those other nobles.

But the time for him to return was drawing closer. He had spent months honing his strength, cultivating an elite troop that surpassed any he had trained in the county and forged a strategic alliance with Winter Stronghold—a fortress in need of troops but rich in powerhouses.

Their structure provided a delicate but essential balance to him.