Bezerk reared up, lifting both its forelegs into the air with a sharp neigh. Immediately, Asher dashed toward the shores, water splashing as he threw his legs forward.
Sapphira rose up. Her wings trembled at an insane speed, scattering away the water droplets as she shot into the air.
By the time Asher reached the frightened Bezerk, Sapphira was already flying over him.
Asher tanked out her sword, tossed it into the air, then wrapped his hands around Euodias—also strapped to Bezerk—and pulled it out of the scabbard.
He mounted Bezerk and rode into the forest. Luckily, the trees here were spaced far apart, with little to no grass—only clinging to the roots of the trees.
The soil beneath was brown and damp.
Holding his sword angled toward the ground, Asher leaned down to evade tree branches.
'What in the world is that?!'
His eyes narrowed.