LVIII: Completely Full

It was safe to say Jacinta was extremely shocked — no, surprised — when, one, Zara and Angela appeared together in the kitchen. Together, Zara and Angela. The sight was enough to induce a heart attack. Two, they asked her to teach them how to cook.

"It's not really anything much, just a light something I can give a person I like for breakfast." She threw the bomb not so subtly, and Jacinta widened her eyes in astonishment.

"Oh... Okay." Jacinta nodded, gathering her composure as she began teaching them how to chop the ingredients with a knife. Then she instructed them on how to light the fire and place the pot. She guided them through making porridge and also how to bake bread.

By the time she had imparted all the culinary knowledge they needed, it was late evening, the onset of night casting shadows in the cozy kitchen. Zara and Angela left, giggling like schoolgirls.