It was dead in the night, but Angela wasn't the least bit sleepy.
She stood on the balcony, overlooking the sprawling darkness. "How did he just leave because I asked him to?" She muttered to herself, her voice strained. "Is he fucking stupid? Who's he leaving me for?"
She bit her lip. She hadn't mastered all her witchery abilities, and he just vanished from her world. "What does he even think he is?" She threw the question into the darkness. "I thought he loved me. Did he not...? Has it always been just physical for him?" The tears she was trying so hard to keep at bay finally escaped. A single tear slid down her cheek. "God, I hate him so much."
She wiped the tear away immediately and then sniffed. She stared up at the sky, her blurry eyes distorting the shapes of the stars and moon, but she continued to stare at it. After some time on the balcony, she returned to her room for the night.