14: memories

Note: Well, I won't make it too long and I'll skip all the Rock talk. I know nobody cares about that haha


Unaware, Grey's body had become grayer in its dark areas and his white skin had begun to glow slightly. All his senses had become sharper as he listened to the entire talk from the awakened Rock.

When Rock finished, all the sleepers received a personal communicator. It included their room numbers and locations.

After saying goodbye to Cassia, who left with an academy-provided assistant due to her blindness, he accompanied Sunny to the boys' dorms located at the other end of the academy.

They went to their separate rooms, and Grey quickly found his own.

With a calm stride, he walked in while examining his room with his eyes. The space was surprisingly large, and the finely carved wooden decorations gave it an old-fashioned feel.

The walls were decorated with various paintings from a forgotten era. Grey was indifferent to the paintings and the chandelier on the ceiling.

What caught his attention the most was the bed located under a fake window that projected a starry sky.

The light projected by the fake window gently reflected on the white blankets. The bed seemed to invite him to rest, something he didn't even know he needed.

Without thinking too much, he approached the bed and let his body fall onto it. The moment his body touched the bed, the blankets enveloped him in a soft embrace.

And, for a moment, Grey allowed himself to close his eyes. Nothing went through his mind; he simply enjoyed the rest and tranquility he now had. The warm and comfortable feeling was new to him, a small moment of peace in the unknown.

After several minutes of calm, he lifted his body from the embrace of the blankets and began to read his runes.

Name: Grey

True Name: Legacy of Ruin

Dual Core: Inactive

Soul Fragments: [0/1000]

Memories: [Odyssey] [Tear]

Alright, I should check the memories now.

With a thought, he summoned the description of his first memory.

Name: Odyssey

Rank: Ascended

Type of Memory: Weapon

Description: [Forged from the material of a fallen star, Odyssey was created with the purpose of facing the abyssal evils that plagued a dying land. With such a worthy origin, Odyssey was able to pass the powers of its bearers to their successors and remain steadfast against the abyss's might. When its last bearer perished in battle, Odyssey was lost in the rivers of time, but fate had other plans, and a human who rose against a profaned creature took it. With the power of its predecessors and invaluable aid, it managed to seal the evil in a cursed mountain.]

Abyss? Wasn't the corrupt terror called 'Profane Abyss Watcher'? Also, the mountain that split in two should be the 'cursed mountain.' Where is that city-kingdom now? Maybe someday...

Rising from his bed and extending his hand, Grey summoned his memory.

A magnificent golden spear appeared in the air and landed in his hand. The spear had intricate details of snakes and wolves on its long handle.

The blade at its tip was a pure silver color and seemed so sharp that it could cut through the skin of the most terrifying corrupt beasts.

As the spear manifested fully and Grey took it in both hands, something happened that left him astonished.

His golden spear began to draw something from inside Grey. He tried to release it or store it back in his soul, but the spear remained in his hands as it extracted whatever was in his soul.

What is it doing!? What is it absorbing? My soul? No, it doesn't feel dangerous...

His spear began to change.

Its previously golden color started to darken, and its sharp silver blade was now a bright white, reflecting everything around it like a mirror.

Looking at the blade's reflection, he saw his own confused face regarding what was happening.

Finally, the weapon stopped doing whatever it was doing and returned to normal, though now its colors had changed.

The handle was black with the snake coiling around it in white, and its carved scales for better grip shone as they wrapped around the black shaft.

At the end of the white snake's body was a dark wolf with silver eyes, glaring fiercely at the snake.

His spear was long, and both finely carved designs were beautiful.

What just happened? Did the spear change according to my soul? Is this... good?

He began to walk to the center of the room while holding the long spear now colored like his soul.

Its grip was firm and rough due to the snake scales enhancing its hold. Upon contact, the spear was cold and without a trace of warmth.

Once at the center, Grey stood still for a few seconds while sensing his surroundings. His body began to glow faintly as the darkness in his arms and legs diminished in an instant.

His skin was now gray, and his senses were heightened.

'It feels good to have a powerful weapon in my hands.'

Holding the spear's shaft with trembling hands, his fingers firmly gripping the snake scales. He had no memory of using weapons before, but his body was warming up more and more with the grip of his hands on the cold shaft of Odyssey.

Following this emerging sensation from within, he let his body do what it needed to do while his mind was blank.

Although his mind had no memories of using a spear, his body seemed to be trying to recall something forgotten as his grip on the spear became firmer.

He took a step forward, and the spear responded to his movement with a slight whistle as it cut through the air. Its sharp, mirror-like silver blade gleamed under the light, and Grey felt a familiarity with the weapon once again.

His breathing became deep, as if trying to recall a lost rhythm. His right foot stepped forward while his hands spun with precision.

The wind brushed his skin, and in an instant, his spear was already in an attack position.

His body moved instinctively. Grey spun on his axis, delivering a quick and accurate thrust that resonated in the empty space around him.

Every strike and sweep of the spear felt like an extension of himself, fluid and natural. Sweat fell from his forehead, not from effort, but from the intensity of the moment. His muscles tensed as his body twisted and struck, recalling a training he couldn't fully remember.

With each turn and movement, Grey felt more connected to the spear, as if forming an invisible bond between them. It was not just a weapon; it seemed like an extension of his body, a conduit for his will and strength.

As he adjusted his stance, the muscles in his back responded, tightening and relaxing with each movement, guided not by a visible master but by an echo of his own past.


After using the spear for half an hour, he was still not tired and could continue all night. But a message on his communicator interrupted him from handling the spear.

His breathing quickly returned to normal as he held the spear's blade aloft and looked at his communicator.

The message was from the academy, calling him to a mandatory interview in twenty minutes.

'Ugh... This is annoying. I wanted to keep using my spear.'

With another sigh escaping his lips, he stored his spear in his soul and went to the door leading to his private bathroom.

He grabbed some clothes provided by the academy from his dresser and went to take a shower to clean off the sweat.

As the water ran over his head, he began to review the runes of his other memory.

Name: Tear

Rank: Transcendent

Type: Tool

Description: [???]

'What is this? It has no description, but it's a high-level memory, right? It seems to be a higher rank than my spear.'

He turned off the shower after ten minutes and stood in front of the mirror. His wet black hair made some droplets fall from it as he read the runes again.

In the end, he decided to summon the memory.

With the simple intention of summoning the memory, silver lights in the form of sparks appeared in front of him as the transcendent memory took shape.

'Isn't this taking longer than Odyssey? Strange.'

Seconds later, a brilliant blue gem appeared in front of Grey's chest, and without giving him time to inspect the memory, it began to change.

From the blue gem in the shape of a tear, four fine threads of silver light began to wrap around Grey's body.

Two of the silver threads passed over his shoulders to the center of his back while the other two wrapped underneath his shoulder blades in a perfect X shape.

And, in the center of his chest, the blue gem became his anchor as the silver threads thickened and took the shape of four chains of pure silver.

'Another strange thing... Should I get used to this?'

Raising a hand and touching the chains that adhered to his skin as if enclosing him, he felt how the chains were cold and made of a strange, durable material.

The chains began to vibrate as Grey touched them with his dark fingers and started to sink into his skin.

Moments later, the chains and the blue tear-shaped gem adhered to his skin like a beautiful tattoo.

'Well, it shouldn't be bad, right? A Transcendent memory must be powerful. Although I don't know what the gem and chains are for, maybe I should keep it summoned; it could be useful.'

Without further ado, he dried himself off and dressed for the interview, so he could rest during the night.


Note: I'm at school, so I don't know how well this chapter turned out. I might change it or leave it as is in a few hours, depending on whether the readers like it. If they like it, I'll keep it; if not, I'll change it haha

Don't forget to give power stones; it helps recommend the fanfic more 😁

P.S.: The internal dialogues might not be suitable, so I might change them