18: Ecstasy

Both of them stood facing each other, Grey's senses sharpening as he activated his aspect's power. The whispers of the other sleepers filtered into his ears like a distant echo, filled with curiosity and expectation.

"Do you think Nephis, the Star of Change, can beat that monster who scored 30 points in the strength test?"

Another whisper slid through the general murmur, reaching his senses clearly.

"Of course she can! In fights, brute strength isn't everything. Didn't you see how she wiped the floor with all the others? Many of them were bigger and stronger, and yet she defeated them with ease."

'So, Nephis, huh? And it seems she has a true name. This will be interesting!'

Grey fixed his gaze on Nephis, focusing his enhanced senses on every minute movement of her body, searching for any sign that would betray her first attack. He didn't have to wait long.

Nephis dashed forward with astonishing speed, her body turning into a silver blur as she aimed a palm strike directly at the center of his chest. Grey managed to intercept the blow, but the force was greater than he expected; his defense buckled, and he stepped back.

'She's strong!'

Nephis didn't give him a second to regain his balance; she closed the distance in a blink, her right foot sliding across the ground like a snake seeking its prey as she launched another blow to his stomach. Grey barely managed to dodge, his body moving instinctively a moment before the strike could connect.

Her attacks were precise and calculated, each movement executed with lethal grace. It was as if she could read Grey's intentions before he even understood them himself. Her fighting technique was pure and elegant, a dance of destruction that was hypnotic to watch.

Nephis spun with a roundhouse kick. In response, Grey channeled his second energy; his muscles tensed in an instant, and his body reacted on instinct, crossing both arms in an X shape in front of his chest to block. This time, he stood firm, his defense held.

He tried to seize the moment, grabbing Nephis's leg as he stabilized himself, but she spun again, fluid as water, and delivered a powerful blow to Grey's shoulder.

The impact was brutal; his balance was lost, and he spun around, staggering. Nephis didn't hesitate, exploiting the opening and unleashing a flurry of strikes, each one faster and fiercer than the last.

Grey found himself in a critical situation, feeling the pressure of every blow approaching with the force of a storm. And yet, a smile formed on his face.

When he blocked a kick aimed at his head from the side, he took advantage of the brief moment as Nephis recovered her stance and leaped back, putting distance between them. Nephis, unfazed, maintained her composure.

Grey's body changed once more, shifting from a slightly beastly form to one that seemed to emit a faint light, almost imperceptible under the dojo's lights. His figure became lighter, his senses sharpened to the extreme, both in his perception of the surroundings and of himself.

Without giving Nephis the opportunity to take the initiative again, Grey launched into the attack with superhuman speed. His silhouette became a blur, visible only to the keen eye of the instructor.

He disappeared from the spot and reappeared in front of Nephis, his right foot sliding across the ground with the precision of a snake stalking its prey. Without time to react, Nephis failed to cover her stomach, and the powerful kick connected with her athletic body, throwing her out of the ring's center.

For the first time since the start of the confrontation, her face showed a flash of emotion: confusion and surprise. Grey had perfectly imitated her movement.

Before she could touch the ground and recover, Grey disappeared again, reappearing behind her. An avalanche of strikes, identical to those Nephis had launched at him earlier, now headed toward her.

Grey's blows were as fast as lightning in the middle of a storm and as precise as a needle piercing the eye of a hurricane. Each impact carried overwhelming power, amplified by the speed at which they were launched.

Taken by surprise, Nephis was forced to absorb the punishment, blocking as best she could the most dangerous blows.

Just at the last moment, when Grey's hand was about to connect with her chest, his body transformed once more into a more beastly form. His muscles tensed like steel cables, accumulating all his strength in a single point before unleashing a devastating strike.

Nephis was thrown out of the ring.

She spun in the air, her silver hair tracing a brilliant arc, and landed outside the ring with feline agility, staggering slightly as she held her chest with both hands, a faint grimace of pain crossing her usually serene face.

"That was splendid, Cadet Grey! A fight worthy of the academy's top one and two. Congratulations to both of you for this magnificent exhibition. We will proceed with the final match before the class ends."

Grey, with labored breathing and his heart pounding, kept a radiant smile as the murmurs of the other sleepers grew around him. He felt his body return to its normal state, controlling the ecstasy the fight with Nephis had left inside him. From the other end of the ring, he cast a glance at the next opponent stepping up.

Nephis, for her part, returned to her place with one hand still pressing her chest, her eyes never leaving Grey, as if trying to decipher him more deeply.

'This was truly... stimulating. I want to fight her again. But first, I must focus on him... He was the one who scored the second highest strength score after me.'

"I am Caster, from the Han Li clan," said the noble-looking boy, bowing before Grey. "It will be an honor to fight the great Lineage of Ruin."

"Alright, Caster. The pleasure is mine."

Even though he was facing someone potentially stronger than Nephis, Grey's heart remained calm, serene; he did not feel the same spark of excitement he had felt fighting her. There was something about Nephis that attracted him, something beyond her combat skills. Was it that strange familiarity he always sensed when he saw her? Grey wasn't certain.

When both positioned themselves face to face, the fight began.

And it did not last more than five seconds.


**Note:** So, how was the fight? It's not really my strong suit, but I tried to make it enjoyable.

Don't forget to give power stones and add it to your collection! That helps to recommend the fanfic.

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Thanks for reading! 😁