32: A Destined Encounter

After devouring all the meat she could from the awakened beast she had killed, she stretched, releasing the tension in her arms and legs. Her gaze shifted towards the near horizon, where a towering coral structure stood less than a kilometer away.

She summoned her silver sword and, with a firm gesture, raised it, pointing its tip directly at the coral. If she wanted to advance in this endless maze of webs and crimson coral, she had to cover ground every day, and that structure was her next target.

"Alright, let's go," she murmured to herself.

She approached the edge of the cliff and, without hesitation, threw herself into the void, falling at full speed. She extended her sword forward and drove it into the rock, gradually slowing her descent. The freezing wind whipped her body, but it didn't bother her. Her skin was accustomed to the hostile environment of the forgotten coast, always remaining warm and comforting.

Her hazel-brown hair flew wildly as she descended, while her muscles tensed from the pressure of holding the sword. Occasionally, gaps in the rock disrupted her rhythm, forcing her to quickly reposition the sword to continue.

Minutes later, her legs hit the muddy ground with force, bending under the pressure. She sighed.

"Phew, I always get nervous doing this… I should get used to it," she smiled slightly, amused by the thought.

Without further delay, she straightened up and began walking toward the coral she had spotted. The maze remained eerily silent, interrupted only by the whistle of the wind and the echo of her footsteps. From time to time, she used her sword to cut the annoying webs that blocked her path.

"What irritating things," she thought, as the thin strands fell to her feet with each slash.

She occasionally switched the sword from hand to hand when her arm grew tired, but she didn't slow her pace. Some awakened creatures crossed her path, but none posed a real challenge. Her combat skill and strong body, combined with impressive flexibility, allowed her to defeat her enemies quickly and efficiently.

The hours flew by as she advanced, her gaze always fixed on the coral. However, it wasn't all easy. Sometimes, she took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end, wasting valuable time. Even more annoying were the nightmare creatures that appeared in groups, forcing her to take detours to avoid them.

Although she was confident in her ability to defeat higher-class creatures in one-on-one combat, she knew that facing several at once would be madness. That's why her arrival at the crimson coral was delayed until the sun began to set on the horizon.

She had to fight several more times throughout the day against different beasts and avoid others she deemed too dangerous.

Among the creatures she decided to avoid were the groups of steel spiders, which seemed to dominate this section of the maze. The webs covering every corner of the area were a clear sign of their influence, as if proclaiming their control over this territory.

Upon reaching her target, she carefully examined the towering structure. The coral walls, irregular and filled with sharp protrusions, offered places where she could grip to climb.

A few minutes later, she grabbed one of those protrusions and began her ascent. The coral was sharp, and each movement had to be calculated carefully to avoid deep cuts, though her luck did not hold.

Her body suffered several superficial cuts along the way. Although they weren't serious, the wounds made her movements more difficult and added to the fatigue from the day's battles. Climbing the structure itself wasn't complicated, but the real challenge lay in avoiding the sharp protrusions that lurked at every grip.

Her hands, covered in small cuts, burned with each new hold. Still, she continued to climb, trusting in the strength and endurance of her body, blessed to be at the peak of what a sleeper of her class could achieve.

She knew these minor wounds would heal quickly, probably within a day or two of proper rest. But as she climbed, the pain and fatigue grew more intense, and when she finally glimpsed the upper edge of the coral, her hands were already suffering from the open wounds that worsened with every new cut.

With one last effort, she hoisted herself to the top, but at that moment, her body froze. The momentum caused her to wobble dangerously close to the edge of the platform, her body on the verge of falling.

Her expression twisted, and her mind went into shock, not knowing how to react to what she saw in that moment.

'No… What? Wait, is this… is this really happening? This is crazy!'

She rushed toward the center of the coral and quickly knelt, taking the head of a boy covered in blue scales, lying face down on the coral platform.

Urgently, she inspected his body, looking for signs of mortal wounds or blood.

Luckily, there didn't seem to be anything out of place.

She sighed, calming down as she gently lifted his head and rested it on her legs as if they were pillows.

A whisper, loaded with contained happiness, escaped her lips.

"Now we're together in this nightmare realm too, Grey."

She gazed at his face, beautiful under the red sunlight. His skin, pale as ivory, contrasted perfectly with his black onyx hair.

His eyes were closed, and his lips gently pressed beneath his small nose made him appear even more delicate in his unconscious state.


A smile curved on her lips as she looked at the sleeping face of her good friend on her lap. The blue scales lightly scraped her thighs, but not enough to concern her.

Although she was tired, she decided to stay awake and care for Grey until he woke up. Only then would she allow herself to rest.

Hours passed, and Grey remained asleep. She, always alert, kept watch in case any abomination rose from the black waters to attack them.

Her hazel eyes wandered through the thick shadows of the world, observing the dark sea and the hill of rocks split in half in the distance.

Her expression darkened, and a trace of reproach and regret crossed her serious and contemplative face.

She stayed vigilant all night until the sun peeked over the horizon, illuminating the world and causing the black sea to retreat to an unknown destination.


DON'T FORGET THE STONES, WOOOOO! And if you're in a good mood, leave a review so the star rating thing pops up 😁