chapter 5

The next week blurred by in hard work and rising tension. Samantha became totally absorbed in finalizing design concepts for Greg's project, but his growing curiosity pressed on her like a weight.

Later that same afternoon, while Samantha was working over the latest revisions, her phone buzzed with a message from Rachel: "Mr. Thornton has called for a final review of the designs this evening. Can you make it?

Samantha's gut tightened. An evening conference would give her more time with Greg, and she wasn't so sure she was ready for that. Still, she couldn't afford to refuse.

"Of course," she replied, forcing herself to stay calm.

The evening meeting was set in Greg's office, a sleek, modern workspace that seemed a little more imposing by the day. Samantha took a deep breath and strode into the building, her mind focused on work.

Greg came out to meet her, beaming with friendliness, but Samantha sensed in his eyes something else—a flicker of curiosity and perhaps something she couldn't place.

"Ms. Reynolds, good to see you," he said, his tone warm. "Shall we go over the designs?"

They retreated into the conference room, where Greg went over the final designs with a critical eye. Samantha was confident in her presentation, but there was something about Greg searching for something beyond the aesthetics that unnerved her a little.

Greg's questions only got more and more personal as the meeting progressed. "You have done a great job with these designs. But tell me, what inspires you? What drives you in your work?"

Samantha was caught off guard by the question. "I am inspired to create spaces that people will love and connect with; it is all about creating something that speaks to them.

Greg nodded, his eyes unwavering. "That's a powerful motivation. I can see it in your work."

Just as Samantha was putting the final touches on the presentation, Greg's phone rang. He glanced at it, and his expression darkened. "Excuse me for a second," he said, rising from the room.

She took the opportunity to gather her things and prepare to leave. The meeting had gone well, but Greg's personal questions had unnerved her. She hoped the rest of the evening would go off without a hitch.

As Greg came back, he appeared serious than earlier. "Sorry for the interruption. We're almost done here."

Samantha nodded, trying to keep calm. "No problem. I appreciate your time.

The door opened, and a smartly dressed man walked in. Greg's character slightly changed as he introduced him as Alex, his colleague, who was somehow involved with the project.

"I'm going to talk over some other things with Alex," Greg said, "so thanks for the hard work, Ms. Reynolds. We will get back to you soon."

She packed up her things and left the office; her mind was filled with questions. She couldn't help but feel that something was cooking between her and Greg, not to mention Alex—something about his air that insinuated there was more to the situation.

That evening, as Samantha prepared dinner for Lily and Emma, her mind was on the events of the day. The twins were full of energy, and she was trying as much as possible to direct her attention toward them, but her thoughts persisted in returning to Greg and his poking questions.

She put the girls to bed and then sat down to a cup of tea, her mind racing with thoughts. She needed to be prepared for whatever was coming next. Greg's curiosity was becoming a growing concern, and she could no longer shut out the thought that he might find out the truth about her past.

She was having a cup of tea when her phone buzzed to the arrival of a fresh message. Rachel. "Mr. Thornton wants to meet with you tomorrow morning. Said he had some further ideas he wanted to discuss."

Samantha's heart sank. Was it another meeting already? She was starting to feel the pressure and knew she needed to stay sharp. Whatever Greg had planned, she had to keep her cool. Her life was built with care, and she would not let anyone jeopardize that.

Samantha took a deep sigh and then put the phone away. She was all set to tackle another day at work, with the strict resolution of finishing the project to the best of her capabilities. It was impossible to avoid the escalating tension of her past with the present. As she went off to bed, turning off the lights, she knew she had all the strength and resolution to meet whatever lay ahead.