Chapter - 30 A Message & A Rescue?

Gracie's Point Of View

Gracie hummed down the hall of the penthouse floor pushing her maid room attendants trolley. She stopped at room 50525, it was the last room on her round.

"Haa last room and then it's quitin' time." She said stretching.

She pulled out her key card and scanned it, then slowly opened the door. She got to work putting used towels set out for laundry into her hamper. She made quick work of wiping down all the surfaces and restocking toiletries.

She then made her way to one of the three bedrooms and stripped the bed, then replaced the sheets with fresh ones.

She did the same to the next room as well. She got to the third room and immediately halted. Aside from all the torture devices placed in the room, there was a young guy chained to the bed. She wasn't sure of what to do, she couldn't change the sheets with him atop them.

She walked closer thinking to ask the only resident if they would like her to change the sheets and such, but stopped short. He was breathtakingly beautiful, but that hadn't been why she hesitated. Even thought he was asleep, he had tears streaming down his cheeks and he was moaning and groaning in his sleep. She touched his arm, flinched, and then gasped. He was burning with a fever.

"Sir?... U-Um... Sir?"

His eyes snapped open and she gasped and stepped back. His eyes seemed unfocused for a bit as he looked around searching and breathing heavily. Then he locked eyes with her and his eyes widened.

"You... how did you... get in here?"

"I'm just a housekeeper...?"

"You shouldn't be here... it's dangerous." The man said, once again searching the room.

He then beckoned her closer, and whispered, "If anyone asks you, you didn't see me here. They could kill you just for knowing that. However I need you to do me a huge favor."

Gracie wasn't sure about any of this, the young man looked well and truly freaked out.

"Will you help me? I don't know how much time we have so please decide quickly."

She nodded, he didn't look like a bad person. He also looked sick and malnourished.

"I need you to find a man named Stephen Coolwater. He is the owner of this hotel and a dear friend. I need you to tell him that Mizuyuki Shin is being held captive here. I don't know the room number so you will have to give him that information. Do not tell anyone else, there's no telling who among the staff was paid off to not say anything. But if you help me, I'll make sure you are compensated handsomely. Enough to retire tomorrow if you wanted. To be honest I'm not even sure what day it is or how long I've been here. You are the first person I've seen since I was brought here."

Gracie's head was swimming with all the information he had given her. She wanted to help him, and not for the money. He looked like he needed medical attention, and soon. He was so pale, and emaciated.

"Stephen Coolwater. Mizuyuki Shin. Understood."

"Yes if you can't find Stephen then Sebastián Mason."

Gracie's eyes lit up at that name. She knew him very well.

"I know Bas! I might even have a good number for him still. I'll do what you asked. Promise!"

"Okay... now leave you have to go. If they catch you, they'll kill you without hesitation."

"Right. I'll be going now."

Gracie hurriedly left the suite pushing her trolley fast. She saw the elevator coming up to the penthouse floor and quickly ducked into an empty suite and waited. As far as she was aware there was only one occupied room on the penthouse floor. Meaning the ones coming up the elevator right now were the ones the man had warned her about.

She listened as their foot falls came close then receded past her. She waited until she heard the door close and let out a sigh of relief. Since she had partially cleaned the room she wasn't sure if she should head down via elevator or ditch her trolley and take the stairs. She had been entrusted with a heavy burden but she felt as though she had to save him.

She walked deeper into the empty suite away from the door and took out her cell phone. Then dialed the number saved under 'Baddy Bas'.


Sebastián Point Of View

Sebastián was exhausted, pissed off, and depressed. He hadn't slept in days, canvassing the city with Stephen was becoming a huge nightmare. Stephen had long since snapped and was basically in kill mode all day long. He too hadn't slept.

To top it all off, there were major disturbances at a few of his hotels. A fire had been set at one, making it completely close down, they may even have to tear it down and rebuild. The fire had spread to three floors in no time at all, and the sprinkler system had been tampered with. Thankfully no lives were lost but it had been a huge blow.

There was a massive drug influx at one of the resorts, causing drug overdoses and deaths. That ultimately brought the police snooping around which was never a good thing. After running around and putting out both literal and metaphorical fires, Wednesday came around and Mizuyuki was nowhere to be seen at the auctions.

Stephen had gone catatonic in his hotel, even Myah was turning into a demon. It fell on Sebastián to keep everyone under control, which wasn't easy in the slightest. It was now Friday and Sebastián was riding around with Stephen, he had decided to visit all of his properties one by one.

They had just left the Golden Palace and were headed towards Clearview Resorts when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and frowned in confusion. He answered it and put it on speaker.

"What's up Gracie? I'm kinda busy right now so I can't play with you today love."

-No it's not that Bas, I have a message for Stephen Coolwater, but I don't have a number for him. Can you tell him for me? No way could I call the Owner of my job, that's so freakin terrifying. But I think it's an emergency.

"He's right here listening with me, and why are you whispering? Are you in trouble? Is something happening at The Amethyst Hotel?"

-Well I'm not sure, I was cleaning the Penthouse floor. I picked up the shift because Tabby was sick, and I ran into a guy here. He looks so sick, I'm worri-

"A guy? What guy? Is it drugs? Explain things properly Gracie."

-That's what I'm trying to do quit interrupting me!

"It's fine Ms. Gracie tell us what you know. If it's good intel I'll compensate you for the trouble." Stephen said. He had already turned around and started heading for the hotel.

-Thank you Mr. Coolwater... Well what I know is, the guy chained up in a penthouse suite told me to tell you his name is Mizuyuki Shin, and he needs your help. He didn't know the room number but it's 50525. He doesn't look good boss. He also said the people holding him there would kill me if they found out I was there. I've been hiding in another penthouse suite since.

Stephen stepped on the accelerator at the mention of Mizuyuki's name. Meanwhile, Sebastián took out both his guns checking the clips.

"Are the men there in the suite now? If not how long have they been gone? You gave great intel. I know it's dangerous, but I need you to keep me abreast of the situation as best you can without getting caught. Those men will definitely kill you, or do something far worse making you wish they killed you instead."

-When I left the suite, the elevator was coming up to the Penthouse floor. I panicked and slipped into another suite. I listened for their foot steps and it seems they headed for the room. I was too scared to make the call by the door. I'm in the bathroom now. I don't think I was supposed to clean the whole room. They had all the linen by the door, I'm guessing either Tabby was being paid extra to not clean the whole suite or paid extra to keep her mouth shut. But they would notice someone cleaned all but one room and get suspicious right? I'm scared Sebastián what do I do?

"It's fine Gracie we are 4 minutes away. I'm going to call security and have them shut down the elevators until we get there just sit as close to the suite door as you can and text me if you here anything else. Keep your phone on silent so my calls and texts don't get you caught. Your the best Gracie stay safe until I come for you okay?

-Understood. Thanks Bas.


"Stephen how do you want to handle this? I got no qualms crippling my old man after the week I've had."

"Call Myah tell her to send the calvary, I'll call security." Stephen said not slowing down and not answering the question. Sebastián knew what that meant. If his father refused, a shoot out would definitely occur.


Riiing.... Riiing....

-What's up? Any news? We just got the last of that Ecstasy-Cocaine drug off another one of your properties.

"Yea Myah thanks. We found him. Send everyone to The Amethyst Hotel we are pulling up now. It's room 50525, come loaded and ready for war."

-You don't have to tell me twice, if he even looks tired I'm shooting someone! We are right up the road, 7 minutes tops!


"Let's go Sebastián I called security already. We are heading there first. No more just missing him, I want to be certain."

"Yea boss, we'll get him this time for sure."

They climbed out the car but didn't give the keys to the valet who looked confused until he saw Stephen's face. They walked in and straight to the security room.

"Show us the penthouse floor for the last two hours." Stephen demanded.

Security didn't even hesitate, he pulled up the penthouse floor CCTV and played it at 2.5x's the speed. It didn't show them leaving within that time but they definitely popped up getting off the elevator with bags in their hands. They didn't have a security detail which showed their confidence in not getting caught.

"Continue to monitor this floor text or call me if you see any movement no matter how small. Understand?"

"Yes boss. Understood."

"Turn the elevators back on, and hand me your master key card."

The man nodded and handed it over without question.

"Oh also Myah and her men are on their way, send them up with another master key card when they arrive."

Stephen turned on a dime and headed for the elevators. Sebastián right behind him. As they waited for the elevator there was a commotion by the main doors. Sebastián turned to see what the issue was, hand on his gun. It was Myah and a slew of men too many to count.

"C'mon Myah the elevator is here." Sebastián said waving her over.

She was dressed head to toe in murder gear. Her outfit was leather, and she had so many knives and small blades on her body that both Stephen and Sebastián gasped. To top it off she had a gun holster with two guns inside.

"Some of your men will have to take the second elevator. There's clearly too many of them to fit." Sebastián said.

"Yes indeed, Todd your obviously coming, but 15 of you ride with me. 20 take the other elevator and 10 of you wait here just incase someone tries to escape or rescue them. Once everyone's gotten to the top have security shut the elevators down once more. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Princess!"

"Good... let's go save Yuki boys!"

Sebastián and Stephen climbed into the elevator first, then true to form the men followed her instructions to a T. The second elevator dinged as well and 20 men got on it. The doors closed and the slow agonizing accent began. Everyone checked and rechecked their weapons. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

They reached the penthouse floor and everyone got out. At the same time the other elevator opened up as well.

"Ten of you stay here block off any exits." Myah said.

Sebastián held up a hand then pulled out his phone.

"Gracie come out now, quickly."

He hung up the phone when he heard a door open next to him. Gracie immediately hugged him, trembling like a leaf in the wind. Then she looked around in wide eyed shock.

Stephen approached her next, "Thank you Gracie... I really owe you a great deal. Whatever you want that I can give is yours, same for Myah over here we'll do what we can to honor your wishes." Stephen said on a relieved sigh.

"Um why me too?" Myah asked not understanding.

"Because without her help we probably would have never found him. She called us and relayed Mizuyuki's message. We found flight manifests that our father's had set up, like a shell game. They had planned to leave tomorrow on all the flights, but something tells me those were all decoys and they're going to take a private jet tonight."

Myah walked over to Gracie hugged her a bit and then kissed both her cheeks.

"Indeed I owe you everything. Stay with my men they will take care of you." Myah said tears brimming her eyes.

Even though Stephen loved Mizuyuki, Myah became unhinged after the auction, she had tracked everyone down except their fathers. Sebastián felt bad for her, she thought it would be a simple find but both Daimian and Malykai had gone off the grid for almost 5 years.

Once Sebastián and Stephen learned that Mizuyuki had been taken by their fathers the stress and anxiety overwhelmed them.

"Let's go! I don't want him to suffer another moment with those bastards!" Myah said leading the way.


Mizuyuki's Point Of View

Mizuyuki was a shell of his former self, the drugs addled his mind so much he couldn't be sure what was a hallucination and what was reality. He had long since lost his mind. He thought he had finally talked to someone other than the depraved assholes who kept him here. But he wasn't sure, his reality had been askewed.

I lay on the bed trying not to move any part of my body, once the drugs wore off everything was so painful that it was hard to even breathe. The door to the room swung open and i thought it might be the maid, i didn't look up however the pain wracked my body in waves. The withdrawal from the drugs made me sweat with a fever.



Both captors said a little to excited for comfort. They came around to the other side of the bed and placed bags down.

"Stop calling me those damn nicknames. It makes my skin crawl."

"Ah... the drugs already wore off. He hates us again." Daimian said, forcefully grabbing my chin and turning my head.

"Such a shame two hours ago he was clinging to us like a loving pet." Malykai chuckled.

"Do you want more drugs Mizu? We need you to be a good boy for this next part ok?" Daimian asked.

I shook my head, "They're too strong. They make me sick. I don't want anyth- Ah! Hngh... Fuckin pricks." I couldn't properly protest, Daimian had already stabbed me in the neck.

"Well too bad, you'll keep getting injections until you accept that no one is coming for you, so just enjoy life with us instead. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Why can't you act lovingly without the drugs?"

"Because I fucking hate you! You're sick and a piece of filth! I don't want anyth- AHH! Stop!"

"I grow weary of your insults, Mizu. Would you like me to put my cock inside you instead of my fingers? Is that why you keep throwing a fit, because you want to be fucked?" Daimian asked, violently twisting his fingers inside me.

"Daam we don't have time for that. We have a plane to catch remember?"

My body tensed at what he said...

'A plane? I'm getting on a plane, with them?'

"Ugh... your ass tightened up so well just then. Do you want to ride a plane Mizu?"

"N-No! No please. Let me go... Uhh... You had your fun so just... Hngh... stop! Let me go home!"

"Yes we had fun, but now we would like to keep you. You're so beautiful and entertaining."

My rapid pulse spread the drugs faster threw my body. The familiar high feeling I always felt heightened, as he frantically moved his fingers roughly inside me. I was about to cum and I couldn't stop it.

"Ungh...Ngh! Haah... Ah! Hngh... cumming..."

Afterwards, my body went slack and my mind fogged over. Their voices came to me stilted and muffled. I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Then, they dumped out the bags beside me, and I was mortified. They were filled with women's wear and apparel.

The chains rattled, as I moved away from the perverted assholes looking at me like a peace of meat. I didn't want to go with them, much less in women's clothes! Daimian used the covers to wipe me and his hand off. Then held up the outfits. Just then a loud clatter sounded outside the room.


Daimian pressed the barrel of his gun to my forehead. A shudder ran through my body. He pressed a finger to his lips. I thought the sound was a hallucination, it sounded so distorted I couldn't even be certain who it was. Next, doors slammed everywhere, slowly getting closer.

Then, the door to the room slammed open, and a stifled scream was heard.

"Take your gun off Yuki's precious face! Or you will never fire a gun again! Make no mistake my blade is faster!" Came a yell.

"And who the hell are you to give me such an ord-" Daimian's words died in his throat as men filed into the room.

I turned my head to see what he was staring at and my eyes widened in shock, there were so many men and at the helm was Myah. Tears brimmed my eyes and I prayed it wasn't a dream. The last men to file in made me audibly gasp, it was Stephen and Sebastián.

"Ah looks like the gangs all here. Truly a surprise. I had thought you'd be out chasing the distractions we made for you."

"Daimian I'm only going to say this once you'd best move out of my way and give him back to me!" Stephen yelled.

"Yeah yeah. I know when I've been beat. Well played son." Daimian said, taking a step back gun raised in surrender.

"I'm no longer anything to you, you stupid bastard!"

Myah ran up to me and took my face in both hands. The fiery fury in her eyes was comforting.

"Yuki I'm so sorry we took so long. Please forgive me." She said kissing my face all over.

"Myah you... are you... really here?"

"Yes I'm here to take you home Yuki. Would you like to go home?"

My tears fell unrestrained as I sobbed in her arms.

"Uncuff him NOW!" She demanded pointing her gun at Daimian.

Instead of Daimian, Malykai took out the keys and dropped them on the bed. Myah then pointed the gun at Malykai.

"I do believe I spoke English and didn't stutter. I said uncuff him, not give me the keys."

Malykai, having no other choice took the keys and unlocked the chains. Myah then held me tighter in her embrace rubbing my hair.

"Stephen carry him, Sebastián find something to wrap him in, and get out."

"Myah I can-"

"I said to Get. Out!" Stephen's words were cut short at her harsh command.

Sebastián quickly disappeared then reappeared with a blanket. Stephen wrapped me in it and picked me up, kissing my lips gently before walking towards the door. I looked back at Myah and saw her unsheath two blades from each of her wrists before all the men in suits blocked my sight, forming a semicircle around Myah and the exit.

"Todd, go with them. Do for Yuki what I cannot right now."

The men parted to let Todd through and I locked eyes with Myah before Todd closed the door. It wasn't long before the sound of several guns clicked and Myah's inaudible yells were heard.

"Fuck, she's so damn terrifying! Not that I mind either way but I do wonder if they will survive." Sebastián said.

I looked over at him and he smiled at me saying, "I'm sorry I didn't know you were still in the house at the time. I didn't think they would attempt to drug you a second time. Do you hate me?"

I was having a hard time adjusting. I couldn't discern if this was real or not. I had imagined my rescue several times and dreamt it even more. So it was hard to know if I would wake up back in that room or not.

Stephen stopped walking once we exited the suite. Sebastián placed a hand on my forehead then my cheek brushing away my tears.

"Are you in shock? Can you hear me?"

"Is this... really... happening? Did you... really come... for me... if I'm dreaming right now... then I want to die... anything is better than... waking up... in that nightmare... ever again... Sebastián... Stephen... this, this isn't a dream... right?" I asked through my sobs.

"Yea buddy this isn't a dream. You'll never go back to that room again. Promise. Isn't that right Stephen?" Sebastián asked slapping Stephen on the shoulder.

"Yea that's right. Never the fuck again." Stephen said, resuming his strides to the elevators squeezing me tighter.

"But, how did you find m-" My words died in my throat as I saw the woman I had thought was an apparition in the room before standing amongst men in black suits.

"You?! You were real? I thought... I was hallucinating... You really... helped me... didn't you?" I asked the woman.

She slowly stepped toward me and bowed slightly, "I'm really glad you weren't crazy. And I'm glad your safe... I was worried it was all some kind of sick joke until they came with an army."

"You risked... your life... for me... I am forever grateful... You'll reward her... right Stephen?"

"Yes no need to worry sir. Myah and Stephen promised to reward me. You should rest now, and focus on recovery. Your pupils are dilated, and they were earlier as well... it's probably why you can't filter realities right now, they gave you drugs didn't they?"

Both Stephen and Sebastián inhaled sharply, while looking me over. I felt like a small germ under a microscope.

"Yes... a lot... all day long... without them... everything... everything hurts..."

"It will be okay... detoxing will suck but so many people care about you. I hope you feel better. Mr. Coolwater sir? And Sebastián? When I saw him before I called you he had a terrible fever. That was most likely due to the drugs wearing off. Don't let him overheat once they wear off. Call a physician right away to start him on a detox pill. The possibilities of him dying will skyrocket without proper care. I lost my brother to drugs, I don't want you guys to suffer that fate."

"Thank you Gracie. Have two of these men escort you home and wait for my call. If you need anything ask them and they will get it for you. The rest of you I suspect Myah might need to be restrained. Go help her any way you can." Stephen said.

"Hey it's Sebastián, turn on the elevators and keep them on, we're heading down now."

A moment later the whirring of the elevators could be heard. Sebastián pressed the button and the doors automatically opened, as if they'd been waiting for us. We all got into the elevator while some men went off to help Myah. Todd was the last to enter.

"Yuki, today is Friday. Do you know roughly when it was you were brought here?"

My body began to slowly shake and my teeth began to chatter. The drugs were wearing off. I looked up at Todd and reached a shaky arm to him. He clasped my hand in both his, kissing my palm.

"I... I saw you... here in the lobby... when they first... brought me... I tried to call out to you... but I was already... in the elevator... and the doors closed... I wasn't sure... you heard... me."

Todd looked up at Stephen. They shared some unspoken words with each other before Stephen laid me gently in Todd's arms. Todd gently squeezed me while rubbing my hair.

"I'm so sorry Yuki. I was worried that was the case. That day I had gotten a tip that someone had booked a penthouse suite for 4 days. I headed here and spoke with the personnel, shared your picture with the staff and asked them to contact us immediately if you were seen. I thought I heard you call for me but I didn't see you. I foolishly chalked it up to being paranoid. And since no one reported seeing you I didn't think much about it after the first day." He was trembling while hugging me.

Just like Sebastián, it had been a near miss again and it must have been eating him up knowing I was here the whole time.

"It's not your fault. To be honest I was more to blame than anything. They threatened to kill you, so I didn't try to call for you again or put up much resistance when I knew you'd do anything to save me. I was just too afraid to watch you die." I said pressing my forehead to his and taking in his warmth.

I looked over at Sebastián who was also looking a little green around the gills. I tried to reach my hand out to him but it fell limp towards the ground. I tried again and my body went slack as well. Frowning I looked up at Stephen then Sebastián. Their green eyes filled with so much concern it warmed my heart.

"Sebastián... pick me up." I said looking at him with a stern expression.

He flinched then looked at Stephen, who hadn't taken his eyes of me since he handed me to Todd. Sebastián made no move to retrieve me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Pick me up right now or I'll never talk to you or Stephen again."

At that, you could practically feel the air leave the elevator.

The cute ding of the elevator sounded and everyone but Todd, Sebastián, and Stephen got off immediately. Clearly trying to avoid the awkward situation.

"Todd if you take a single step outside this elevator before he picks me up I will not speak to you either."

"Haha as you wish young master." He chuckled a reply while putting my arm in my lap and repositioning my head from dangling further.

"Sebastián do as he says." Stephen said through clenched teeth.

Todd walked over and placed me in Sebastián's arms, taking care to put both arms in my lap and my head against his chest.

"Sebastián... you did your best. I know you were the one holding Myah and Stephen back from rampaging. Everyone looks like they haven't slept in days. And even now your trying to be considerate, you're a good guy. I see now why you and Stephen have been friends for so long. I'd give you head pats for a job well done but my body is useless at the moment. My capture was not your fault. You did everything you were supposed to, in fact had I fought for a bit longer you might have burst in and saved me properly. It means the world to me all that you did and have done. Stop beating yourself up about it now. You did everything right. Those bastards were just more prepared. The fact that you came right away means so much more to me ok?"

Sebastián looked at me and his eyes were bloodshot with tears brimming them. He took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

"Good. Maybe someday in the near future we can all have a meal together. Get to know each other more. I'd like that you know. And Stephen might not admit it out loud but he's a pretty lonely guy, so the more the merrier."

Sebastián chuckled at that finally looking much better. Then he nodded his head saying, "Yeah I'd like that too. Can't let Stephen stay lonely for long he starts having crazy ideas... haha!

"Yes, exactly... okay we'll let Stephen decide the time and place after my recovery... okay now hand me back to Stephen I would like to go home now."

Stephen wasted no time in scooping me up. He held me higher than the others making sure my head was nestled in his neck. Then Sebastián pushed the open door button and we left the elevator and Hotel behind.

Sebastián drove and Todd sat shotgun. I sat in Stephen's lap as he rubbed my arms and fingers.

"Will you kiss me again?" I asked. I wanted constant confirmation that this was real.

Stephen obeyed and kissed me softly. I closed my eyes against the comforting feeling.



"One more time."

By the fourth kiss Stephen had finally cracked a smile while asking, "Why do you keep making me kiss you like this?"

I stiffend just a bit while saying, "In all my dreams and hallucinations we never made it this far. I just wanted to be sure this time. I missed you... so, so much... you pervert."

Stephen looked crestfallen as he kissed me all over my face like Myah had done.

"I missed you so much more Mizuyuki."

I smiled slightly as I slumped back against his chest.

"I'm tired. I'm going to sleep now. Protect me Stephen.

"Always." He replied encasing me in his warmth as I drifted off to sleep.