chapter SIX

months later*

I had become quite close with the hoodie guy.we talked on phone but didn't see each other much..I wonder how he's coping in school without attending some classes. The wound on my side healed in a less than a month and Cassandra distanced her self which really helped cause seeing her only made me uncomfortable and as for Jake he didn't stop with the treath but didn't dear come near me when Hoodie guy was in School and when he was absent the only way to avoid him was to mingle with Daniel and Evelyn. This two cousins did a great job in keeping me away from Jake which I was greatful for.


"Mum,Dad am glad you're back". I ran into their warm embrace something I never get tired of.

"We missed you our little angel."Dad placed a soft kiss on my head and ruffled my hair a bit earning a light chuckle from me.

"I missed you more."

After a lovely and lively breakfast with my parents...I sat in my room doing nothing in particular.

"Sam." Mum peeked her head into my room smiling .

"Come in mum."

"Uhm Sam!" Mum sighed coming to sit beside me.

"What is it? all ears." I smiled again waiting to hear the good news.

" We're leaving to France tomorrow morning."


"Am sorry Sam..your Dad and I thought it'd be best if we take you along."

"But why?." I whine sadly as fears welled up at the back of my eyes.

She held my hand and gave them a light squeeze."Honey,we have another business trip,it's important and urgent.And it'll be about a year..ugh?"

"But am old enough to take care of my self mum."

"Honey...Honey.." mum trailed as I stormed out with tears in my eyes.

Where do I start from? Hoodie guy; were just getting to know each other,why now of all times.i sighed in frustration.

I decided to take a stroll down the street looking around. I wish I could meet him just this once. I dipped my hands in my pocket only to find that I didn't take my phone along. "I can't go back now".

I continued walking till I got to a nearby park. I sat on one of the benches sighing in frustration for the upteenth time " for goodness sake,where is he?".

A presence beside me made me look up. "what's up?,why do you look so down?". without saying a word I wrapped my arms around his shoulders sobbing quietly.

"Where have you been?,I was looking for you the whole time..I thought I'd never get to see you again?"He pulled away a bit scrunching his eyebrows

"Why?,did something happen at home?". He asked wiping my tears with his thumb.

"We're relocating to France".


"Tomorrow morning. I don't want to go..I really don't want to. Am sure mum will listen to you uhn? Just help me convince her at least I should stay till graduation ."

"I'll try. Don't cry okay?." He pulled me into his embrace giving my back a light pat.

*****Later that evening*****

After making dinner,I told mum I was going to eat later after I did my homework... meanwhile I was pacing back and forth in my room biting my nails nervously. What if they don't agree?

I kept pacing around as I checked the time occasionally letting out a shaky sigh.

What if he left already. I sighed once a sitting on my bed I should just give up. Just then a light knock came on my door.

"Come in." I replied absent mindedly.

" Why didn't you come down for dinner?" The voice made my eyes lit up.

"Heyy." I smiled widely. Come,sit. I thought you'd be home by now."

" But am here." He replied with a chuckle as he sat close to me.

For some reason the butterflies in my belly go on rampage.

"You've not replied my first question."


"Why were you not there for dinner?"the light weight of his arm around my shoulder brought me back to reality.

"Ugh..uhm,I..I..I..your..I said..uhm..that you didn't want me see y..your f.. face,so I didn't want to make you feel un.. uncomfortable" I whispered the last part as I couldn't not help but blush cause of his sudden closeness.

"You talk a lot when you're nervous,shy girl."

" not shy." I looked down pouting like a child.

"Anyways,so you sacrificed your dinner for me. that's really nice of you."

"What did mum say?" I asked nervously.

"Hmm.." he sighed deeply making my hoep shatter into a million pieces.

"What did she say?".

" I tried my best, I really did. But guess what?"

"What?."tears welled up in my eyes

"Mrs Elvis fell for my charm.."

"What?!!". I was confused.

He burst out laughing at my expression. "she said yes".

"Really". A small scream escaped my lips and out of excitement I pecked on that part of the mask that covered his cheeks ."You're the best."

" You can say that again."

"No way , I won't." I folded my hands under my chest talking with such boldness .

"Are you always this bold?" He asked raise one brow.

" Of course. Am more bold than you can imagi...." I trailed off with a gasp when my back made contact with the bed.

My thoughts: now Sam where's all that more bold bla bla bla..looked at you now your heart is about to bust open.

I immediately shook the thought of my head.

"You still won't say it?.his calm voice sent a tingling sensation down my Even with mask on his closeness made my body tense. His mesmerizing blue eyes piercing mine as I swallowed nothing.

" Uhm..I..I am." What is wrong with me?.

" It's fine, see you later then." he got off me heading for the door.

" Thank you." I rushed over the words like I didn't want his to hear it.

" You're welcome ma Queen" he turned around and winked at me.

After the door closed behind him I picked up my pillow and screamed into it.."He's just the best"

My thoughts : Are you blushing right now?

" Just shut up and stop ruining my moment" I danced around a bit then want downstairs to eat and of course slept around 2 am cause I was thinking about him. "Am crazy."