Chapter 7: extreme physique 

Ning Zu had just arrived at Bai Village, immediately drawing the attention of the villagers. Some Gu Masters even began to follow him—after all, he was a member of the Xiong clan, and his presence here was far from welcome, even among those without cultivation.

But he didn't care. If people didn't know him well enough, their opinions were of no consequence to him.

He wasn't the type of maniac who disregarded everyone's opinions. If someone was close enough to him, he would listen and care about what they had to say. But those people were all dead now, so there was no one left in the five continents who could shake his spirit.

'Besides, this vessel will become useless after refining "that" and they won't have use left,' he thought.

The Gu he intended to refine required materials that didn't naturally exist, so he had to create them himself. These materials didn't exist for a reason—they could kill the person refining them with the slightest mistake and demanded heavy sacrifices.

This was Ning Zu's style. He didn't mind sacrifice at all. If it meant he could achieve his goals, he would sacrifice even himself. After all, he was a demonic Gu Master.

Ning Zu entered what appeared to be a small shop. It wasn't very large; five adults wouldn't have enough room to move freely. The walls were covered with multiple papers listing Gu materials and their prices.

Inside the shop sat a Rank Two Gu Master, sitting on a chair and glaring at Ning Zu with undisguised hostility. He was a young man with white hair and brown eyes, his face unremarkable except for its palenes, a common trait among the Gu Masters of the Bai clan, who cultivated the Ice and Water Paths as their primary paths.

His attire was typical of a Gu Master, resembling that of a martial artist. It was black with red lines, and he wore a belt with the number 2 inscribed on it.

"What is an outsider like you doing here? Do you want me to freeze all the blood in your body?" the young man threatened.

"I'm here to buy some Gu and refinement materials. Everything I need is listed here," Ning Zu replied, handing him a paper.

"If it's something you don't have, then—"

"Who the hell do you think you are?" the young man interrupted, rising from his seat and preparing to use his Gu.

Ning Zu didn't even flinch, unfazed by the air growing colder.

"Listen, I came here to trade. I'm not asking for the Bai Village's signature Gu or materials that are only produced here. Do you want to provoke a war between our clans over something so trivial?"

"You!" The young man was furious, but he couldn't refute Ning Zu's logic. If things escalated and a war broke out, he would be a disgrace to his clan for the rest of his life.

He, like everyone in the Bai clan, looked down upon the Xiong clan. But a war with them would not only weaken their foundation even after they win, but it will also leave them vulnerable to the Gu Yu clan, who was already superior.

"Fine, you bastard! But don't you dare ever come to this shop again!"

"I have no reason to." Ning Zu replied calmly.

The young man clicked his tongue in annoyance and took the list of materials Ning Zu had given him.

"Wait here. I'll get the materials. And if you don't have enough money to pay, you'll pay with your life!"

Ning Zu merely nodded, knowing these were empty threats.

After some time, the young man returned with multiple Rank 1 and Rank 2 materials, as well as some mortal Gu.

"It'll be a thousand and twelve primeval stones," he demanded.

They exchanged no further words. Ning Zu paid the amount, checked the materials, and went on his way.

'That boy is in the middle stage, but he's not far from the upper stage. I could sense a Red Steel Relic Gu inside his aperture. He seems to have B-grade talent,' Ning Zu mused.

After contemplating for a moment, Ning Zu decided, 'He shall be my vessel when the time is right.'

Ning Zu was going to need a lot of people for his refinement, but they all needed to be Rank 1 Gu Masters. When the time came to refine "that" Gu to the next rank, he would require Rank 2 Gu Masters.

'Taking too many vessels will take a toll on my soul, but I can handle it as long as I have enough time to… wait, what?' 

Ning Zu's thoughts were abruptly interrupted. His quasi-supreme grandmaster attainment in the Human Path was signaling something to him. He recognized the feeling, it was something he had experienced in his past life, but his intuition told him that this time, it was a bit different. It gave him a feeling of... excitement.

Ning Zu focused on the source of this feeling.

What could make a Human Path expert like him feel such excitement you might ask? Well what else could it if not one of the Ten Extreme Physiques?

To be precise, it was a future Ten Extreme Physique. The person in question was only a child for now. The boy sat on the streets, covered in mud, his messy white hair obscuring his eyes.

Ning Zu had once had two friends who possessed one of the Ten Extreme Physiques, but they had tragically died because of Heaven's Will. Their influence had led him down the Human Path in his past life, and they were part of the reason he had defied Heaven's Will so relentlessly.

'Should I take over his body?... No, that's not... *sigh*,' Ning Zu thought, dismissing the idea.

He had promised both of his friends that he would look after any Ten Extreme Physique bearers if he ever encountered them.

'Besides, this child will have the Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique. Possessing that physique would leave me no choice but to cultivate the Ice and Snow Path, which would conflict with my future plans.'

He approached the boy, noticing his eyes, eyes that could only be described as empty. Ning Zu had seen such eyes too many times before, eyes devoid of any desire for life.

"Hey, kid, where are your parents?" Ning Zu asked as he got closer.

"....." The child stared at him before answering in a quiet voice, "They're dead."

"Do you have anyone to take care of you? Family or anyone?"

"Not anymore. I only had my parents, but they died long ago."

"How about I become your family then?" Ning Zu offered with a warm smile.

The child was taken aback. He had just met this stranger, and now he was asking to be his family.

"W-why would you do that?" The child was more scared than curious. Despite his young age, he understood how cruel humans could be.

"I had a friend who was just like you, actually. He, too, had no family to lean on, to care for him, to be with."

'Though he was the one who killed them... well, that's beside the point,' Ning Zu thought.

The child stared at him for a moment, then quietly asked, "Can I... can I do that? Be your family?"


"What's the catch?" Asked the child, still being suspicious.

"The catch is that you'll have an annoying older sister who just wants to play all day." Ning Zu replied, thinking of his sister in his other body.

"I w-want to play all day."

"Then there's no catch then. So, what do you say?"

Bai Ning Bing thought for a moment, then looked at a nearby vendor selling cold beverages.

"Can I have some ice cream first, then decide?"

"Fine by me. So, what's your name?"

"My parents named me... Bai Ning Bing."

It took him a moment to say his name, as he hadn't used it in so long.

"Alright, Bai Ning Bing."

Ning Zu extended his hand.

"Let's buy you some ice cream."

Bai Ning Bing took his hand, uncertain if this strange man was telling the truth, and they walked to the vendor.

The vendor was an old man who used a stick to support himself. His back was bent with age. In front of him was a table filled with fruits, juices, and a few boxes.

The old man frowned when he saw Ning Zu, recognizing him as someone from the Xiong clan. He was ready to find an excuse not to serve him.

"Choose any flavor you want, kid," Ning Zu said.

"They only have one," the child replied, his earlier worries forgotten in his excitement over getting the ice cream that every kid in the village enjoyed.

Seeing the small child and then looking back at Ning Zu, the old man's expression softened.

"Even if we I only have one flavor, it's the best in the village," the old man said.

"Yes! Everyone in the village talks about it!" Bai Ning Bing exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Alright then, give him one, please," Ning Zu requested.

The old man opened one of the boxes and pulled out a bowl filled with ice cream.

"There you go, young lad," he said with a bright smile, handing it to Bai Ning Bing along with a spoon.

Ning Zu paid the old man, and they continued walking while Bai Ning Bing devoured the ice cream.

After the child finished, Ning Zu asked him, "So, what do you say now?"

"Can I have this ice cream every day?"

"No, only once a week."

"Whyy?" Bai Ning Bing tried to act cute, but he wasn't very good at it.

"Because it'll be bad for your health."

"Fine! Deal! I'll be a part of your family!"

"Good choice, young brother." Ning Zu nodded in satisfaction.

"Let me tell you a secret then."

Ning Zu pointed to his forehead, where a blue lotus mark suddenly appeared.

"Whenever you see this mark, know it's me."

Bai Ning Bing looked at the blue lotus mark in amazement. The light was beautiful and soothing to a child who didn't yet understand the wonders of the world.

"What does that mean?" he asked, mesmerized by the lotus mark but still curious.

"You'll understand later. It's a secret between us, alright?"

Ning Zu knelt down, hiding the lotus mark and placing his hands on Bai Ning Bing's shoulders.

"Do you promise not to tell anyone?"

"I promise," the child replied innocently, not fully understanding what Ning Zu was asking.

Unbeknownst to him, a small tattoo resembling an ice spike appeared under his tongue, making it impossible for him to tell anyone what he had just seen, even if he wanted to. If he tried to speak or write about it, the spike would start freezing his mouth, eventually causing his mind to freeze as well.

Ning Zu had used a Gu he had just purchased called Ice Promise Gu. It was a Rank 1 Gu used on mortals and Rank 1 Gu Masters to enforce promises. It wouldn't work on a Rank 2 master or above, as the Gu's power wouldn't be strong enough, evaporation instantly.

'It should disappear when he becomes a Rank 2 Gu Master. I should have other ways to keep that secret by then.'

"Where's our house?" the child asked curiously.

"Well, I'm from a neighboring clan, so my house is a little far away. I'll come pick you up and take you there once I finish some business. I should be back by nightfall."

Bai Ning Bing looked at him with teary eyes, his gaze filled with doubt.

"You're going to leave me and never come back, aren't you?"

"Hey, little brother, you don't have to worry. I'll come back for sure. I promise."

The child couldn't hold back his tears any longer and began to cry.

"You're lying! How can I believe you?"

"I promised you, little brother. Just trust me. I never break my promises to my family."

Bai Ning Bing fought back his tears, hoping that what his brother was saying was the truth.

"I'll wait for you then... *sniff*... in the spot where you first found me."

"Good, just wait there, okay?"

Ning Zu wiped away Bai Ning Bing's tears, then patted him on the head.

"Will you buy me two ice creams when you get back?"

"Not happening. Wait until next week."

"Fine! Now take your hands off my head!"

Bai Ning Bing then ran back to his previous spot, sitting there with hope in his heart.

Ning Zu smiled lightly before using his movement Gu to leave the Bai Village.

'I should be quick so I don't keep my little siblings waiting.'

As he exited the village, the Gu Masters who had been following him returned to their duties, as he was not in there territory anymore.

Ning Zu kept running until he spotted a river. Without a second thought, he leaped into it, swimming swiftly until he found a crevice in the middle of a large boulder. The crevice was wide enough to let multiple adults move without difficulty. Ning Zu entered without hesitation, ignoring the fact that the space began to shrink as he moved further in. He kept going, even as the passage narrowed to the point where movement became difficult. Despite his large frame, Ning Zu pushed onward, inching along until he noticed a faint red light not far ahead.

Seeing the light, Ning Zu moved faster, knowing he had reached the right place.

'It's exactly as the split soul said.' he thought.

After much difficulty, Ning Zu finally reached his destination. The space stopped shrinking, opening up into an approximately 80-square-meter enclosure. The entire chamber was bathed in a dim red light, though Ning Zu couldn't discern its source. The stone walls were damp and covered in moss, yet the air was surprisingly dry. 

On the walls, withering vines intertwined, weaving across much of the surface. A few wilted flowers grew on the vines, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the room.

Ning Zu spotted a liquor worm sleeping soundly on top of some vines. He grabbed it and instantly refined it with the Soul Lotus Gu's aura. He then pulled out another Gu that he had purchased and made a sound, activating the other Gu that was hidden in the dark.

Suddenly, a video projection started playing from the Gu. It depicted a scene of someone begging on their knees while another person stood before them. His Gu immediately began recording, capturing everything from the start to the end.

The recording showed a fight between a demonic Gu Master and the fourth-generation leader of the Gu Yu Clan. It was publicly known that they had fought, with the fourth generation leader emerging victorious. The story went that the leader had shown mercy to the the Flower Wine Monk after winning fairly against him, only to be stabbed in the back, leading to the demonic Gu Master's death at the hands of the enraged clan leader who died shortly after. However, the recording told a different story.

However, in this version, it was Flower Wine Monk who had shown mercy after defeating the fourth clan leader. But the leader had immediately backstabbed Flower Wine Monk, who, in a fit of rage, killed the clan leader before fighting the other elders.

After the video ended, Ning Zu stopped the recording and stored the Gu in his aperture.

Ning Zu then pulled out the materials and Gu worms he had brought from the shop and began setting up a formation.

'Everything must be left as it is for the Despair Gu to be refined,' he thought.

All this work was preparation for refining the Despair Gu, an unnatural Gu developed and studied by Ning Zu himself. The process was extremely dangerous, as the Gu couldn't even be refined without the risk of breaking the mortal aperture.

In sufficient quantity, the Despair Gu could destroy even a blessed land, but that would require millions of them. This Gu was, after all, only a Rank 1 Gu.

Ning Zu spent almost an hour setting up the formation, careful not to alter the space any more than necessary. 

He then sat cross-legged in the center of the chamber, closing his eyes and activating the formation.

'I better focus so I don't destroy my aperture and die. If I die in any body I possess, it's permanent. I won't be able to change vessels because all my thoughts will be consumed by this formation.'

Ning Zu began the refinement process, holding a primeval stone to recharge his essence when needed.

All of this was happening while his other body slept soundly, without a care in the world.