Chapter 11: A sect within a clan

Ning Zu moved swiftly through the dense forest that bordered Bai village, his eyes scanning the path ahead. The night air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, and the faint glow of the moon illuminated the winding trail. 

He was heading toward the Bai clan's village, a small but prosperous settlement on the mountain. Though it wasn't as powerful as the Gu Yu clan, the Bai clan had always maintained a firm grip over its territory, known for producing skilled gu masters.

As Ning Zu reached the outskirts of the village, his senses heightened. He could feel a shift in the air, something was off. 

He slowed his pace, blending into the shadows as he moved silently closer to the village. Through the dim light, he noticed a figure moving swiftly through the streets. It was a child—barely ten years old—running as fast as his legs could carry him, panic evident in every step. Behind him was a gu master in dark robes, his eyes locked on the boy with deadly intent.

Ning Zu's eyes narrowed. That man was no ordinary gu master; his presence oozed malice. He recognized the aura—a soul path practitioner, someone skilled in manipulating souls. This was no mere threat, it was the Soul Hunter, a notorious demonic gu master known for kidnapping young children, doing terrible things to them and using their souls to strengthen his own.

Without hesitation, Ning Zu moved. In a flash, he was between the boy and his pursuer, his hand raised to block the incoming strike. Soul Hunter's attack was fast, a dark wave of soul energy crashing toward Ning Zu, but he activated the man as bear gu avoiding it with ease, his jade-green primeval essence starting to run wild in his aperture as primeval essence was injected into his gu.

"Who are you?" Soul Hunter hissed, eyes narrowing as he realized his prey had slipped from his grasp.

"Just passing through," Ning Zu replied casually, his voice calm but laced with an undertone of danger. "But it seems you've picked the wrong target tonight."

Soul Hunter snarled, his hands weaving complex gestures as he summoned another wave of soul energy, darker and more malevolent than before. But Ning Zu was ran true it. The attack was targeting his soul, something that would have been dangerous to any other rank 1 gu master, but with his 100 million man soul, it was like trying to cut a mountain with a stick.

Before the dark gu master could react, Ning Zu unleashed a moon blade, a brilliant blue light that enveloped the gu master's view. Soul Hunter's body convulsed as his soul left his body, splashing grey matter everywhere.

In mere seconds, it was over. Soul Hunter's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, and his soul ran to the door of life and death. Ning Zu stood over the fallen gu master, his expression calm and composed.

"You... you saved me," the boy's voice trembled. He was standing a few feet behind Ning Zu, his pale blue eyes wide with shock and confusion.

Ning Zu turned to face him. The boy was young, no older than ten, with striking white hair and a slender frame. His clothes were tattered, and it was clear he had been running for his life.

"Who are you?" Ning Zu asked gently, stepping closer to the boy.

"Bai Ning Bing," the boy replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... I don't know why he was after me."

Ning Zu crouched down, looking the boy in the eyes. "You're special, Bai Ning Bing. He was after you because of your potential. But you don't need to worry about that anymore. You're safe now."

The boy's eyes flickered with a mix of fear and hope. "What do I do now?"

Ning Zu smiled faintly. "You have two choices. You can go back to your clan, or you can come with me."

"With you?" Bai Ning Bing looked confused.

"I'm starting something... something different from the clans you know. Have you ever heard of a sect?" Ning Zu asked.

The boy shook his head. "No, what's a sect?"

Ning Zu leaned back slightly, considering how to explain. "A sect is a group of cultivators who follow the same path but are not bound by bloodlines like a clan. In a clan, you're tied to your family and their expectations. In a sect, it's different. You choose your path, and you can become as strong as you wish, as long as you're willing to work for it."

Bai Ning Bing looked intrigued, though still uncertain. "And you... you have a sect?"

"I'm building one," Ning Zu said, his tone steady. "I could use someone like you—someone with talent and potential. You'd be the first to join, the first elder of the sect. What do you say?"

The boy hesitated, his young mind racing. He had no family left in the Bai clan, no one who truly cared for him. The idea of starting fresh, of becoming something more than just another nameless face in the crowd, appealed to him.

"I... I'll join you," Bai Ning Bing said at last, determination flashing in his pale blue eyes.

Ning Zu smiled, rising to his feet. "Good. Then from now on, you're a member of the blue lotus clan." He pointed at his forehead, a blue lotus tattoo appearing on it.

Bai Ning Bing was completely shocked, overwhelmed by what he was seeing, not sure if what he was thinking was true.

"See?" Said Ning Zu while the blue lotus tattoo disappeared "I told you I would come back."

The boy, even with his fatigued body, ran to Ning Zu and hugged him.

"I- I thought you abandoned me like the rest.." he said while holding back tears.

"Hey now, don't cry, I told you I would come back, I even brought you some sweets." He gave them to Bai Ning Bing who ate them instantly.

"It seems you're hungry, wanna go home ?"

Bai Ning Bing, tears still in his eyes, said happily while smiling for real for the first time in his life.

"Yes please!"


The journey back to Ning Zu's home was quick. They arrived at the large, imposing mansion that belonged to the Xiong clan, where Ning Zu's family lived. The servants greeted him at the entrance, though their eyes widened when they saw the boy with him.

"Prepare a room for our new guest," Ning Zu ordered one of the servants. "Also, get him cleaned up and bring him some fresh clothes."

The servant, a young woman, bowed deeply before hurrying off to carry out his orders.

Ning Zu turned to Bai Ning Bing. "Go with her. Get cleaned up. I'll introduce you to my family soon."

Bai Ning Bing nodded silently, following the servant down the hall.

As Ning Zu entered the main hall of the mansion, he was immediately confronted by his younger sister, Xiong Chu Er. The twelve-year-old girl stood with her arms crossed, glaring at her brother.

"Where have you been?" she demanded, her voice sharp with annoyance. "You were supposed to be back a while ago!"

Ning Zu sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I got held up. Had to deal with something."

"Something?" Chu Er raised an eyebrow. "What kind of something?"

Before Ning Zu could answer, Bai Ning Bing returned, now dressed in fresh clothes. His white hair was still damp from the bath, and he looked much more presentable, though still a bit out of place in the grand mansion.

'Seems using those cleaning gu worms made him clean very fast, a little too fast actually.' Though Ning Zu

Ning Zu gestured toward the boy. "Chu Er, meet our new brother."

Chu Er's eyes widened in surprise. "Brother? What are you talking about?"

"Ba-, No, Ning Bing is joining us. I've decided to adopt him into the family," Ning Zu explained casually, as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

Chu Er blinked in confusion, then looked at Bai Ning Bing, her expression softening slightly. The boy was undeniably handsome, even at his young age, and something about his presence intrigued her.

"Brother, huh?" she muttered, glancing back at Ning Zu. "Fine, but you're explaining this to Mother and Father."

Ning Zu chuckled. "Of course, go play you too, and don't bully him Chu Er."

"As if!" Chu Er yelled.


Later that night, Ning Zu sat with his parents in their private study, explaining his decision to adopt Bai Ning Bing. His father, Xiong Zi, a tall, imposing man with graying hair, listened in silence, while his mother, Xiong Er, furrowed her brow in concern.

"This boy... he's from the Bai clan, isn't he?" Xiong Mei asked, her voice cautious. "Won't that cause problems?"

Ning Zu shook his head. "Not if we're careful. His hair is the only real giveaway, but we can dye it black. No one will suspect a thing."

Xiong Zi stroked his chin thoughtfully. "And you're certain about this? Adopting him into the family is no small matter."

"I'm sure," Ning Zu replied confidently. "He's a good child that has no one, helping him won't hurt us at all. He also has great potential. With the right guidance, he could become a strong person even if he doesn't have a good aptitude."

"We get that my boy, but it's still…" Xiong Er was still hesitant, she always spoiled her children, but this was too much.

"Also, I am a gu masters now, I won't have time to play with Chu Er, Ning Bing is a good child, leaving her with will sure make her happy." 

The words struck her heart as a mother, it really hurt when her daughter asked her why her brother didn't play with her anymore and if he still loved her.

"I will also personally take responsibility for anything he does, and when you could see his good behavior, he will be adopted officially."

His parents exchanged a glance, then sighed in unison.

"Very well," Xiong Zi said at last. "But be careful. The Bai clan might not be happy about this if they find out."

"They won't," Ning Zu assured him.


The next morning, Ning Zu stood in the courtyard of the mansion, watching as Bai Ning Bing practiced basic martial arts. 

Despite his young age, the boy was a fast learner, his movements precise and controlled.

Ning Zu called over one of the servants. "I need you to gather something for me. Four types of wine—different varieties from different regions."

The servant looked puzzled but nodded. "It may take some time, young master. Some of these wines are hard to come by, especially here on the mountain."

"That's fine. Just do it as quickly as you can," Ning Zu said, dismissing the servant with a wave of his hand.

He then approached his father, who was sitting nearby, reading a scroll. "Father, I need some primeval stones for cultivation."

Xiong Zi didn't look up from his scroll. "How many?"

"Three hundred should be enough for now."

His father nodded, reaching into his pouch and handing over a small bag of primeval stones for him.

"Take these. Use them wisely."

It was a little more than 300 stones, but it the man couldn't be bothered as his mind was focused on something more important right now.

Ning Zu accepted the pouch and retreated to his cultivation chamber. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he held the primeval stones in his hand. Familiar gu wiggled and pulsed in his palm, and he could feel its energy begin to merge with his own as he started cultivating, his aperture glowing softly with green essence, refining his aperture walls.

While Ning Zu focused on his cultivation, the atmosphere outside his chamber shifted subtly. A breeze of unease swept through the household as a glowing gu, shaped like a delicate white moth, fluttered into the family's main hall. The letter gu landed on a table in front of Ning Zu's mother, its wings fading into soft blue light as it delivered its message. She picked it up with a frown, scanning the contents quickly before turning to her husband.

"We've been summoned by the clan leader," she said, her voice tinged with concern. "It's urgent."

Ning Zu's father, a man of steady demeanor and sharp eyes, took the letter from her. "The timing is troubling," he muttered, already preparing mentally for what the meeting might entail. "Zi Rui has just brought in that boy from the Bai clan, and now this... I wonder if it's related."

His wife shook her head. "I don't think it's about Ning Bing. The letter speaks of a demonic gu master, something to do with the Gu Yu clan."

In the distant Bai clan, the same scene unfolded. A letter gu flew into the patriarch's residence, its wings vibrating with urgency. The Bai elders gathered quickly, murmuring among themselves as they read the summons. The message was cryptic but clear: something needed to be discussed.

In another part of the region, the Gu Yu clan stirred with unrest. Their leader, an old but robust man named Gu Yu Sheng Yu, sat in a dimly lit chamber. His hair was streaked with gray, but his body still rippled with the strength of a seasoned warrior. His broad shoulders, well-defined even with age, spoke of countless battles won. He leaned forward on his chair, his dark eyes piercing the elder standing before him.

"This is what you found?" Gu Sheng Yu's voice was low, simmering with restrained anger.

The elder trembled, his gaze downcast. "Yes, clan leader. It's as I reported. A mortal... a mere mortal did all of this."

Gu Sheng Yu's eyes narrowed. "Tell me again. Every detail."

The elder gulped, clearly unnerved, but he obeyed. "I led the investigation myself without anyone as per orders. When I arrived, I found the remains of the gu masters who went missing. They were burnt beyond recognition, their bodies hanging from the trees. The gu master we sent to search for them was lying on the ground, heavily injured but alive. He couldn't speak, only writhe in pain."

Gu Sheng Yu's face darkened, but he remained silent as the elder continued. "The squad sent afterward was wiped out entirely. Only one member was left alive, but…" The elder hesitated, his voice shaking as he spoke the next words. "All his limbs were missing, clan leader. His arms and legs were severed cleanly. The scene was horrific."

A flicker of disbelief crossed Gu Sheng Yu's face. "And this was done by a mortal?"

The elder nodded, his voice barely a whisper now. "Yes. But it gets worse. Two of our elders were involved. One was found dead. The other... he's still alive, but he refuses to speak. He has locked himself in his room, too terrified to even open the door."

Gu Sheng Yu leaned back in his seat, processing the information. His jaw clenched in anger, but he kept his voice level. "And the reason for this slaughter?"

The elder hesitated again, but under the clan leader's intense gaze, he finally spoke. "The mortal left a message. He carved it into a tree using a sword. It said, 'Payback for my family.'"

Gu Sheng Yu's eyes flashed with recognition. His mind traveled back decades, to a time when he was still in his twenties. He remembered an incident involving a gu master of his clan, a ruthless man who had slaughtered a mortal family during a conflict, raping the mother and daughter and killing everyone when he finished. The incident had seemed insignificant at the time—just another mortal matter. The gu master responsible had been punished, but the matter was soon forgotten, buried under the countless other atrocities of the time.

"So," Gu Sheng Yu muttered, "this mortal survived, and now he seeks revenge."

The elder nodded. "Yes, clan leader. It seems that after all these years, he's honed his sword skills to an unimaginable level. He... he moves like a demon. None of the gu masters stood a chance."

Gu Sheng Yu's fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. "This mortal... trained in sword arts. That's how he's able to do this."

The elder said nothing, sensing the boiling rage in his leader. Gu Sheng Yu's mind raced. He had dismissed the mortal's family's death as a trivial matter all those years ago. Now, that negligence had come back to haunt him.

"What about the other clans?" Gu Sheng Yu asked after a long pause. "Have they been informed?"

"Yes," the elder replied. "We've spread the word that this was the work of a rank 3 demonic gu master. We told the other clans that our fallen gu masters were heroes who sacrificed themselves for the safety of the clan."

Gu Sheng Yu nodded slowly. "Good. We cannot let word of this spread. A mere mortal killing our people? The other clans would see it as a sign of weakness. They must believe it was a powerful enemy, not some revenge-driven peasant."

The elder sighed with relief, thinking the conversation was nearing an end. But then Gu Sheng Yu's expression darkened. His next question came coldly. "Does anyone else know the truth?"

The elder stiffened, shaking his head rapidly. "No, clan leader. Only I."

For a long moment, Gu Sheng Yu stared at him, the silence between them thick with unspoken menace. Then, without warning, he raised his hand and summoned a gu with a flick of his wrist. The gu, a sleek black blade in the shape of a flying sword, zipped through the air faster than the elder could react.

The elder's head flew off his shoulders, rolling across the floor before his body collapsed.

Gu Sheng Yu stood up, his expression calm despite the brutal execution. "You helped the demonic gu master, so I punched you," he muttered. "Loose ends must be tied up."

He didn't spare the body a second glance as he turned on his heel and exited the chamber. The gu master's blood pooled on the stone floor as Gu Sheng Yu made his way down a secret passage, one known only to the leader of the Gu Yu clan.

The passage led to a hidden cave deep within the mountain, where the walls were lined with ancient carvings. The air was thick with the musty scent of history, and the silence was oppressive. At the far end of the cave stood a series of large stone tablets, each one etched with the names of Gu Yu ancestors. The clan's most powerful elders and warriors were honored here, their spirits said to linger in the stone.

Gu Sheng Yu approached the largest tablet, his gaze hard. "I will not let this stain the clan," he whispered to the air, as if addressing the spirits themselves.

He reached out and placed his hand on the stone, feeling the power of his ancestors flow through him. It was time to take drastic measures. He would not allow his clan's reputation to be tarnished by a mere mortal, no matter how skilled.

The shadows in the cave seemed to deepen as Gu Sheng Yu stood there, plotting his next move. The mortal had unleashed a storm upon the Gu Yu clan, but Gu Sheng Yu had plans to make this situation useful in the future.

'Heaven is fair, hahahaha.'


Back in Ning Zu's household, the atmosphere was peaceful in stark contrast to the brewing storm in the Gu Yu clan. Ning Zu remained deep in cultivation, unaware of the deadly secrets being kept and the dangerous forces moving just beyond the horizon. But soon, he would be dragged into the chaos, as all things in the world of gu masters were inevitably linked.