Chapter 16: Careful Puppetry

Chapter 16:

Ning Zu sat quietly in his place within the classroom, the dim afternoon light filtering through narrow windows, casting long shadows over the stone walls. Around him, the rest of his classmates fidgeted and whispered softly to one another, but Ning Zu's attention was on the elder. To anyone watching, he looked focused, eyes following the movements of the academy elder at the front of the room.

Beside him, Xiong Mo sat stiffly, his mind elsewhere, entirely detached from the lesson. Ever since hearing about Ning Zu's success in refining his Gu, his thoughts had been consumed with doubt and suspicion. He kept wondering, 'How could Ning Zu have refined it so quickly? Did Elder Zi help him?' The idea gnawed at him. Xiong Mo clenched his fists beneath the desk, jaw tight as jealousy bubbled within him. He had always seen himself as the best among his peers, and the thought of being outdone was unbearable.

Meanwhile, Ning Zu, despite his outward calm appearance, wasn't paying attention either. While his gaze was fixed on the elder, his mind was elsewhere. Deep within his aperture, he was refining his aperture walls with rank 2 primeval essence produced by the wine worm, strengthening them in preparation for future breakthroughs. The faint pulses of energy from his cultivation were barely noticeable, and he kept his breathing steady, keeping his secret practice hidden from even the most perceptive eyes.

At the front of the class, the academy elder, a stoic figure with age-worn features, spoke in a measured voice, though his words only partially pierced the cloud of distractions in the room. 

"The strength competition is approaching," he began, his voice rising slightly to capture the attention of the room. "You must all be ready. The competition will test raw strength without the aid of Gu , so I encourage you to focus on your physical training."

Every clan in this mountain had a competition with there vital gu, the Gu Yu clan with there moonlight gu for example, and so did the Xiong Clan, but there competition was focused on how much strength someone has gained from using the bear strength gu.

The room shifted as murmurs rose from the students. Some looked confident, others nervous, knowing that without their Gu, they were more vulnerable. The elder's gaze swept across them all before he added, "Use your strength type Gu to enhance your body during your training, but remember, do not overstrain yourselves to the point of injury. You must balance your preparations with caution."

Ning Zu remained unbothered by the announcement. The competition was just another event, one he was confident he could excel in. Unbothered, he was focusing on his cultivar, he could feel the subtle changes in his aperture as his refinement continued even now, unnoticed by the others.

Across from him, Xiong Mo's frustration only deepened. He couldn't understand why Ning Zu seemed so composed. ‚He must be hiding something,' Xiong Mo thought, stealing a glance at his rival. His thoughts continued to spiral. 'Maybe Elder Zi did helped him... or worse, maybe Ning Zu had access to a Gu I don't know about.'

"The class is dismissed," the elder said, breaking Xiong Mo from his thoughts. "Take this time to prepare for the competition. You are dismissed."

The students began to file out, the sounds of shuffling feet filling the room as they moved toward the exit. Ning Zu stood up slowly, stretching as though he'd been attentive the entire time, while in reality, his refinement had gone unnoticed, his aperture walls stronger than they were before the class had started.

As the students left the room, the elder remained behind, watching them go with a thoughtful expression. His eyes lingered on Ning Zu as he exited. 'Has he changed? He looks… different, I think he also got taller.' the elder wondered. 'Or is my old age catching up with me?' He couldn't quite place it, but there was something about Ning Zu's. Whether it was the boy simply growing or something else, the elder couldn't be certain.

As Ning Zu left the academy, his thoughts were focused on something entirely different.


Ning Zu strode through the **Bai Village**, his steps firm and purpose clear. The small village, nestled at the base of the mountains, had always been a quiet place, bustling with simple folk going about their lives. 

Ning Zu's current form, the body of a mortal he had taken that night, blended perfectly among them. It was a body he had no attachment to, a mere vessel for his soul, but it served its purpose well enough.

His destination was a shop that he remembered well, one where the owner had once shown hostility toward him. The memory lingered in his mind: the sneering face of the shopkeeper, his condescending words, and the threat he had made against Ning Zu's life when Ning Zu had tried to purchase something in another form. 'You must have shity luck, acting like that with me' Ning Zu thought, a flicker of amusement crossing his expression as he approached the shop door.

He entered the shop without hesitation. The place was dimly lit, shelves lined with various trinkets and goods, though Ning Zu's attention wasn't on the items for sale. Instead, his gaze fell upon the man behind the counter. He looked exactly the same as Ning Zu remembered.

The shopkeeper, upon seeing Ning Zu enter, seemed disinterested at first, assuming him to be a lowly servant tasked with running errands. "What do you want?" the shopkeeper asked, his tone laced with impatience.

Ning Zu, with a straight face and no hint of emotion, replied, "You."

The shopkeeper blinked, taken aback. His mind clearly didn't process the meaning behind the word. "What?" he asked, unsure of how to respond. His confusion grew, and the hint of irritation crossed his features. "What the hell do you mean?"

Ning Zu stepped forward, closing the door of the shop behind him, his actions deliberate. He began preparing to exit his mortal body and take the shopkeeper as his new vessel. The air in the room seemed to still, and a sense of impending danger filled the space, though the shopkeeper remained oblivious.

Growing increasingly irritated, the man crossed his arms, his brow furrowed. "I'm not into men, if that's what you're suggesting," he said bluntly, a trace of anger now evident in his voice.

For a moment, Ning Zu paused, surprised by the shopkeeper's words. The silence hung in the air before Ning Zu spoke again, clarifying, "I didn't mean it like that. I meant I'm going to take your body and make it mine."

The shopkeeper's confusion only deepened, and his anger flared. "I told you, I'm not interested in men. Get the hell out of my shop!"

Ning Zu's eyes narrowed, and this time his voice carried a hint of anger. "Not like that. I'm going to take your body, as in make it my own, inhabit it." He raised an eyebrow. "You're the strange one for thinking otherwise."

Realization dawned on the shopkeeper's face, and his expression shifted to one of relief. "Ohhh... I see," he muttered, nodding as if the misunderstanding was now cleared up. He sighed, clearly thinking the tension was over.

But as soon as the relief settled in, the true nature of the danger became clear to the shop keeper, but it was too late.

Ning Zu's soul was already detaching from the mortal body he had inhabited, slipping from it like a shadow. The shopkeeper's eyes widened in horror as he finally understood what was happening, but it was too late. Ning Zu's soul darted toward him with a speed and precision no mortal could match, entering the shopkeeper's body with force.

The man's eyes rolled back in his head as he collapsed to the floor, his body convulsing briefly. He tried to scream, his mouth opening in a desperate attempt to cry out, but no sound came. His consciousness began to fade, slipping into nothingness as Ning Zu's soul took full control.

Within moments, the shopkeeper was gone. The body, now a mere vessel for Ning Zu, stood up slowly, testing its new body. The transition was smooth, seamless. The shopkeeper's body would serve him well, at least for now.

Turning his attention to the shop, Ning Zu moved to the back where the real goods were kept. This place held various materials and supplies that Ning Zu needed. He scanned the shelves, taking what he required: certain Gu worms and other materials and items that would assist in his upcoming refinements. His mind was already racing with possibilities, plans forming as he considered the best recipe he could come up with.

As he gathered the materials, he spared no thought for the discarded body on the floor. It was just another casualty, another forgotten life. Soon enough, this body too would be discarded when it had outlived its usefulness.

For now, though, Ning Zu had what he needed. 

Ning Zu, still within the confines of the shop, took a moment to breathe. The rank 2 Gu master's body felt foreign yet powerful, its vitality strong. But now wasn't the time to be distracted by mere sensations. He had something important to do. Slowly, he retrieved a cauldron from a nearby shelf and placed it at the center of the shop, its metal surface reflecting the dim light from the lanterns.

From his pouch, he pulled out a vial containing Serene Spring Essence, a mild rank 2 material. The liquid shimmered faintly, its deep blue hue reminiscent of calm lakes during dawn. This water, known for its soothing properties, would often be brewed into teas or medicines that alleviated stress, bringing comfort to the body and mind when consumed. Ning Zu poured the contents into the cauldron, its soft sound filling the quiet shop.

With the foundation laid, he sat cross-legged before the cauldron, preparing for the refinement process. Rank 1 and rank 2 materials, mostly known for their relaxing qualities, were the next to be added. 

These materials were often combined by healers to create elixirs that eased fatigue and cleared troubled minds. One by one, they dissolved into the Serene Spring Essence, merging into the whole.

Then came some red leaves, their deep crimson shade standing out against the tranquil blue liquid. These leaves were known as Ember Leaves, sustenance for Volcanic Crocodiles during times of famine. The leaves carried with them the essence of endurance, fortifying the mind against distractions. As soon as they hit the water, a slight simmer began, releasing a soft fragrance.

Finally, Ning Zu added a potent ingredient, a vial of acid extracted from the Blind Lizard, a creature known to roam the wilds, its flesh toxic, but its acidic secretion valuable to those who knew how to wield it. When the acid touched the Serene Spring Essence, the cauldron hissed violently, steam and fumes rising as the reaction intensified. The water began to bubble furiously, changing colors from blue to a soft red hue.

The process was nearing completion. Ning Zu reached into his pouch once more and retrieved a vital item, rank 2 Relaxed Thinking Gu. This Gu, often used by Gu masters to remain calm in battle and not succumb to fear or anxiety, was essential in refining a special type of Gu. He dropped it into the cauldron, watching it dissolve almost immediately into the now-fuming liquid.

The concoction boiled for a while longer, the steam thickening the air in the shop. Ning Zu's focus remained unwavering as he waited for the precise moment. When the time was right, he extended his hands into the cauldron's depths, feeling the energy shift and coalesce. His fingers grasped a small, writhing form, and he pulled it free, a gleaming Gu worm, glowing faintly with a pale golden light.

A Careful Will Gu, rank 3. This rare Gu had the power to generate a careful, cautious will in its owner's mind. Traditionally, it was used by Gu masters during complex refinements to avoid failure, but Ning Zu had a different use in mind. A smile tugged at his lips—this Gu would serve him well in the days to come.

Without hesitation, Ning Zu gathered several other Gu, five rank 1 and two rank 2 Gu, readying for a technique he had been preparing. 

He removed the Gu master's essence as he couldn't use it, then used some primeval stones, recharging his upper stage essence to the max.

He then activated a red relic Gu, making him reach peak stage.

As the everything was ready inside his aperture, he focused all his essence, weaving the complex energies into a mortal killer move.

Mortal Killer Move: Careful Puppetry

The air around Ning Zu pulsed as numerous wills formed in his mind, each a product of the killer move. But as they multiplied, a wave of pain followed. His head throbbed, the sensation akin to a hot iron rod piercing his skull, but Ning Zu endured it. His entire store of essence was drained in the process, leaving him feeling momentarily weak. Yet, the move was successful.

Ning Zu's soul withdrew from the Gu master's body, returning to his original vessel, leaving the Gu master's form empty and soulless.

Or so it seemed.

Even without a soul inhabiting it, the body remained standing, animated by the wills now residing within its mind. The Careful Wills, coursing through the empty vessel allowed it to move, function, and even perform tasks as if alive. The only limitation was time,the wills would eventually dissipate, consumed by the very act of existing. The more complex or strenuous the task, the faster they would be exhausted. However, with the nature of the Careful Wills in its mind, the body could reactivate the killer move on its own, ensuring it would remain functional indefinitely, at least in theory.

Back in his original body, Ning Zu began to cultivate, his focus deepening as he withdrew from the distractions around him. The Gu master's body, now a puppet driven by careful wills, would handle the mundane tasks. And when a situation required Ning Zu's direct attention, he could always switch back. For now, though, this arrangement was ideal.