Chapter 2 Interview with the boss

This was the first time that Kiryu Nanaya entered the office of a company president, although he didn't know if the offices of other company presidents were the same as this one. But anyway, this office was really too big from a visual perspective.

Because the blinds behind the desk were drawn, the light in the entire office became a little dim, which made this already large office feel even more spacious visually.

At the same time, Nanaya also discovered that there seemed to be special incense in the office. Although the smell was very light, it could boost people's spirits.

[As expected of a rich man, I always feel that it is a bit wasteful... No, it should be said that it is a bit too luxurious! Thinking about the dog house I rented... Damn, I feel more and more envious...]

Nanaya found that there were various trophies in the cabinet on the left. Because he was too far away, Nanaya could not see the words on the nameplates below the trophies clearly, but as an insider in the industry, he was able to distinguish the various movie trophies from the styles of the trophies.

And it's not just trophies from Japan, there are also trophies from Europe's three major film festivals, various Asian film festivals, and even two Oscars.

Nanaya dared to bet with himself that if he wanted to find another room in Japan that had more movie trophies than this one, or even just the same number, it would not exist.

However, it seemed natural to Nanaya to have an achievement cabinet of this size. After all, the company building where he worked was the office of the chairman of Japan's largest film company, Linbao Co., Ltd. It would be strange if there was no such display cabinet here.

The old man in front of Nanaya is none other than the chairman of Linbao Co., Ltd., who is known as the "King of Japanese Movies" by outsiders - Ryutani Nobuyuki.

But what made Nanaya even more curious was the cabinet on the right, which contained all kinds of toys, including dolls that little girls liked, model cars that were more popular with boys (for some reason, most of them were heavy armored tanks), famous board game cards from Japan and abroad, and all kinds of electronic game consoles.

Compared to the neatly arranged trophies, the things in the cabinet on the right have obvious signs of being moved, and are not placed very neatly. It can be seen that the things in the cabinet are not just for display but are often used.

[Could it be that this old man is also a game and model enthusiast? Impossible, right?]

Nanaya looked at the president who was sitting behind the office chair and had met him once before. He always felt that his serious and elder face and meticulous dress were too inconsistent with the things in the cabinet. It was like asking Mario, the plumber, to eat Krabby Patties with SpongeBob instead of mushrooms. It was a very weird style.

The serious old man looked Nanaya up and down for a moment and then gave her a friendly smile: "Nanaya Kiryu, right?"

"Yes…, yes!"

Although the man on the other side had a smile on his face, the aura of authority brought by his long-term high position immediately doubled the pressure in Nanaya's heart.

As the one being scrutinized, Nanaya could only give an awkward but polite smile. He felt like an antelope being targeted by a lion.

"Don't be so nervous. Your teacher Hanai Ryuichi and I are old friends. You can just call me uncle."

"Okay, Mr. Nobuyuki."

Nanaya had no intention of responding to this. You have to know that the gap in their status is too big. What if the other party was just being polite and he took it seriously and annoyed the other party, then he would have no chance of staying in this circle.

In fact, Nanaya still has some doubts about whether his teacher and the other party are friends. After all, his teacher is just an ordinary small director. How did he get in touch with this top figure in the Japanese film industry?

[It shouldn't be because both of their names have the word "dragon" in them, right? ]

If it weren't for the respect for his teacher, Nanaya felt that he might have been thinking about some shady transactions.

"Okay." Seeing Nanaya's answer, Chairman Ryutani did not force it. He directly stretched out his hand and asked, "Where is your script?"


Nanaya opened the bag as quickly as he could and handed over the script he had prepared.

"In the past month or so, I have visited many film companies."

"I've heard him mention it,"

Ryutani Nobuyuki didn't say who it was, Nanaya guessed that "he" should be his teacher.

After opening the script, Ryutani Nobuyuki. paused for a moment at the portrait of Ryougi Shiki on the title page, and then he began to read the main text.

While browsing the script,Ryutani Nobuyuki. talked to Nanaya: "Actually, this matter is quite well-known in the small circle. Ryuchi's poor apprentice who came from the mountain valley wanted to be a director without knowing his own limitations."

Nanaya frowned slightly when he heard this, but he quickly returned to his previous calm expression.

Ryutani Nobuyuki. did not continue to speak, he seemed to have put all his energy into the script. Nanaya was very happy about this, after all, it was the first time in such a long time that someone was willing to read his script so seriously. In addition,Ryutani Nobuyuki's status was beyond Nanaya's reach, and Nanaya was a little excited.

At the same time, Nanaya once again witnessed the extremely real and cruel side of the film and television industry. Without connections and outstanding capital, no matter how impressive your resume is, as a newcomer you are just a weed on the roadside that no one pays attention to.

Capital in the film and television industry would rather bet on bad movies starring traffic stars than take a second look at newcomers with no special features.

That's the reality of this industry.

Ryutani Nobuyuki. was not slow in reading the script, and he finished it in less than 20 minutes. He put down the white book in his hand, propped up his chin with both hands and asked Nanaya: "Is there anything else you can show me?"

"Of course!"

Nanaya quickly took out the test video disc that he had specially shot for this script from his bag. Nobuyuki took the disc and put it into his computer. After a brief reading, Nobuyuki opened the only video file on the disc.

This video is not very long. It shows a girl in a kimono standing on the rooftop of a high-rise building late at night. When the camera switches to a close-up of the girl, cherry blossom petals are blowing in the sky. The background music is melodious and gentle, and combined with the lonely figure of the girl, a sense of poignant beauty emerges spontaneously.

Suddenly, the music changed to a very intense style, giving people a sense of tension. At this time, the girl opened her eyes, and her heart-stirring eyes flashed by. Then she drew out a short blade and jumped up...

The video ends here.

Although the scene was a bit monotonous and only a short one, Ryutani Nobuyuki watched it very carefully and didn't miss any details. Although the girl didn't show her full appearance in front of the camera from beginning to end, the camera arrangement made Nobuyuki feel a special beauty. In addition, the last shot was connected with the protagonist's strange ability in the script...

"Nanaya, come and sit down."

Ryutani Nobuyuki pointed to the chair opposite his desk again. This was the first time Nobuyuki. indicated that he could sit down after Nanaya came in.

"Very beautiful shots and very charming editing. Although a little immature, it is quite remarkable." Nobuyuki. nodded and praised Nanaya's work.

"Mr. Nobuyuki, I..."

Nanaya was very excited because this was the first person other than his teacher and good friend to give him a positive evaluation of his achievements. Nanaya's previous experiences with film companies were not pleasant. After hearing that Nanaya, a newcomer, wanted to direct a movie by himself, none of the film companies were willing to open the video and rejected it directly.

However, Ryutani Nobuyuki. did not let Nanaya continue to be happy. He first stretched out his hand to stop Nanaya from continuing to speak, and then he said in a businesslike tone: "Your script is not that good. Although it has some thoughts, it is not rich enough. These days, good ideas are not the most important, but execution is the key. Especially for a movie, the role of the director is crucial! A good and experienced director can make a bad idea come alive; on the contrary, a bad director can ruin a genius idea."

After hearing these words, although Nanaya tried to remain calm, a look of disappointment appeared on his face. The rejection in the other party's words was very obvious.

"I've read your budget plan at the back of the script. I doubt whether the cost of 15 million yen can express the ideas in your script. After all, you are a newcomer, and there will be many unexpected things during the operation of the crew." Nobuyuki looked into Nanaya's eyes and expressed his opinion very seriously.


Nanaya wanted to say that he could do it, but he didn't really believe it.

But before Nanaya could speak, Nobuyuki interrupted him again: "Fortunately, this movie is being released as a TV movie, so the requirements can be relaxed appropriately in some places. I will consider your script, you can go back and wait for the result."

Although the other party did not say anything definite in the end, Nanaya basically no longer had much hope in his heart.

Not long after Nanaya left, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

"It can be done. It's me."

If Nanaya was still in the office, he would definitely be able to tell that the voice in the receiver was his teacher, Hanai Ryuichi, "Have you seen that child?"


"What do you think?"

Nobuyuki did not directly answer his old friend's question. He first took a sip of the black tea that had already cooled on the table, and then slowly said: "Are you sure you want to do this, Ryuchi? Excuse me, this is too risky!"

"I'm his teacher, and I'm also in this circle, so I know how realistic this circle is. If I don't help him, no one else will help him." Ryuchi's voice was very calm, but it revealed a firm emotion.

"It is precisely because you are also an insider that I advise you not to act rashly. This 15 million yen was all funded by you alone. Such a large amount of cash is not a small burden for you. If you use your own film company's account..."

Hanai Ryuichi rejected Nobuyuki's proposal: "Impossible, I've tried it. Other management don't agree, otherwise why would there be such a small budget? 15 million yen is the limit here."

Nobuyuki scratched his hair and said helplessly: "Well, since you insist so much, then I will do you a favor. In half an hour, I will call that guy and tell him that I am optimistic about him and am willing to give him this opportunity."

Seeing that his old friend agreed to his request, Ryuchi breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you so much."

"Remember to buy me a drink next time."

Ryutani Nobuyuki didn't say much and just hung up the phone.


On the other side, Nanaya, who left Linbao Corporation, did not go directly back to the crew where he was working, but found a nearby cafe and sat down.

Because his teacher gave him half a day off, it was still early to go back, so Nanaya decided to use this rare time to polish his script. Although Nanaya thought that this meeting today was hopeless, since he could leave a deep impression on the [Japanese Movie Emperor], it meant that his script must have some merits.

"Come on, Nanaya. Maybe next time you can..."

Nanaya ordered a cup of iced coffee, then he opened the script and began to read it for the hundredth time.

[The original version of "Overlooking the Scenery" is less than an hour long, which is too short for a movie. It should be extended to at least 90 minutes. However, the original theatrical version did not expand on Type-Moon's worldview, which is where I can work hard.] Nanaya recalled the content of the original Kara no Kyoukai theatrical version and compared the images in his mind with the words written in the script.

"Hey, big brother. What are you writing?" Suddenly, a naughty voice with a hint of a little devil sounded in Nanaya's ears.