Chapter 50 Explosion is Art

"Okay, you two little guys, go change your clothes quickly."

After playing around, Nanaya reached out and rubbed the heads of the two girls at the same time, "Just finish this one first. Now you go back to your seats, we have to continue working. Also, the next filming is very dangerous, you must stay with the adults, do you hear me!"


The two little lolis, led by Rin and Luvia, went to the locker room to change their clothes.

And Nanaya also ended his rest and began to check the work progress of the blasting team members.

The scene currently being filmed by the crew is a battle with the Saber Card Servant at the bridge.

As the key battle in the first half of the season, Nanaya put a lot of effort into this battle. Not only did they send people to the Kobe Bridge to take the scene, but they also built the battle scene on the bridge with foam boards at a 1:1 ratio.

Nanaya, who sat in the director's chair, said to the middle-aged actor in black armor standing in the center of the "battlefield": "Fukagawa, remember not to show your expression. I know you want to show your anger during the battle, but the person you are portraying is the legendary hero Siegfried, and you are only facing a few girls, so you should show the nonchalant attitude of a master."

"Okay, Director."

The uncle named by Nanaya nodded, and his humble attitude at this moment really had some of the flavor of the "sorry" brother he played.

That's right, Nanaya did not choose to let Altria appear in this battle, but instead chose the dragon slayer Siegfried, nicknamed "Sorry".

In 2000, the trend of girl-ification had not yet taken off, and cat-eared girls were the limit. After all, even the famous girl-ification work "Ikki Tousen" had just begun serialization, and people's acceptance of the gender change of historical or legendary figures was still limited.

If it is after 2010, let alone historical figures, what can't be feminized? Guns, warships, various animals and plants, even ** and ** can be feminized. There is nothing that those money-sucking companies can't do, except what you can't think of.

It's not that Nanaya is worried that the audience won't be able to accept the character of Altria. No one knows better than Nanaya how popular this heroic female King Arthur is. If nothing else, just looking at the number of Altrias of each class in FGO, which is enough to fight a Holy Grail War on its own, you can know how popular (and profitable) this character is.

One hundred thousand monthly chefs, one million royal chefs.

Although this statement is somewhat exaggerated, it is not completely without basis.

However, Nanaya's series is a special effects drama mainly for children. If one day a news like "Shocking! A certain elementary school student shouted "King Arthur is a woman" in class because he watched this special effects drama" appears on TV, Nanaya will probably be torn to pieces by parents for teaching elementary school students wrong knowledge.

After all, when submitting the application to the TV station, Nanaya used the slogan of popularizing stories of ancient heroes to children. It is too early to feminize it at this stage.

In addition, Nanaya couldn't find a suitable candidate to play Altria. After all, it is not easy to find a face that is both handsome and beautiful.

Even though Altria could have avoided showing her face in "Magical Girl Illya", Nanaya ultimately did not let her appear in the film out of the principle of "better to have nothing than to have something less than perfect".

Anyway, there is no reason for Altria to appear in "Magical Girl Illya", so let's wait until the future FATE series for the debut of this queen girl.

As for the choice of the Heroic Spirit to replace the evil Altria, Nanaya considered for a long time the fame of the legend and the abilities of the Heroic Spirits, and finally chose "Sorry" to take the stage.

Although Siegfried is certainly not as famous as King Arthur, he is not a minor character. In addition, his immortality and cursed holy sword light cannon make him a small boss in the middle of the script.

At present, most of the filming of this battle has been completed in Seven Nights. After completing several solo shots of Siegfried, it is time for the highlight of the battle, which is also the last shot of the entire battle - the duel between Illya and Siegfried's light cannon.

In order to fully demonstrate the destructive power between the two light cannons in this shot, Nanaya made a very crazy decision - he planned to use explosives to blow up the entire set.

In order to make this shot as shocking as possible, Nanaya even used 10 cameras to shoot the scene in a circular motion.

"You are really courageous." Li Wenshu stood beside Nanaya and whispered to him, "You actually dared to blow up the entire scene. Only those people in Hollywood would do this. I have worked at Tsuburaya for so many years, and I have only seen them be so extravagant in the theatrical version. In the TV series, they only blew up the models of parts of the scene."

Nanaya grinned and said, "You guys in Tsuburaya are also good at spending money. I heard that you usually blow up the suit after filming an episode?"

Li Wenshu rolled his eyes and said, "Who told you that? The heavy leather case is hard to explode, and the explosion effect is very bad. It's not as good as the explosion of the foam model."

Nanaya thought about it and it made sense. After all, except for extremely special scenes, most of the explosives used in explosion scenes in film and television dramas are special explosives with little power.

This type of explosive is different from the engineering explosives used to blast mines. Although it produces a strong flame when it explodes, its power is not great.

It can be said that the explosion caused by this type of explosives is a "loud thunder but little rain" explosion.

This type of explosive combined with foam and some lightweight fillers basically creates the same dazzling "fireworks" that you see in movies and TV shows.

Therefore, most of the scenes of monsters or aliens exploding in special effects dramas are foam plastic models. In fact, if this kind of explosives were really applied to the suit, it would be more likely that the suit would be burned rather than exploded.

"Everyone hurry up." Nanaya glanced at his watch, "We'll be off work today after we finish this shot."

Li Wenshu nodded: "Okay. I'll go check the explosion point and confirm the route."

"OK, I'll check the camera."

Nanaya walked to the other side.

"Hey, big brother. Why do we need to lay out cables? Wouldn't it be more convenient to control it directly with wireless devices?"

Nanaya, who was inspecting every camera angle, stopped what he was doing and explained to Illya, "Because wireless signals are easily interfered with, if an accidental explosion is triggered, people will be injured."

Although the explosives used are not very powerful, they are still very dangerous. If some stupid bomb is affected by other electronic signals and explodes by mistake, it will be a lot of fun.

Even if no one is hit by the explosion, it would be a problem if the props in the scenes are hit.

Basically, whenever a false explosion occurs, all preparations must be redone.

Of course, when wireless signal technology is perfected, the problem of accidental explosion can be basically eliminated. But by that time, no one will use the shooting method of real explosion, and they will just use CGI.

After hearing Nanaya's explanation, Illya nodded in sudden enlightenment: "Oh, it turns out to be so complicated."

"Stop pretending here, girl. Where are Rin and the other two? I asked them to watch you. It's very dangerous here now, do you know that?" Nanaya tapped Illya on the forehead.

Illya covered her head and said, "Well...Rin-sister and Luvia-sister were still changing clothes, and Yumi and I got bored so we ran over here."

"I'm sorry, big brother. I can't stop Illya..."

Yumi, who was following behind Illya, looked like she was about to cry.

"No, it has nothing to do with you. This is Illya's own fault."

Nanaya knew that Yumi couldn't control Illya at all, so he quickly patted the little girl on the shoulder to signal her not to worry.

"Director Kiryu, everything is OK."

At this time, Li Wenshu, who had finished the inspection, made a circle gesture to Nanaya, indicating that the preparations for the explosion had been completed.

Nanaya nodded and took the loudspeaker from Ori.

"Attention all units, the explosion scene will begin in 5 minutes, everyone please get to a safe location! I don't want to spend the night in the hospital because of one of you!"


After everyone had evacuated, Nanaya sat behind camera No. 1 and observed the footage.

"Fireworks team, are you ready?"


"Then let's get started!"

After hearing Nanaya's instructions, Li Wenshu quickly shouted out the countdown for the explosion.







As Li Wenshu shouted "start", a thunderous explosion rang out, piercing the clouds and shaking the rocks.

Illya and Yumi, who were watching nearby, were so frightened that they closed their eyes. Although they wore noise-proofing earmuffs like the rest of the crew and knew that the explosions were just for show, the intense noise still frightened them and made them tremble.

Amid the explosions and flames, a gully was created on the ground in the setting, countless "stones" and "grass" flew into the sky, and even the red "steel bridge" on the side turned into scattered fragments.

"Let it go!"

Nanaya hurriedly shouted to a scene setter.

The guy who received the instructions quickly pressed the valve.

As the water sprinkler under the "river" was activated, the land that had been ravaged by the explosion was immediately covered by surging river water. The large pit in the middle of the site was filled with river water, forming a small lake.

When everything returned to calm, the entire "battlefield" was left with only a smoke-filled scene.

Nanaya clapped his hands vigorously, his cheeks flushed with excitement: "Great! Art is really explosive!"