Chapter 57: Spoils Sharing Meeting

"As expected of Director Kiryu, he is well-deserved to be known as a man of great foresight."

"...Of course, I told you not to worry."

After hanging up the call from Trier's agent, Nanaya wiped the cold sweat from his forehead guiltily.

Nanaya herself had not expected that the confrontational emotions between Rin and Luvia could arouse the emotions of the fans so much that they even cheered on the spot.

"I always feel like I'll have another nickname for someone who can tell the future. Never mind, it won't be a problem to tell the future for the next 20 years anyway."

Nanaya put away his phone, glanced at everyone present and said, "Everyone, after our efforts over the past year, our [Erque Studio] has achieved great success in its first year. I hope everyone can continue to work hard in the future - Comrade Ikeda Subaru, please sit down and talk."

"Sit down you bastard! What the hell is that name of yours?"

Ikeda pointed at the "Erque Studio" sign behind Nanaya and asked loudly.

Nanaya said calmly, "Ahem. Anyway, there are deep reasons for this. I believe that no matter what the name is, as long as our studio becomes a benchmark in the industry."

"We'll become the laughing stock of the industry before that happens!" Ikeda said unhappily, "Hey, Ori. Say something too!"

Ikeda Subaru originally thought that Ori would stand here, but Ori, who was sitting on Nanaya's right, just smiled coldly: "Ikeda, are you dissatisfied with the name I gave you?"

"Hiss - no, nothing." Ikeda took a breath of cold air. Facing Ori who had activated the [Cold Beauty] mode, he could only retreat.

After forcing Ikeda Subaru to retreat, Ori smiled at Nanaya: "Hey, senior. You see, I told you that everyone would be happy to accept the name I proposed."


Nanaya certainly had many complaints about this name, but unfortunately, because he had been annoyed by something, he had not had the courage to confront this junior fellow apprentice face to face recently.

Especially on the issue of the studio name, Ori received Illya's support. The little Lolita was dissatisfied with Nanaya's portrayal of her as a weakling in the early stage of the TV series, so she used her 67% stake in the studio to force the name "Erque Studio" through.

Although Nanaya had thought about resisting with force, facing Sera's unstoppable fighting power, Nanaya could only give in.

In short, although Nanaya was unwilling, the name [Erque Studio], which was obviously very problematic at first glance, was still decided.

All Nanaya can do now is to wait for the two great gods, Ori and Illya, to calm down, and then slowly change his name to something else.

"Okay, the name and the like are just small matters. Now we have to discuss the business."

Nanaya decided not to dwell on these things anymore. The so-called name was just a code name. Anyway, as long as his own brilliance overshadowed the studio itself, no one would notice this abnormal name.

How many people remember that the personal film production company of the great director Christopher Nolan is called SYNCOPY?

Of course, Nanaya forgot that names are usually the only thing that spreads well. Otherwise, why is Zangief in Street Fighter always called "Russian Big Ass" instead of his real name?

Ignoring the awkward looks from others looking at the plaque, Nanaya stated the first topic of today's meeting: "The first and most important thing is to spend money."


"Because the tax bureau has already sent me the studio's 'Notice of Scheduled Tax Payment'." Nanaya gritted his teeth as he said this. "These vampires didn't learn the good stuff, but they did learn how to collect taxes from the Americans very well!"

Japan's current tax system can basically be said to be a copy of the tax system of its godfather, the United States. For them, the liquid amount of money left in the accounts of companies and individuals is the tax bureau's own money, and they will never give up until these funds are drained.

Of course, after so many years of fighting the tax bureau, everyone has become very good at tax avoidance. Nanaya's choice of spending money before the end of the fiscal year is one of the tried and tested methods.

The tax bureau also knows that it cannot force people to death all at once, so as long as these people evade taxes within the rules, they will turn a blind eye.

But even so, Nanaya still felt very unhappy.

Looking at Nanaya with black air coming out of his whole body, no one present dared to raise any objection on this matter.

Nanaya continued, "So, in order to pay as little tax as possible, we must convert the company's working capital into fixed assets during this period of time. Only in this way can we reduce the amount of tax as much as possible."

"Isn't 'Magical Girl Illya' not finished yet? Isn't it a bit too early to spend money now?"

Nanaya waved his hand to dispel Ikeda Subaru's concerns: "I have already informed TBS about the production funds for "Magical", and they will be directly transferred to their account when the time comes. Don't worry about that. Now we have to deal with the company's cash other than "Magical". "

Ikeda Subaru suddenly realized: "No wonder we changed our workplace recently."

After the success of "Magical Girl Illya", Nanaya's studio, Erque Studio, finally moved out of Lin Bao's office building and rented a new office in another commercial office building not far away.

Previously, Subaru Ikeda thought that Nanaya was celebrating the huge success of his second work, but he didn't expect there was such a hidden story.

But even after moving out, there wasn't much change. It was more like a little inconvenient. After all, there was basically nothing in the new office. Apart from desks and chairs and a banner on the wall that read "Erque Studio", there was nothing else. It was not as well-equipped as when I was in Linbao.

"So the first thing is that we need to add equipment to our office, including film post-production equipment and various other things." Nanaya pushed the plain glasses he wore to show off, "Ota-san, have you made a list of what I want?"

"Of course!" ZUN, who was sitting at the end of the meeting room, stood up. He showed a servile smile and said, "Here is the list of all items. Please take a look, Mr. Kiryu."

Nanaya glanced at the items on the list, which included a variety of post-production equipment, including film editing equipment, computers for special effects, various equipment for music production, as well as a wine cabinet and a long list of beers.

ZUN, who was a game developer, was of course familiar with the various equipment required by Nanaya. After receiving Nanaya's request, he immediately came up with a perfect list based on the budget given by Nanaya, which would neither exceed the budget by one yen nor leave one yen left over.

"Very good, thank you for your hard work." Nanaya ignored the fact that someone added wine to the list for personal gain, and just regarded it as ZUN's exclusive Red Bull. You can't have the same thing as wanting the horse to run and not eat grass these days.

"No, no. It's not hard at all."

ZUN's face was full of smiles. He didn't have many opportunities to spend money as he pleased. Although he was not short of money, he was not rich enough to rival a country. Many of the music production equipment on the list were things he had long coveted, but he had never been able to try them because they were too expensive. This time, he finally found the opportunity.

Although Nanaya and ZUN were smiling happily, the other people in the studio were not interested. After all, the benefits of this matter were really limited to them, and these things had basically nothing to do with their work.

"I knew you weren't interested in these, so I prepared your things for you." Nanaya saw that the others were not interested, so he took out a few blank budget sheets and distributed them to everyone.

"This is--"

Ori felt a little confused when looking at the two amounts above.

Nanaya smiled his most sincere smile: "The funds above are the personal budgets granted to you by the studio. You can write down the office supplies and equipment you want on it, but the amount cannot exceed. The funds below are your bonuses and dividends."

Actually, Nanaya originally wanted to give shares to several people present after "Magic Idol" became a hit, but considering that cash was more needed than shares at the moment, Nanaya decisively gave up the shares and distributed dividends directly to everyone.

Unfortunately, several people present did not know this. After seeing Nanaya giving money to everyone, they decisively supported this guy.

"In short, for the next period of time, what our studio has to do is to spend as much money as possible! We must not leave a single yen for the tax bureau!"

"Yes! We can't leave a single yen for the tax bureau!"

Everyone in the studio followed Nanaya and shouted slogans.

"I remember the slogan should be... Never mind, just pretend I didn't say it."

Master Li wanted to say something but stopped himself, but considering that Nanaya also left him a budget sheet, he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

It is indeed fun to spend money, but the price you pay after the fun will be quite terrible. It's just that Nanaya probably hasn't thought about it yet.