Back from the dead-2

The massive courtroom, adjacent to the royal palace, looms with an imposing grandeur. Its design, reminiscent of a coliseum, features a series of circular, tiered seats that encircle the arena below, which is covered in coarse gravel. The seats are filling rapidly with nobles, their attire reflecting the opulence of their station. Elegant gowns in rich velvets and silks sway as the ladies make their way to their places, while the men don tailored suits and ornate cloaks, their sashes and insignias denoting their rank and wealth.

At the very top, a group of noble ladies, adorned in delicate pastel hues and sparkling jewelry, laugh and whisper amongst themselves, their excitement palpable. Their conversations flutter between the latest court gossip and speculations about the day's events, punctuated by occasional bursts of laughter. The air is tinged with a sense of anticipation, yet there's an almost casual indifference to the gravity of the proceedings.