Blue eyes

That took longer than I expected. The tip about certain people hiring assassins in the back alleys turned out to be true, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I guess the Robbens issue has people scared—so scared they've forgotten they should fear me. Honestly, I don't know why they bother. I suppose even the weakest creatures bite back when cornered.

I need a bath. And Noelle.

As I make my way up to our floor, I'm immediately hit with the unmistakable pull of Noelle's pheromones. They're thick in the air, unsettlingly anxious, like a storm waiting to break. His anxiety seeps into me, twisting my gut with a sense of unease.

Doris is waiting outside our door, her posture as rigid as ever. I wave her off for the night, and she leaves without a word. I open the massive doors and step inside, greeted by the weight of Noelle's scent. It's heavier here, almost suffocating. Something is wrong.