Tedo tried to calm his young master down and give him some understanding. "Please listen to my explanation for a moment, young master. You are mature and wise enough to understand this complexity. Supposedly, the matter about the pill can also be carefully thought out by you."
Gian's breath was ragged, but agreed with Tedo's words. The men and women in purple uniforms looked tense as Lux remained silent looking annoyed.
"Okay. Continue," Lux pleaded even though his face was still sour.
"When I saw the difference in your attitude after the suicide attempt incident, my conscience was convinced that it was the right time for a change. Bringing things back to the past because after all, you are the heir to Magenta," said Tedo who this time, could be accepted by Gian's common sense.
"No wonder Jax suspected me because of the different color of the pill. So ... the person who wants to make me forget about mom and all her sacrifices is ...."