


The music blared as people danced around intoxicated. People straddled against each other in ecstasy as others buried their tongues, throat dip into each other.

They were walking on a hallway with one side mirrors for privacy, but you could see everything happening down below as the dj changed the song and people cheered.

Raiven and Ten followed the attendant to the ViP sections where they were being waited upon. Ten looked a bit nervous, but Raiven looked chilled back like he was used to this. You wouldn't even know it was Ten who invited him over.

"if you don't speak up, I am hanging up." He said. There wasn't any response, so he hung up and went back to sleep. Later, when he woke up and went downstairs, he found Ten moving around nervously.

The other team members had gone out, so it was just the both of them.

"Whats up?" He asked, startling Ten. He poured milk into a bowl and took a box of cereal from the cabinet.

Ten walked towards him and sat on the opposite side of the counter. Raiven looked at him as he poured in more cereal..

"Um...you know we haven't spent much time together. "

"yah." He said as he took a spoon from the silverware and put it in the bowl before putting back the box of cereal.

"I was wondering if you would want to go out with me."

"Like a date?" Raiven asked his eyebrow, raised in question.

Ten quickly started shaking his hands and head furiously, refuting his assumption.

"A friend of mine likes you, and i was wondering if you might want to join." Raiven looked at him for a while.

Ten looked away, sure that the silence answered his question.

Ten was the oldest in the group, age twenty-three. He was an independent trainee when they were competing, but his resilience and light-hearted nature made fans live him. He was always so confident when he acted nervously towards Raiven. Raiven thought that it might be important to him and agreed to go along.

And that's how they ended up three hours later at the club.

The attendant finally arrived at a door he knocked three times before walking in and ushering them inside.

Inside the room we're a group of four people. Two girls and two guys.

Raiven immediately recognised the person seated in the middle looking at him intently with a smirk as he drank his whisky.

"Welcome!" one of the girls said, walking towards them with a large smile. She grabbed Ten and pulled him towards her.

"I missed you Ten where did you go this few weeks. " she said, pulling him towards the chair.

All the people in the room had significant status. The girl who pulled Ten to sit beside her was an influencer and had raked in quite a big number of followers. The next girl was from a rich family. Her parents owned an oil plant. The other guy was the son of two renowned actors. The last guy, Lee, was the biggest fish. Everyone sought to be friends with him. His family owned major shares in a lot of companies like malls, electronics you name it you would find his family name there.

Raiven turned around and was about to leave Ten seeing this was about to stand, but the girl stopped him pulling him down on the chair.

Raiven walked down the hallways about to leave when he was suddenly pushed against the wall, and the door slid open before he was pushed inside the empty room.

"you have been ignoring my calls." The voice said. Raiven let out a sigh as he tried to pry the person from him.

"is that why you called me with a private number?" He asked. The person let him go with a chuckle as he sat down on the large sofa covering the whole room.

"so you did know it was me?" Lee asked as he crossed his legs and looked up at him.

"you used ten to bring me here?" He accused as he glared at Lee.

Lee didn't answer but instead looked away as he smiled.

"I thought you would miss me." He said finally after some silence as he got up and walked towards him.

Raiven stayed silent as he watched Lee get closer to him.

"I brought your favourites." He said, tilting his head to the side deviously with a hidden secret.

"Did I fuck you too good you can't forget me?" that seemed to have struck a nerve.

 "Why don't you remind me." He whispered to Raivens ear as he slowly reached behind him and locked the door. He gave him a small peck on his neck before biting his ear gently.

"does your father know you do this in your free time?" Raiven asked still unmoving. Lee retreated slightly.

"he got me engaged." Lee said with a sigh as he walked away.

 Raiven let out a chuckle.

"the drugs aren't helping?" He asked.

"they can only do so much. But ...." Lee turned back once again and grabbed Raivens shirt.

"Soo.." he whispered once again.

"Where are they?" Raiven asked finally giving in.

Lee chuckled as he gave him a bottle of pills. He opened the bottle and popped on of the pills into his mouth. Within seconds he felt his body become lighter and colours filling his eyes. A feeling of pure ecstasy filled his nerves and body he felt like he was floating.


The ride back home was silent as Ten kept glancing at Raiven.

"what is it?" Raiven finally asked getting irritated by the silent stares.

"so you know Lee?" he asked.

"we have met on occasion." He answered as he pulled out his phone.

He opened up each of his social media accounts and started looking through the comments. Ten nodded slightly deciding not to make things even more awkward than they already were.

Ten pressed on a remote opening the garage and brought in the car. He didn't drink much or rather didn't have time to drink anything.

Raiven came back to the room fourth five minutes later and told him they had to leave. His clothes were dishevelled and he looked flushed. When he went out he saw Lee also in a disoriented state. He wanted to ask if anything was wrong but thought against it.

They went in. It wasn't that late so it wasn't surprising to see the lights still on.

They got into the house and removed their shoes. Zen was seated on at the kitchen counter eating some cereal while Mark and Ray were watching something on the television. Grey was seated in the corner browsing through his phone.

"where is Way?" Ten asked as he grabbed a handful of Zen's snacks and popped them into his mouth.

"He said he will be late today." Mark answered absentmindedly. Ray looked back he looked at Raiven for a while but didn't s anything before going back to the TV program.

"his highness finally decided to join us." He snorted as he changed the channel.

Ten tried to take some more of Zens snacks but he pushed the bowl away with a scrawl.

"did the order come in?" Raiven asked ignoring the comment.

"Yes it did it was delicious I dint think fish could taste that good." Zen said with a happy smile across his face..

"butt face there insisted we save some for you." Zen said pouting his lips towards Ray's direction.

Raiven looked at Ray with a small smile before going towards the refrigerator.

Tens phone suddenly started ringing.

He pulled out his phone and looked at the caller ID his expression turning serious. As soon as the calk ended a message came in.

"is everything okay?" Raiven asked as he put a bowl of food in the microwave.

"Yes! Yes! I will be right back." With tat he rushed out of the house leaving everyone startled.

While the timer was still on he looked outside. A black car was parked out-front. His eyes crunched up in question before the car drove up the heal before disappearing on the outer road.

He knew that number plate.

He could only hope it wasn't what he was thinking.

The timer went off bringing back his attention.


The car stopped outside a large hotel. The driver opened the car for Ten. They had parked at a secluded area and the hotel manager was waiting for him. He bowed and pushed him into the hotel. They stepped onto the elevator and the manager used his key card to press the highest floor which contained the penthouse suite.

Ten let out a sigh as he folded his hands. His mind was filled with so many thoughts but was pulled out of them when the doors opened. The manager motioned for him to step into the hallway which he did before he closed the elevator and went down.

Ten looked at the only door on the whole floor with a sigh. He walked up to it and typed in a passcode.

He walked in and removed his jacket before seating down. He poured himself some wine on the table and gulped it down before adding some more.

It was a few minutes of silence before a figure walked in with nothing but a robe.

 He sat beside Ten and took the wine glass from him drinking from it before placing the glass down.

"what's wrong?" Lee asked crossed his legs and stared at Ten.

"why did you also want me to bring Raiven ? What is your relationship?" He asked with a hint of jealousy.

"are you jealous?" Lee smirked as he took the glass of wine and drunk from it. He found this amusing and funny which added to Ten's frustration.

"We are just friends. " Lee answered after a few minutes of silence.

"Did you give it to him too?"

A smile crept onto Lees face at his question.

"More like we traded." Ten swallowed a lump that had grown on his throat.

He let out a frustrated sigh as he looked away.

Lee rolled his eyes and drunk the remaining wine.

"Why the many questions?" Lee asked as he placed the glass down and got closer to Ten.

His lips slowly travelled up tens body before Stopping at his neck.

"He is the one you told me about. Isn't he?" that stopped Lee in his tracks. Lee looked up at Ten a bit annoyed as he stood up and walked towards the bar the corner.

"Are we going to spend the whole night talking about this?" Lee asked pouring himself some whisky and gulping it down.

Ten let out a sigh as he stood up and started walking towards the exit.

"Where are you going?"

"Home." Ten said as he wore his jacket.

Lee let out a frustrated grunt before walking towards the exit where Ten was starting to wear his shoes.

"Come on." He said pulling him by his jacket towards him. His voice almost pleading. "I haven't seen you for days and you just want to leave?" He asked making eye contact with Ten.

Before Ten could say anything Lee kissed him. His kiss was both passionate and hungry. Ten feeling the intensity of his feelings weighing his down gave in.

Lee started undressing him ad he led him towards the bedroom where he pushed him against the bed before crawling up on top of him.

He removed his robe revealing his lean muscular body. He started kissing Tens chest. They shared a few more passionate kisses before Lee looked up at him

Ten hunched back as a moan left his body.

"you are mine!" Lee whispered as he continued kissing him.


The phone rung beside the bedside table as the sun shine through the thin white curtains on the high-rise Hotel. Lee slowly reached out for it and while slowly opening his eyes looked at the caller ID. He looked beside him to see Ten was already gone.

Ten always left before he woke up. Probably because he was a celebrity and people seeing him at a hotel would spiral out of control and create rumours which him as a leader was not ready to have impact his group. He was and independent artist. He was currently working on producing the groups next song. To be given this opportunity to make his dreams come true he wasn't ready to have it flush down the toilet because of his sexual endeavours with a rich boy who had no care in the world.

"hello." Lee said as he turned on the bed.

"Are you serious?" the voice said from the other side it was casual and kind of teasing. "is he your toy?"

"since when did you start caring about what i do?" Lee asked with a laugh.

"Anyway i don't care what you do but if he gets hurt with your antics I am not going to forgive you." The voice said the tone serious.

 Before he could answer the caller hung up.


Raiven hung up as he continued running on the treadmill. He still had a whole day off before he went back to work. He had already listened to the demi for the new songs and he quite liked them not that he could complain when he didn't have much time to even make changes.

"wow you woke up early." Zen said as he placed the small towel around his neck and the bottle of water down. He got onto the treadmill next to Raiven and started it.

"We are starting to practice for the comeback soon," Zen stated his voice with a hint of concern.

"I know. "Riven said as he increased the speed.

"Last time you almost fainted from how hectic it was you didn't even sleep for two hours," Zen said.

"It's fine its all part of the process. Plus now i am used to it."

"you say that like it's a good thing."

Raivwn stopped the treadmill as he heaved. He sat down and took Zens bottle of water.

"I am fine." Raiven said reassuring him. "why don't we go out today. I don't have anything planned."

 Zens face lit up at that. are starting to practice for the comeback soon," Zen stated his voice with a hint of concern.

"I know. "Riven said as he increased the speed.

"Last time you almost fainted from how hectic it was you didn't even sleep for two hours," Zen said.

"It's fine its all part of the process. Plus now i am used to it."

"you say that like it's a good thing."

Raiven stopped the treadmill as he heaved. He sat down and took Zens bottle of water.

"I am fine." Raiven said reassuring him. "why don't we go out today. I don't have anything planned."

 Zens face lit up at that.