


It had been four months since they last saw each other at the restaurant. Jae-wook had dropped him off, not exchanging another word in the car until he dropped him off at Jae-wook's room. They told each other goodbye, but it didn't hold a promise of seeing each other once again. That had been often how they would leave each other. This was the third time they told each other such goodbye some unspoken, but they still knew it.

Yet somehow, they always met once again.

Jae-wook had seen him quite a few times amidst his busy schedule on TV doing interviews and attending different shows. He even watched a few of them. He couldn't really avoid them since Zen would play them any opportunity he had and would rant about Sung-hoon every opportunity he could get. Zen had become quite a big fan of Sung-hoon he even created a fan page to follow his activities. It was through him that Jae-wook learned of Sung-hoon's upcoming projects.

Jae-wook didn't really have any time to talk to anyone aside from his busy schedule he also had to prepare for a comeback, and when the comeback did come to fruition, his schedule became even heavier. However, he was happy with the result. The comeback was a major success with their songs charting on major platforms and several streaming platforms. Their preorder sales had exceeded expectations with three hundred thousand, and the total sales reached close to a million. This was something that was a huge feat, especially in the cut-throat industry, and this being only their second comeback.

Due to his hectic schedule, the company had decided to give him a few days to recuperate since he had almost fainted several times during promotions, and they could not risk endangering one of their biggest moneymakers On top of that he had to prepare for the mini tour the company had prepared for the group as well as his personal schedule therefore between travelling and his brand schedules he had to be in the best shape.

Jae-wook rarely came by the house the past year he only came by once to take something he needed for only a few minutes. He preferred to stay with the other members he thought he would build a closer relationship that way. When he really needed some alone time, he would come by the house, but due to his schedule, even if he wanted to come by, he couldn't.

Feeling like he needed to get his energy back after socializing for so long he decided to come by the house where he was met with a vase on his head rendering him unconscious as a naked Sung-hoon lay on top of him.

"Aren't you going to get off me?" Jae-wook asked his voice deeper than usual.

Sung-hoon felt embarrassment fill his entire body. He quickly tried to get up, but he was too flustered his hand gave way as he fell once again on top or Jae-wook. He cursed himself as he quickly sat up and tired his robe while looking away.

His ears were red, and so was his neck.

Jae-wook let out a chuckle as he slowly sat up but was quickly reminded of the pain still coursing through his head as he groaned in pain falling back on the bed.

"What did you hit me with." He complained as his face crunched in pain.

Sung-hoon alarmed by the situation quickly got up and grabbed the glass.

"Drink this it will help with the pain." He said as he helped Jae-wook sit and held the glass for him.

Jae-wook, although reluctant at first, drunk the bitter medicine before lying back and trying to relax.

Sung-hoon took the opportunity to go change into something else, not wanting a repeat of what happened. By the time he got back, Jae-wook was standing up about to head out of the room.

"It was a vase." Sung-hoon said, answering his previous question.

Jae-wook turned back, his face confused before it finally clicked. Jae-wook nodded his head and turned before Sung-hoon talked again, stopping him in his tracks.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I am at your house?" Sung-hoon asked, puzzled by his nonchalant attitude.

"Se-hee probably told you to stay." He stated briefly.

"Aren't you angry?"

"Why? I left the estate to her to manage. She can do as she wishes." Jae-wook said. He took a few steps towards the door when he heard Sung-hoon speak again. He let out a frustrated sigh. Not only was he tired, but his head was almost busting open. The last thing he needed was to hold a conversation.

"Why don't you sleep here." Sung-hoon said before he could even fathom the words that came out of his mouth. He pinched his hand slightly for even suggesting something like that.

Jae-wook turned in question as he tried to contemplate what was happening.

"The other rooms haven't been cleaned for a while and might be dusty. you can sleep here for tonight."

 Jae-wook looked back and forth between Sung-hoon and the bed. He didn't think he would say that so openly.

He had known Sung-hoon to be quite an open guy who was fun to be around, but despite this, his words were usually guarded and would reveal little to nothing about how he felt. So for him to openly ask that he felt odd for Jae-wook.

Jae-wook, although he had a different personality, although he was mostly silent, his words were cutthroat and precise. However, with him being a public figure, he had tried to open up more, which was exhausting.

"Are you sure?" Jae-wook asked, unsure.

"Yeah." Sung-hoon said as he headed back inside the bathroom to brush his teeth for the second time as he tried to find an excuse not be in the same room as Jae-wook.

Normally brushing teeth only took a couple of minutes, but he took thirty minutes chastising and cursing at himself through the mirror before he finally came back to the room.

He closed the bathroom door behind him and saw Jae-wook laying on one side of the huge bed. Thinking it would be okay since the bed was large he placed a long pillow at the center and got in on the other side. He dimmed the lights and was just about to sleep when Jae-wook turned.

He wasn't asleep. Jae-wook stared up at the ceiling his eyes without an ounce of sleep in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Sung-hoon asked after a while thinking maybe he was in pain.


"Are you having a headache?"

"no." Jae-wook answered briefly once again.

Silence filled the room once again.

"Were you able to deal with it?"

"Deal with what?" Sung-hoon asked innocently unaware of what his question entailed.

"Your reaction on top of me earlier." Jae-wook asked in the most calm tone you would think what he was asking was serious but in fact he was asking about Sung-hoon's erect member when he landed on him.

Sung-hoon immediately choked on his alive as he sat up on the bed. He had hoped he hadn't noticed it.

Aside from him being naked on top of him he didn't think he would have such a reaction which only added to his embarrassment. He had brushed it off as a normal reaction to not being intimate for so long. He didn't expect Jae-wook to bring it up so carelessly.

He had only ever had one relationship which only lasted for two months. The girl had been so adamant in pursuing him he eventually gave up and gave in. They were only ever intimate a few times before she broke things off. By her words she stated that he hardly ever had time for her and anyone who he would marry would have the hardest time in their life.

After that he hardly ever had any time to think of intimacy until now. And based of his past he didn't think he would have this reaction for a man especially one whom he considered rude.

Sung-hoon was one year older than Jae-wook who had skipped one year in his school calendar. But despite knowing this Jae-wook didn't use any honorific with him or showed him any ounce of respect while they were in school.

And on top of that the whole time he didn't really have any other reaction towards him except anger. Then again he had never been in such a compromising situation with anyone else.

He specifically chose the projects he had because they didn't have any intimate scenes, but the director told him that they made an unexpected change to his script and that would include a love interest. He couldn't really complain, but he didn't really know how he would handle this. Furthermore, he had never really been in love or even considered the possibility of it. Not only that, but he thought love was overrated and decided to only focus on his career and jobs.

"Ummm..." Sung-hoon stuttered as he looked away his ears becoming red with embarrassment once again. He fiddled with his hands as he thought of what to say.

"We are both men it's a normal reaction." Jae-wook stated with a chuckle. " I am handsome." Jae-wook added cockily.

Sung-hoon snarled at his statement he wanted to make a clap back, but he couldn't even keep eye contact with him.

"If you wanted help you could have asked." Jae-wook teased once again sending Sung-hoon in another coughing feet.

Sung-hoon didn't think he swing that way. While they were at school Sung-hoon only heard of him being in relationships with girls. And since he was quite popular any word about him would spread around the school like a wildfire.

Sung-hoon stayed silent for a while but was startled when laughter came from the figure beside him.

"I was just joking." Jae-wook said amidst laughter.

"Very funny." Sung-hoon said sarcastically as he lay back down on the bed feeling he had calmed down a bit, but he scooted further away from Jae-wook until he was almost at the edge.