


Lee stood outside the Re-draft house leaning against his car as his feet tapped the gravel floors. He let out a sigh and let his head fall back . Smoke emitted from his mouth as he took another huff and let the smoke out once again.

It had already been a few hours and there was still no sign of anyone coming in or out. He threw the cigarette butt in a metallic disposal bin beside the house as he pocketed his hands.

He looked around. The house was located on a hill there was hardly any houses around. That's why a lot of people chose this estate. Apart from the distance from one house to another providing privacy there was also a good chunk of nature which was rare to find in Korea. With wyde entertainment being one of the top companies they could be able to afford the house considering the group was already pulling in large amounts of money.

The house also had a good chunk of amenities like a gym, a good sized pool and a room which was turned to a practice room. The members didn't need to go anywhere to get services.

He looked around once again hearing some noise coming from the corner. He stood up from the car standing straight as he waited for the owners to appear. He knew that voice very well. He had drowned in it and ravished it.

He was never one to do anything on his own but if he wanted to get what he wanted he would have to come out of his comfort zone and seek it.

And sure enough, Ten appeared first followed by Zen who was panting heavily on the brink of collapse, while Ten was laughing, something lee hadn't heard in a while. Zen was sweating profusely and glaring at Ten. Zen had lost a bet and had to succumb to Ten's demand. Since he had been insisting for so long that Zen join him on his runs he saw this as an opportunity to get what he wanted.

The sun was almost setting when Ten told him they would go out on a run. Despite Zen's protest he could not say no.

His lungs were on fire and he was perched. Ten had stopped to tie his shoes not noticing the person in front of them.

Zen looked surprised as the man waved at them an awkward smile showing on his lips.

"Ten." Zen called out tapping Tens shoulder.

"What?" Ten asked straightening up he looked at the direction Zen was pointing at.

He stood paralyzed as Lee continued waving awkwardly. He didn't expect him to be there mostly it was his driver who came to the house. Lee had never stepped foot there.

Zen continued staring at the man trying to figure out where he had seen him. Finally it clicked, at the survival show he had bought them food. He looked quite handsome and sophisticated despite his simple look.

He had on a plain white t-shirt tucked into some silk brown pants paired with an expensive set of black shoes. His hair cut was trendy which enhanced his already handsome features.

"Zen go in." Zen looked at Ten shocked by his serious tone he hardly ever used it with Zen so he guessed he didn't get along with the guy.

Zen opened the gate without much protest and walked into the compound but he didn't get into the house instead he got onto the ladder the gardener often used and peaked outside the fence.

He had noticed Ten would go out a lot but he didn't ask why he did since he thought it wasn't any of his business. Ten didn't have any family members in the city so someone coming to see Ten made him curious. Especially someone who looked so well off.

"What are you doing here?" Ten asked as he removed his ear plugs and looked at him angrily.

"I thought you would be happy to see me?" Lee said cheekily as he tried to charm Ten but the energy he received back was far from welcoming.

His smile slowly drifted from his face as Ten stood in silence.

"I guess not." Lee said clearing his thoat. After a few minutes of silence Ten finally spoke.

"Look if you don't he anything to say you can go." He said as he started walking towards the gate.

His hand had just touched the handle when he felt a hand on his arm stopping him. He let out a sigh as he closed his eyes and held the Lee's hand trying to pry it off.

"I just need a few moments." Lee said his voice almost pleading.

"Fine." He agreed after a few moments of silence.

Lee's heart lit up with hope at Ten's answer but he didn't know the true intention of Ten agreeing to go.

"I will take a quick shower and be back." He said opening the door and closing it behind him.

As soon as the door closed he heard a loud crush from the side. He looked in the direction of the sound. Zen was seated on the grass next to a fallen ladder rubbing his back as his face crunched in pain.

Ten just shook his head and walked into the house. He was already used to Zens antics and it didn't surprise him. In fact he knew he was there.

Ten took a quick shower and changed into basketball shorts and a large t-shirt along with sport shoes. This is what comprised of most of his wardrobe.

After he was done he walked out of the house towards Lee who was waiting in the car. As soon as Lee heard the house door open he got out of the car and rushed to the passenger side opening it as the gate opened.

Ten stood still for a while, Lee was doing a lot of things he normally won't do, which was throwing Ten off. He got into the car and closed the car door on his own Lee stood for a while letting out a sigh at his behaviour but he shrugged it off and got back into the car.

The car was filled with silence as Lee drove. The sun had already set and darkness had set in.

They hadn't talked since the party. The whole time at the party Ten had ignored Lee or tried to keep distance from him. He even offered to take Se-hee home just to leave earlier. When they mostly attended parties together they would end up together at the end sprawled naked and hungover in the morning.

But this time Lee could feel it. It had been months since he had any intimacy relations with Ten and he had found himself unable to touch anyone else or enjoy any of his lovers or random people who offered themselves to him. He didn't find any joy in it. All he could think about was Ten.

The reason he enjoyed Tens company do much was because he thought they had a mutual agreement. He didn't seam to mind the first or second year then where did things go wrong.

He didn't really know how to approach this he had never been in such a situation before. He had never chased anyone before he didn't really have any need for it then. Maybe there was something about Ten that made him seek him and he needed to know exactly what it was.

They drove for hours with Ten putting on some hip hop music but he never said a word. Lee had at least thought he would ask about where they were going but he didn't he just sat there.

It reminded Lee of the moments after they first time meeting . Whenever they were in a car together Ten had a lot to say whether it was music or stories about his members or about his shows. He was so excited after their first comeback. He had been so happy to tell him everything. And now everything was at a complete 360.

He had thought to himself maybe it as his fault. After they first slept together Lee wanted more and the more they did the more Lee distanced himself. He hadn't noticed he was treating him like one of his sexual endeavours until Ten started to distance himself as well. The spark he had in his eyes wasn't there anymore.

Maybe Lee was greedy for wanting it back. He had never had someone look at him like that. He had never had someone look at him the way Ten did and he had been so stupid to ignore it.

The car finally stopped outside a gate. The gate automatically opened and he drove in.

Ten looked around curiously. There wasn't really much to see with darkness covering the sky but he could smell the salty scent of the sea and hear the waves as they washed ashore.

Lee looked happy with himself as a giant grin plastered on his face.

After failing for months to get closer to Ten again, he sought out Se-hee who advised him to take Ten to a place he longed to go to. Lucky for him he had been listening when Ten was talking.

He had told him during their first encounters that when he came from the village the first thing he did was visit the sea but since he had been so busy he hadn't had the chance to go again. Remembering this he took it as an opportunity to take him there maybe it would soften his heart towards him once again. It had taken quite a lot of effort to get his schedule free for two days. He didn't know he had so much to do.

The car stopped outside the house. It was a good sized beach house despite its heavy security. Painted in white with a cabin feeling to it.

"Shall we?" Lee asked looked at Ten.

Ten unbuckled his seatbelt and got out. He breathed the air and felt an relaxation wash over him but he was quickly pulled out of it when he heard the car door close behind him.

"Let's go inside." Lee told him. Ten only nodded his head and started to walk towards the house.